This paper examines the extent to which health workers differ in their willingness to work in rural areas and the reasons for these differences, based on the data collected in Rwanda analysed individually and in combination with data from Ethiopia.
Child protection in emergencies
The prevention of and response to
abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence
against children in emergencies. An
emergency is defined as threatening
condition that requires urgent action.
Emergencies often have devastating
effects on children’s lives. They res...ult in
girls and boys being killed or injured,
becoming orphaned, separated from their
families, being recruited into armed
forces or groups, being sexually abused,
becoming children with disabilities, being
trafficked or, worse, experiencing several
of these at the same time (CPMS).
FANTA provided technical support to Haiti’s Ministry of Public Health and Population for the development of national guidelines and an accompanying flipchart, which provide practical solutions to nutrition problems for people living with HIV, as well as guidance on nutritionally managing the sympt...oms of HIV, the side effects of antiretroviral drugs, and opportunistic infections. The guidelines provide recommendations for well-balanced diets for people living with HIV, along with instructions for quality nutrition counseling of adolescents and adults living with HIV, HIV-positive pregnant and lactating women, and caregivers of children exposed to HIV. The guidelines also address food insecurity in HIV-affected households.
An Update will be published in late 2018
Including Therapeutic Food, Dietary Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation - 2nd edition
Published: February 23, 2010
Volume 7 | Issue 2 | e1000235
En esta obra se presentan mensajes básicos para pasar a la acción, resumidos
en una serie de capítulos sobre diversos temas ligados a la salud ambiental,
consultables en línea en:
Les messages clés pour des actions concrètes présentés ci-après résument un
ensemble de chapitres sur différents problèmes de santé liés à l’environnement,
qui peuvent être consultés à l’adresse suivante:
A scale to measure (social) participation for use in rehabilitation, stigma reduction and social integration programmes
Reflections from disability research using the ICF in Afghanistan and Cambodia | Working Paper Series: No. 11
Guidance Note A DFID practice paper
A Report of A survey study conducted to determine the demand, availability, quality of production, usage, and affordability of wheelchairs in Uganda.
Accessed Febr. 12,2015