Исследование этого года основано на предыдущем отчете. В нем отслеживается утверждение последних стратегий, руководств и методов в пяти сферах: диагностика и иссл...едование лекарственной устойчивости, режимы лечения лекарственно-чувствительного туберкулеза и туберкулеза с МЛУ, модели лечения и нормативная база.
15 July 2021
Dans un nouveau rapport, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) tire la sonnette d'alarme quant au manque de soutien mis à la disposition des personnes ayant survécu à des violences sexuelles en République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Face à l'ampleur de ces violences et à leur impact..., MSF appelle les autorités congolaises et leurs partenaires à agir au plus vite afin d'assurer une réponse médicale, socio-économique et juridique à la hauteur des besoins constatés sur le terrain.
Wound care is a regular component of the package of care we offer in the majority of our health care facilities and represents a high volume of activities. The current practices in MSF projects are often based on the habits of each individual supervisor, the wound care material we off...er is partly outdated and does not allow optimal wound care. There is a need for standardization of wound care and it needs to be evidence based as much as possible, taking into account the realities of the field.
The scope of this document is to guide the caregiver in the wound care process. It does not intend to provide in depth information on wound healing or physiology. There is a wide range of literature and background information available for this purpose in the references and in the list of extra reading
Enfermedad de Chagas. Comic
A review of prospects for existing antibiotics ad new therapeutics
Chapter in Clinical guidelines -Diagnosis and Treatment manual
This report provides an update on the key facets of HIV treatment access, including the latest HIV treatment guidelines from World Health Organization (WHO), an overview on pricing for first-line, second-line, and salvage regimens, and a summary of the opportunities for – and threats to – expand...ing access to affordable antiretroviral therapy (ART).
The report is supplemented by 11 drug profiles that contain more detailed information on pricing trends and patent barriers for key antiretroviral drugs and fixed-dose combinations. Also included is an annex of conditions that define eligibility for reduced prices from 15 pharmaceutical companies.
2006-2008 programme report
Médecins sans Frontières access campaign
Issue Brief
Accessed: 28.11.2019
Chapter 6 contents
Human African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness)
American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease)
Intestinal protozoan infections (parasitic diarrhoea)
Nematode infections
Onchocerciasis (river blindness)
Lymphatic filariasis (LF)
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has set up a 20-bed cholera treatment unit (CTU) at the Renk Civil Hospital in South Sudan, in response to a cholera outbreak declared by the Ministry of Health (MoH) on 28 October. We call on all organisations in Upper Nile state to help prevent the spread of the di...sease within Upper Nile State and beyond.
In March 2017 MSF and St Josef Hospital in Schweinfurt (Germany) began a pilot project for low threshold psychosocial support for refugees and asylum seekers. The project has been independently continued by St Josef Hospital from August 2017. Refugees and asylum seekers are approached with an inform...ation and counseling service from psychosocial peer counselors with relevant backgrounds (regarding language, culture and refugee experience). The psychosocial peer counselors undergo training with a specifically tailored curriculum and are supervised in their work by qualified staff.
Part of the MSF "Guideline for cholera control"
. MSF Essential Drugs Guidelines دليل عملي موجه للأطباء والصيادلة والممرضين والمساعدين الطبيين
MSF International AIDS Working Group
Please go to the website http://www.msf.org/article/interactive-explore-ebola-care-centre and Hover over the image below for an interactive guide to an MSF Ebola care centre.
Please go to the the website http://www.msf.org.uk/ebola#Ebola%20centre and hover over the image for an interactive guide to Ebola
Hover over the image for an interactive guide to our Ebola teams' Personal Protective Equipment: http://www.msf.org/article/interactive-learn-about-our-ebola-protective-equipment