La résistance aux antimicrobiens (RAM) est une réponse
évolutive naturelle à l’exposition aux antimicrobiens, qui
a été aggravée par des comportements humains, tels que
l’utilisation abusive et excessive d’antimicrobiens, l’utilisation
d’antimicrobiens dans l’agriculture et la... santé animale, et
la pollution environnementale
Vanny Reis talks to Gary Humphreys about the transformative power of sport and physical activity in improving health
and well-being throughout people’s lives.
Until fairly recently, debates about how to tackle the looming threat of antibiotic resistance have tended to focus on how to come up with new antibiotics
Objective To determine whether adding urine culture to urinary tract infection diagnosis in pregnant women from refugee camps in
Lebanon reduced unnecessary antibiotic use.
Just under 2.5 million people die annually due to alcohol use. This global estimate, however, excludes most of the health burden
borne by others than the alcohol user. Alcohol’s harm to others includes a multitude of conditions, such as trauma from traffic crashes, fetal disorders due to prenatal... exposure to alcohol, as well as interpersonal and intimate partner violence. While alcohol’s causal role in these conditions is well-established, alcohol’s harm to others’ contribution to the overall health burden of alcohol remains unknown. This knowledge gap leads to a situation in which alcohol policy and prevention strategies largely focus on the reduction of alcohol’s detrimental health harms on the alcohol users, neglecting affected others and population groups most vulnerable to these harms, including women and children. In this article, we seek to elucidate why estimates for alcohol’s harm to others are lacking and offer guidance for future research. We also argue that a full assessment of the alcohol health burden that includes the harm caused by others’ alcohol use would enhance the visibility and public awareness of such harms, and advancing the evaluation of policy interventions to mitigate them.
Cervical cancer is a disease of the female reproductive tract caused primarily by oncogenic types of human papillomavirus
(HPV). In 2020, it was the fourth most common cancer among women worldwide, with an estimated 604 000 new cases and 342 000 deaths
Objective To assess the effectiveness of a community-based tuberculosis and leprosy intervention in which village health teams and health workers conduct door-to-door tuberculosis screening, targeted screenings and contact tracing.
L’objectif des lignes directrices 2024 est de fournir des recommandations actualisées et fondées sur
des données probantes sur les principaux sujets prioritaires. Ceux-ci concernent notamment les critères élargis et simplifiés de mise sous traitement pour les adultes, mais aussi désormais ...pour les adolescents, l’élargissement des critères d’éligibilité au traitement
antiviral prophylactique pour les femmes enceintes
afin de prévenir la transmission mère-enfant du VHB,
l’amélioration des tests de diagnostic de l’infection par le
VHB grâce à l’utilisation de tests de mesure de la charge
virale du VHB (ADN) sur le lieu de soins (“point-of-care
tests”) et d’approches réflexes pour la recherche de
l’ADN du VHB, et les critères pour déterminer à qui et
comment faire le test pour rechercher une infection par
le VHD.
Since 1995, WHO has ensured a consistent approach to national, regional and global TB surveillance by providing standardized definitions, forms and registers for the recording and reporting of individual-level and aggregated data about people diagnosed with and treated for TB, which are used This standardization has facilitated the regular reporting of TB data to WHO from 215 countries and areas in annual rounds of global TB data collection, with findings published in an annual WHO global TB report since 1997 and data made publicly available via the online WHO global TB database.
A systematic review of the evidence has demonstrated the key role of clean household energy in improving global health, reaffirming the importance of United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7, to achieve worldwide access to affordable, modern and clean energy by 2030.
