The Ministry of Health, through the Zimbabwe Essential Drugs Action Programme, has produced this module for use by primary health care workers in Zimbabwe. The module aims to provide the minimum necessary knowledge for a nurse at a primary care unit. This material may also be used for the training o...f other workers.
The Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health shares a communication guide for health professionals to effectively communicate with public officials on the need for climate action. In seven steps, the guide provides prompts and examples on how to frame climate issues in a way public officials... can be convinced to act. The guide includes a Message Box tool, a framework for adaptable and effective advocacy
Technical brief by the H4+ (UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF, UN Women, WHO and the World Bank)
The study analyses the current situation of children with disabilities in relation to realizing their rights and accessing basic services, as well as their life experiences in their communities. It also focuses on identifying the barriers created by society that prevent children with disabilities enjoying their human rights. This includes identifying negative attitudes; environmental and communication barriers; gaps in policies or their effective implementation.
The report reveals that children with disabilities in Myanmar are less likely to access services in health or education; rarely have their voices heard in society; and face daily discrimination as objects of pity. It also highlights how inadequate policies and legislation contribute to the challenges these children face.
The information available in this publication should be useful for policy makers, development partners and Disabled Persons Organisations to promote the realization of the rights of all children with disabilities.
IRC is an initiative by Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists to promote accurate and scientific resuscitation training & guidelines.
Despite improvements in recent years, the prevalence of undernutrition among women and children in Myanmar remains unacceptably high. One in three children are stunted and about 8% are acutely malnourished. Micronutrient deficiencies are common among infants, young children and pregnant women. In fa...ct, more than 80% of children 6 to 23 months of age and 70% of pregnant women are anemic. To better understand the determinants of undernutrition and the linkages between food security, livelihoods and nutrition in Myanmar as a whole as well as in specific geographic areas where programs supported by the Livelihoods, Food Security Trust Fund (LIFT) are being implemented, the LEARN project has reviewed food and nutrition security data from the past five years and synthesized relevant findings into this report.
Following the Introduction, Section 2 presents national level data on the food and nutrition security situation in Myanmar in the past five years. Sections 3, 4 and 5 present data on food and nutrition security from the various agro-ecological zones that are of interest to LIFT, namely the Coastal/Delta, Dry, and Uplands.
Technical Brief
HIV patient monitoring and case surveillance
Prepared by the monitoring and learning unit
This manual will aid in building the capacity of nurses with clinical knowledge of the unique needs, complex health problems, common geriatric syndromes, and principles of care of older people. It will also enable them to acquire the skills necessary to perform an in-depth multidimensional geriatric... assessment. This manual will go a long way in establishing effective geriatric care services and improving the awareness of nurses regarding the various aspects of geriatric care in the WHO South-East Asia Region.
UNICEF Indonesia's Issue Briefs about The Significance of Child Protection Systems : Key Findings from a Strategic Mapping Exercise in Six Provinces of Indonesia
Over 1 million people, including an estimated 450,000 children, are affected by Myanmar’s decade-long conflict and are increasingly vulnerable to gender-based violence, exploitation, abuse, detention and trafficking.
Community transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is increasing in... Myanmar. COVID-19 requires a nationwide response focusing on critical urban and vulnerable populations, such as those in overcrowded camps for internally displaced persons.
UNHCR invested significantly in risk mitigation, prevention and response to sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) in the Europe region in 2022-2023, in particular in connection with the Ukraine emergency, where the risks were considered high due to the unprecedented scale and speed of displacement, mo...stly women and children, combined with high turnover of humanitarian staff and the range of new and untraditional actors involved in the response. PSEA also remains a priority for UNHCR’s work for other refugees, internally displaced and stateless persons across the region.
This compilation highlights the 10 most promising practices that were initiated by UNHCR and its partners in the Europe region in 2022-2023. These practices are shared with the aim to inspire further work on PSEA in the region and elsewhere and encourage continuous learning and exchange.
