PERC produces regional and member state situation analyses, updated regularly.
PERC produces regional and member state situation analyses, updated regularly.
PERC produces regional and member state situation analyses, updated regularly.
PERC produces regional and member state situation analyses, updated regularly.
PERC produces regional and member state situation analyses, updated regularly.
PERC produces regional and member state situation analyses, updated regularly.
PERC produces regional and member state situation analyses, updated regularly.
PERC produces regional and member state situation analyses, updated regularly.
PERC produces regional and member state situation analyses, updated regularly.
PERC produces regional and member state situation analyses, updated regularly.
PERC produces regional and member state situation analyses, updated regularly.
This calculator implements a classical infectious disease model — SEIR (Susceptible → Exposed → Infected → Removed), an idealized model of spread still used in frontlines of research e.g.
4 April 2020
This interim guidance on oxygen sources and distribution strategies for COVID-19 treatment has been adapted from WHO and UNICEF’s technical specifications and guidance for oxygen therapy devices, which is part of the WHO medical device technical series. This guidance is intended for facility administrators, clinical decision-makers, procurement officers, planning officers, biomedical engineers, infrastructure engineers and policy-makers. It describes how to quantify oxygen demand, identify oxygen sources that are available, and select appropriate surge sources to best respond to COVID-19 patients’ needs, especially in low-and-middle income countries.
This What Matters? edition focuses on Covid-19 rumours circulating in the Rohingya camps of Cox’s Bazar. It explores some of the more common rumours, discusses sources and formats of information, presents community perspectives about rumours and communication, and suggests approaches to with the Rohingya community about Covid-19.
This document has been developed for the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean to establish a regional plan of action to support the countries of the Region to rapidly accelerate the scaling up of their capacities for the prevention and early detection of, and ... rapid response to, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), as required under the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005). The regional plan is aligned with the WHO global 2019 novel coronavirus strategic preparedness and response plan, but tailored to the regional context.
La pandémie actuelle de COVID-19 entraîne des difficultés exceptionnelles et sans précédent pour les autorités compétentesa responsables des systèmes nationaux decontrôle de la sécurité sanitaire des alimentsb, qui sont tenues de continuer à assurer des fonct...ions et des activités de routine en se conformant aux règlements nationaux et aux recommandations internationales. Dans de nombreux pays, le personnel employé par les autorités compétentes travaille généralement à domicile car le télétravail est devenu la norme et toutes les réunions en présentiel sont annulées ou sont réorganisées sous forme de téléconférence. Il est difficile de maintenir, sans interruption, les activités de routine telles que l’inspection des entreprises du secteur alimentaire, la certification des exportations, le contrôle des denrées alimentaires importées, le suivi et la surveillance de la sécurité de la chaîne d’approvisionnement alimentaire, l’échantillonnage et l’analyse des aliments, la gestion des incidents alimentaires, les conseils sur la sécurité sanitaire des aliments et la réglementation relative aux denrées alimentaires à l’intention de l’industrie et la communication au grand public sur les questions relatives à la sécurité sanitaire des aliments.
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic presents an exceptional and unprecedented challenge for competent authoritiesa with responsibilities for national food safety control systemsb to continue conducting routine functions and activities in accordance with national regulations... and international recommendations. In many countries, competent authority staff are largely working from home, teleworking being the normal practice, and all face-to-face meetings cancelled or rescheduled as teleconferences. It is challenging to maintain, without interruption, routine activities such as the inspection of food business operations, certifying exports, control of imported foods, monitoring and surveillance of the safety of the food supply chain, sampling and analysis of food, managing food incidents, providing advice on food safety and food regulations for the food industry, and communicating on food safety issues with the public.
Текущая пандемия COVID-19 представляет собой исключительную и беспрецедентную проблему для компетентных органовa, отвечающих за работу национальных систем к�...�нтроля безопасности пищевых продуктовb, которая препятствует дальнейшему выполнению стандартных функций и мероприятий в соответствии с национальными правилами и международными рекомендациями.
تطرح جائحة ك و ف ی د -19الجاریة ّتحد وغیر مسبوق ً استثنائیاًیاأمام السلطات المختصة أالمسؤولة عن النظم الوطنیة لمراقبة سلامة الأغذیة بیفرض علیھا مواصلة الاضطلاع... بالوظائف والأنشطة الروتینیة التي تقضي بھااللوائح التنظیمیة الوطنیة والتوصیات الدولیة. وفي كثیر من البلدان، تعمل قطاعات واسعة من العاملین بالسلطات المختصة من المنزل، حیث یّعدالعمل عن بعد ھو الممارسة المعتادة، عن إلغاء ًفضلاجمیع الاجتماعات الشخصیةأو تعدیلد عن بعد. وَعقُھا إلى مؤتمرات تمن بین التحدیات القائمة الحفاظ دون انقطاع على استمراریة الأنشطة الروتینیة مثل التفتیش على عملیات قطاعاتالأعمال في مجال الأغذیة، وإصدار تراخیص الد ُّصادرات، ومراقبة الأغذیة المستوردة، ورصد وترصسلامةسلسلة الإمداداتالغذائیة، وأخذ عینات من الأغذیة وتحلیلھا، وإدارة العوارضالغذائیة، وإسداء المشورة بشأن سلامة الأغذیة ولوائح تنظیمالأغ ذ یة لدوائرصناعة الأغذیة، والتواصل بشأن قضایاسلامة الأغذیة مع الجمھور