English and french/ anglais et francais
Todos los trabajadores de la salud tienen un objetivo principal: mejorar la salud de las personas. Los trabajadores de la salud son la columna vertebral de todo sistema de salud operativo. Al tiempo que contribuyen al disfrute del derecho a la salud para
todos, también deben disfrutar del derecho ...a unas condiciones laborales saludables y seguras para mantener su propia salud. Las condiciones de trabajo inseguras son uno de los motivos principales de huelga entre el personal de salud de los países
de ingresos bajos . La falta de bienestar y el agotamiento profesional entre los trabajadores de la salud se asocian a una mala calidad de la atención y a resultados negativos para la seguridad de los pacientes, como los errores médicos
Due to the heterogeneous distribution of malaria transmission and its determinants, subnational tailoring (SNT) provides an analytical framework to facilitate the targeting of each population with appropriate intervention packages for maximum impact to inform national strategic planning and prioriti...zation based on resources available. The WHO Global Malaria Programme recommends the use of subnational data on disease epidemiology and other relevant local contextual factors to facilitate the process of SNT. Once the strategies and intervention mixes have been defined, programmes can proceed to the prioritization of
interventions for effective programming, based on available resources
This report provides updated information on the status of implementation of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes (BMS) and subsequent relevant World Health Assembly (WHA) resolutions (collectively referred to as “the Code”) in countries. It presents the legal status of ...the Code, including the extent to which the provisions of the Code have been incorporated in national legal measures. The report examines further the processes countries use to monitor and enforce compliance with Code laws. The report also provides case-studies from a few countries on their legislative processes, highlighting examples of interference from manufacturers and distributors of breast-milk substitutes in efforts to weaken and delay Code implementation.
Young people across the world are urging governments to shield them from predatory tobacco marketing tactics. The industry targets youth for a lifetime of profits, creating a new wave of addiction. The latest data show that children are using e-cigarettes at rates higher than adults in many countrie...s and globally an estimated 37 million youth aged 13–15 years use tobacco.
Les présentes orientations de l’OMS portent sur la restriction du marketing (notamment le marketing numérique) dans les contextes des produits du tabac et des produits à base de nicotine, de l’alcool, des aliments et des boissons nocifs pour la santé, ainsi que des substituts du lait materne...l. Dans la Convention-cadre de l’OMS pour la lutte antitabac, les Parties reconnaissent que l’interdiction globale de la publicité, de la promotion et du parrainage intérieurs et transfrontaliers réduira la consommation des produits du tabac. Le plan d’action afin de mettre en œuvre de manière efficace la Stratégie mondiale visant à réduire l’usage nocif de l’alcool en tant que priorité de santé publique propose que les États Membres appliquent des restrictions ou des interdictions globales et strictes du marketing en faveur de l’alcool
The risk of emergence and re-emergence of arboviruses with pandemic potential has increased as a global public health threat and will continue to do so in the years to come. The Global Arbovirus Initiative outlines an integrated approach across these viruses and disciplines that will enable optimal ...use of limited resources to achieve the greatest impact, particularly in areas with the heaviest arboviral burden and in areas that are at risk of emergence of arboviruses. Following a series of global consultations and review by the Technical Advisory Group on Arbovirus (TAG-Arbovirus), the Global Arbovirus Initiative and its 6 constituent pillars, each with strategic objectives and priority activities, are consolidated in this reference document.
This document provides an updated list of “best buys” and other recommended interventions to address noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). It is based on Appendix 3 of the Global action plan for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases 2013–2020, which was first approved in 2013 and l...ast updated in 2017. The global action plan, which was extended to 2030 by a World Health Assembly decision in 2019 has 6 objectives, the implementation of which at country level supports the attainment of the 9 voluntary NCD targets, and facilitates the realization of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 on good health and well-being.
Las tasas cada vez mayores de sobrepeso y obesidad son una amenaza para la salud de miles de millones
de personas en todo el mundo. En 2016, más de 1900 millones de mayores de 18 años tenían sobrepeso , de los cuales más de 600 millones eran obesos. En 2020, más de 38 millones de menores de 5 ...años tenían sobrepeso, lo que supone un aumento de casi 6 millones en los últimos 20 años
This guideline provides updated, evidence-informed guidance on the percentage of total fat in the diet to reduce the risk of unhealthy weight gain.
This guideline is intended for a wide audience involved in the development, design and implementation of policies and programmes in nutrition and pub...lic health. This guideline includes a recommended level of total fat intake which can be used by policy-makers and programme managers to address various aspects of dietary fat in their populations through a range of policy actions and public health interventions.
The guidance in this guideline replaces previous WHO guidance on total fat intake, including that from the 1989 WHO Study Group on Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases and the 2002 Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation on Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases. The guidance in this guideline should be considered in the context of that from other WHO guidelines on healthy diets.