Стандарты для сокращения риска бедствий
FDA’s compounding program aims to protect patients from unsafe, ineffective and poor quality compounded drugs, while preserving access to lawfully-marketed compounded drugs for patients who have a medical need for them. Here you can find informations to laws &policies, compliance action, ....
Good practice examples from India
DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY 27 : 390–403 (2010
Why a 4°C warmer world must be avoided
Amoris laetitia: Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation on love in the family (19 March 2016)
This toolkit provides practical guidance to governments, funders, civil society organizations and other implementing partners on conducting a gender analysis and using findings to inform HIV prevention, care and treatment programs with key populations. It outlines considerations and steps for conduc...ting a gender analysis; explores how to engage with stakeholders, including key population members, in a meaningful partnership; shares lessons learned from a comprehensive gender analysis in Kenya and an abridged gender analysis in Cameroon; and provides tools and resources for conducting a gender analysis with key populations.