Since late August 2022, cases of severe acute watery diarrhoea have been increasingly reported across Syria, concentrated
particularly along the Euphrates river. These were later confirmed to be cholera cases.3 Cholera is a disease caused by
bacteria that can be found in faeces, and spreads throug...h people consuming contaminated water or food. It causes severe
watery diarrhoea and vomiting which lead to dehydration. If treated immediately, less than 1% of cases result in patients
dying. However, if timely treatment is not available, cholera can lead to death within hours in 25 to 50% of cases. The
situation is critical in Syria as the local population is facing a severe water crisis due to drought, falling groundwater levels,
reduced flow in the Euphrates River, and reduced functionality of Alouk water station. REACH has been monitoring
developments in Northeast Syria through regular data collection cycles, remote sensing data, and rapid needs assessments
Climate change is already having severe impacts across our planet, bringing new and previously unimaginable challenges to the people least responsible for greenhouse gas emissions.
This report, the first we’ve released jointly in the history of our organizations, provides a sobering review of h...ow just one of those challenges – the increase in deadly heat-waves – threatens to drive new emergency needs in the not-so-distant future.
Lancet Infect Dis 2022 Published Online April 8, 2022
A new brief published by the IFRC and Climate Centre today details the adverse impacts of climate change on human health and provides more detail on the second of four pillars of action in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement ambitions on climate.
Humanity & Inclusion has published a report on November 20, on the difficulties children with disabilities face in accessing education in the world’s poorest countries.
The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is the worst in the world, with over 80 per cent of the population estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance. The protracted crisis has displaced millions of Yemenis, placing pressure on host communities with limited capacity to support displaced populations....
A new report from aid agencies Age International and HelpAge International, If not now, when? criticises the humanitarian sector for its failure to address the needs of older people in emergencies. This failure contravenes several international commitments made in recent years and flies in the face ...of humanitarian principles
Download the full report here:
Capitalisation Series: SDC Supported Projects and Activities in HIV/AIDS
A fact sheet elaborated in the frame of the 2009 SDC Backstopping Mandate with support from the Swiss Centre for International Health of the Swiss Tropical Institute
Accessed: 08.11.2019
A Field-Based Assessment of Formal and Informal Procedures and Practices
Fighting continues to displace people in Rakhine and Shan States causing displacement of 3,700 people bringing the total displacement in the first two months of the year to approximately 7,500 people.
UNICEF is restarting soap distributions in northern Rakhine State for approximately 100,000 peo...ple per month in coordination with food distributions by the World Food Programme. Over 37,400 metric tons has been transferred to the Rakhine office for these activities.
Складні події останніх років в Україні накладають відбиток на всіх нас. Психологи кваліфікують їх як екстремальні, а емоційну відповідь на них називають «травмати...чним стресом». Нічого ненормального в цьому немає, адже це нормальні реакції на ненормальні події (тобто такі, що виходять за рамки звичного людського досвіду). Страждають від травматичного стресу не лише безпосередні учасники подій, а й ті, хто постійно живе в тривозі, напрузі, спостерігаючи за подіями в ЗМІ або переживаючи за близьких, які можуть бути в небезпеці. Це стосується і дітей. Навіть не розуміючи дета- лей того, що відбувається навколо, вони бачать напруженість і страх батьків, чують тривожні висловлювання. Тому, вірогідно, дітям може знадобитися допомога у відновленні рівноваги. Адже саме дорослі — чи не єдине джерело спокою для них. Ми виклали кілька порад, як поводитися в склад- них ситуаціях і навчитися розуміти себе і своїх дітей. Сподіваємося, вони стануть вам у пригоді.
Accessed on 2019