The message contained in this publication is clear: countries need a
public health system that can respond to the deliberate release of
chemical and biological agents. Regrettable though this message may
be, the use of poison gas in the war between Iraq and the Islamic
Republic of Iran in the 19...80s, the recent anthrax incidents in the United
States, and the attack with sarin nerve agent, six years earlier, on the
Tokyo underground, illustrate why it is necessary to prepare.
Russian and Japanese version available:
"This Code provides practical guidance on how to manage health and safety risks associated with hazardous
chemicals for persons conducting a business or undertaking who use chemicals in their workplace."
An Act to provide for the efficient and comprehensive regulation and control of food, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, herbal drugs and poisons and to repeal the Food
(Control of Quality) Act, 1978, the Pharmaceuticals and Poisons Act, 1978 and to provide for related matters.
GOVERNMENT NOTICE | No. 192 Promulgation of Medicines and Related Substances Control Act, 2003 (Act No. 13 of 2003), of the Parliament
A Rapid Appraisal of Priorities, Policies and Practices
The report discusses the epidemiological and social aspects of ageing, health and functional changes experienced with ageing, the impact of physical activity, assessment of the nutritional status of older persons, and nutritional guidelines for healthy ageing.
A guide to protocol development for low-income countries
Disaster Preparedness Training Programme