Q9: What is/are the effective and safe interventions to treat somatoform disorders in children and adolescents in non- specialist health settings?
Q 6. Does the provision of sterile injection equipment to injecting drug users reduce injecting related harm? Is advice on ways to reduce drug related harm safe and effective, using an outreach model of service delivery?
Q8: For people with dementia, what is the role of a medical review (including comorbid physical and mental conditions and medication use)?
Q7: For people with dementia, who should be told of the diagnosis and how should the diagnosis be delivered?
This document provides an overview of the issues and challenges surrounding medical device donations, and offers considerations and best practices that may be useful for making and soliciting donations. The document highlights the importance of an active participatory role for the intended recipient...s of medical equipment donations and emphasizes the importance of treating donations with the same rigour typically applied when purchasing medical equipment.
The era of effective antibiotics is coming to a close. In just a few generations, many “miracle medicines”have been beaten into ineffectiveness by the bacteria they were intended to eradicate. Bacteria quickly adapt to the presence of antibacterial agents in order ...to survive. The misuse of antibiotics,which is an international problem, only exacerbates the steady evolution of resistance. In August 2010, the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases posed the question "Is this the end of antibiotics?" documentingthe rapid spread of multidrug-resistant bacteriaand predicting that 10 years remain in the useful life of many agents.
Rationale for including this intervention in the proposal