This website collects patient education material about breast cancer, biopsy, chemotherapy, radiation, lymph nodes, margins and surgery in several languages (Amharic, english, khmer, spanish, somali, tigrinya, vietnamese).
Accessed 4rd ...of November 2015
Healthy communities rely on well-functioning ecosystems. They provide clean air, fresh water, medicines and food security. They also limit disease and stabilize the climate. But biodiversity loss is happening at unprecedented rates, impacting human health worldwide, according to a new state of knowl...edge review of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and WHO.
The report synthesizes the available information on the most important inter-linkages between biodiversity, ecosystem stability, and epidemic infectious diseases such as the Ebola virus; and the connection between biodiversity, nutritional diversity and health. It also covers the potential benefits of closer partnerships between conservation and health, from improved surveillance of infectious diseases in wildlife and human populations, to promoting access to green spaces to promote physical activity and mental health. It also highlights the many areas in which further research is needed.
The Joint report hopes to provide a useful reference for the Sustainable Development Goals and post-2015 development agenda, which represents an unique opportunity to promote integrated approaches to biodiversity and health by highlighting that biodiversity contributes to human well-being, and highlighting that biodiversity needs protection for development to be sustainable.
This website collates information about several vaccination in many different languages. Information can be sorted by vaccination or language index.
Accessed 13th of November 2015.
Full Length Research Paper
Received 23 March, 2015; Accepted 5 August, 2015
Vol.7(9), pp. 204-213, September, 2015 DOI: 10.5897/IJSA2015.0604
Article Number: F0D0DDC54848
ISSN 2006- 988x
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0144057 December 14, 2015
STAATSKOERANT, 5 MEI 2015 No. 38763
General Notice
Notice 295 of 2015
Department of basic education
National education policy act, 1996 (Act No 27 of 1996)
Call for written submissions from stakeholder bodies and members of the public on Departmen...t of basic education draft national policy on HIV, STIs and TB
The report presents current information (updated to September 2015) on candidate vaccines, therapies and medical devices for Ebola and gives an overview of completed and on-going trials.
Results and Lessons Learned from CapacityPlus 2009-2015
Tools for communication with foreigners for emergency medical services in 20 languages. Available End 2015 at Price approx. € 20.-
(Stand: 14. September 2015). Medizinisches Personal, welches Asylsuchende (sowie Asylbewerber, Flüchtlinge) betreut, sollte auf einige dieser für Deutschland ungewöhnlichen Erkrankungen vorbereitet sein. Das RKI hat im Epidemiologischen Bulletin 38/2015 eine tabellerarische Übersicht veröffentl...icht.
Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases / 2015; 5 (3): 110-113
JMID, doi: 10.5799/ahinjs.02.2015.03.0187
Single TB and HIV Concept Note Albania 2016-2018 27 April 2015
Djibuti et al. BMC Public Health (2015) 15:427 DOI 10.1186/s12889-015-1760-z
Bulletin of the World Health Organization Volume 93, Number 9, September 2015, 589-664