Programme Brief
Accessed: 21.08.2019
Policy Brief, Updated in March 2017
Key messages
• The criminalisation of male-to-male sex heightens HIV and other sexually transmissible infection (STI) risks and vulnerabilities, and hinders access to HIV and STI services including HCT.
• Men who have sex with men (MSM) and tran...sgender persons (TG) are not a homogeneous group. As such, a variety of HCT service models are needed to reach the various segments of these populations.
• Stigma and discrimination remain ongoing issues at a number of service points. Targeted training of service providers is therefore needed so that MSM and TG are not discouraged from seeking HCT and high-quality prevention, treatment and care services.
• Specific guidelines on HIV prevention, treatment and care services for MSM or TG help improve the delivery of services.
ORD / B35 No. 4780 del 7 Dec 2021
Last accessed on 16.10.21
A propos du comité guinéen d’éthique pour la recherche en santé
L’esprit fondateur de l’éthique de la recherche dans le monde contemporain souligne la dimension morale inhérente à tout acte de recherche au service de l’humanité. En Guinée, l’essor du... concept est associé à la normalisation du cadre de recherche en santé et au développement des interventions de santé publique dans le pays. C’est au cours de l’élaboration de la Stratégie de la Recherche Nationale Essentielle en Santé (RNES) que le code d’éthique y afférent a été formulé. Il a été intégré un peu plus tard au code de santé publique ayant fait l’objet de la loi n°021/AN/97 du 19 juin 1997.
Le Comité National d’Ethique pour la Recherche en Santé (CNERS) a été créé l’année suivante par le Décret N° D/218/PRG/SGG du 29 octobre 1998. Il a été placé sous la tutelle du Ministère de la Santé Publique qui doit lui fournir les moyens de son fonctionnement. Son siège est établi à Conakry, dans l’enceinte de la Blue zone de Dixinn.
La première équipe du CNERS a été mise en place par le Décret N°D/99/078/PRG/SGG du 02 août 1999 pour une durée de trois (03) ans renouvelables. Lors de sa première session, en Octobre 1999, le CNERS a élu un bureau de quatre (04) membres, et a choisi une femme pour la présidence.
Policy Note #1: Myanmar Health Systems in Transition Policy Notes Series
The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar is committed to achieving universal health coverage (UHC) by 2030. In practice, this means that over the next 15 years the aim is to progressively ensure that all peop...le in all parts of the country have access to the health-care services they need – both preventive and curative – without suffering financial hardship when paying for them.
This policy note is the first in a set of four. It provides an overview of the challenges to be overcome in making progress toward UHC and sets out recommendations for how they can be tackled. The other notes look in more detail at three specific issues: how UHC can improve equity, and how strengthening the township health system and expanding financial risk protection contribute to UHC.
This brief gives an overview of disability rights in the Sub-Saharan region, with focus on Sida partner countries; DRC, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Countries are making progress toward the global goal of 95% of people living with HIV knowing their status by 2025. However, considerable gaps remain in achieving these goals globally. Men in high HIV burden settings and men from key populations in all settings are consistently less likely to know t...heir HIV status than women. Globally, 78% of men ages 15 years and older who are living with HIV are aware of their HIV status, compared with 86% of women with HIV of these ages.
Offering HIV testing services, including HIV self-testing, at formal and informal workplaces has emerged as an effective, acceptable and feasible approach for reaching men. A 2018 World Health Organization (WHO) and International Labour Organization (ILO) policy brief provides key guiding principles for HIVST implementation at workplaces. Building on the 2018 policy brief, this brief captures early experience with HIVST implementation at workplaces and discusses emerging approaches of sustainable financing that can be adapted for HIV self-testing at workplaces.
The primary audiences for this policy brief are ministries of health and labour, national HIV programmes, employers’ organizations, workers’ organizations (labour unions), enterprises, implementing partners, including civil society organizations, and health insurance agencies.
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