Auf dieser Seiten finden Sie wichtige Hygienetipps, Verhaltensregeln und –empfehlungen zur Vorbeugung von Infektionen mit dem Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in Kindertagesstätten und den verschiedenen Schulformen. Es können Poster, Flyer, Videos und Printmaterial heruntergeladen werden
Village Hope Core International works in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and along with the Kenya Red Cross and Plan International are training their community health workers with these materials. Village HopeCore has reassigned their handwashing stations from schools to health facilities ...and are working on other solutions such as telemedicine, digital communication and other community-based interventions.
Village Hope Core International works in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and along with the Kenya Red Cross and Plan International are training their community health workers with these materials. Village HopeCore has reassigned their handwashing stations from schools to health facilities ...and are working on other solutions such as telemedicine, digital communication and other community-based interventions.
The Big Idea of the Week delves deeper into a specific COVID-related topic. Each week, Big Idea tackles a specific area of COVID-19 and provides important information, guidelines, and messages for the public.
The ten mythbusters, available in English and Siswati, were developed based on feedback received from chiefdom leadership who identified prevailing myths and misconceptions related to COVID-19 prevention, treatment or stigma related to recovery.
Key mythbusters tackle use of alcohol, garlic, hot ...baths, home remedies, sex, bleach and sanitizer, and hydroxychoroquine, with key facts. They also address misconceptions that only urban populations or older people are affected and reassure people about recovery.
Available in Englisch and Siswati
Rotafolio para el Agente Comunitario
y las Familias durante las visitas domiciliarias
Auf dieser Seite finden Sie wichtige Informationen rund um das Coronavirus und die Erkrankung COVID-19 für Ihre Zielgruppen in anderen Sprachen. Filme, Infografiken und Merkblätter mit Hygiene-Tipps und Verhaltensempfehlungen zum Beispiel in englischer, türkischer und weiteren Sprachen auch zum D...ownload.
O Fórum de Monitoria do Orçamento - FMO, em colaboração com o Ministério da Economia e Finanças (MEF) e o Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância (UNICEF), decidiu elaborar a presente Brochura sobre o Orçamento do Estado em Moçambique usando uma linguagem simples, de fácil compreensão p...ara todos.
This film is the Luganda version of 'How to plan a pregnancy' - this film was dubbed locally in Uganda, thanks to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.