ثیوبری هی 19 ّبی يفًَی ًهیز وٍَیذ تَاًٌذ هختل وٌٌذُ هحیف ّبیی ثبضٌذ وِ وَدوبى در آًْب رضذ هی وٌٌذ. اختلال ّبیی وِ در ایي ضزایف در خبًَادُ، رٍاثف دٍستبًِ، فًبلیت ّبی رٍ...سهزُ ٍ در سكحی ٍسیى تز در اجتوبو ایجبد هی هی، ضَد تَاًذ پیبهذّبی هٌفی ثز ثْشیستی، رضذ، تَسًِ ٍ حوبیت اس وَدوبى اًجبم هی 19 داضتِ ثبضذ. يلاٍُ ثز آى الذاهبتی وِ ثِ هٌهَر پیطگیزی ٍ وٌتزل ضیَو ٍیزٍس وٍَیذ ضَد ًیش هی تَاًذ هخبقزاتی را در سهیٌِ حوبیت اس وَدوبى ثِ ّوزاُ داضتِ ثبضذ .ثِ يٌَاى ًوًَِ لزًكیٌِ خبًگی، لزًكیٌِ هجتٌی ثز هزاوش یب ًَاحی یب ایشٍلِ ضذى در یه هحیف هحذٍد اس جولِ هَاردی ّستٌذ وِ هی ذ تبحیزات هٌفی ثز وَدوبى ٍ خبًَادُ ٌ تَاً 2 ّبیطبى ثگذارد. ّذف اس هختػزی وِ در اداهِ هی آیذ پطتیجبًی اس وسبًی است وِ در سهیٌِ حوبیت اس وَدوبى فًبلیت هی وٌٌذ تب ثتَاًٌذ پبسخگَیی ثْتزی ًسجت ثِ هخبقزات حوبیت اس وَدوبى در سهبى ّوِ گیزی ٍیزٍس وزًٍب داضتِ ثبضٌذ. در ثخص اٍل ثِ خكزات ثبلمَُ ی حوبیت اس وَدوبى در دٍرُ ّوِ گیزی ٍیزٍس پزداختِ ضذُ ٍ در ثخص دٍم ثزًبهِ19وٍَیذ حوبیت اس ٍ )2019 ّبی پیطٌْبدی ثز اسبس حذالل استبًذاردّبی حوبیت اس وَدوبى در الذاهبت ثطزدٍستبًِ(
وَدوبى در سهبى ضیَو ثیوبری ّبی يفًَی آهذُ است.
This report presents data and outlines best practices and policies that can put governments on the path to providing every child with the best start in life. It outlines the neuroscience of early childhood development (ECD), including the importance of nutrition, protection and stimulation in the ea...rly years. And it makes the case for scaling up investment, evaluation and monitoring in ECD programmes. The report concludes with a six-point call to action for governments and their partners to help maximize the potential of the children who will build the future – by making the most of the unparalleled opportunities offered by the early moments in life.
Little is known about the patterns of development assistance (DA) for each component of reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health (RMNCAH) in conflict-affected countries nor about the DA allocation in relation to the burden of disease
Nigeria reported its first case of COVID-19 at the end of February 2020 and subsequently experienced
four waves, with peaks in June 2020 and January, August and December 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic
severely impacted the economy of Nigeria and caused disruption of health services nationwide. During... the crisis, many Nigerians failed to access routine health
services due to decreased income and lockdown
restrictions. The most significant service disruptions
were in maternal and newborn health, vaccination,
sick childcare, family planning and noncommunicable
disease treatment services (1). Pregnant women
were anxious about contracting COVID-19 during
2020, and as a result, many avoided attending health
facilities for antenatal (ANC) and postnatal care (PNC).
Disruptions in the medical supply chain and diversion
of resources to COVID-19 management impacted on
essential health services. Health workers were often
unable to go to work because of transport disruptions
or illness
Chapter J.7
Asia is home to more than half of the world’s 1.1 billion girls. Gender inequality in many parts of the region means that girls are often systematically disadvantaged and oppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. Girls’ development is hampered by child, early and forced marri...age and high adolescent pregnancy rates. Across the region, genderbased violence against girls and women constitutes a serious and widespread rights violation, particularly with regard to domestic violence, marital rape, and trafficking in women and girls.
Emerging data shows that since the outbreak of COVID-19, violence against girls and women, particularly domestic violence, has intensified
ICTC’s 2022-2030 strategic plan spans the critical period running to the end of 2030, the year by which we are striving to achieve the elimination of trachoma as a public health problem. This strategic plan is in alignment with the NTD road map, Ending the neglect to attain the Sustainable Develop...ment Goals: a road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021−2030.
The Child and the liberation from the shadow of the terrible big fear
Дитина і звільнення від тіні її надзвичайно великого страху
Trauma Bilderbuch
Ілюстрована книга
Медики провели близько 300 зустрічей у центрах перебування ВПО, де розповіли про імунізацію
04 Липень 2022
Forty-eight health workers have been visiting internally displaced persons’ (IDP) centres in Ukraine as part... of efforts to challenge misinformation about vaccines and reduce the spread of infectious diseases, as the war continues to escalate.
The push to immunize all children against polio has been hampered by the ongoing crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic. WHO and UNICEF have appealed to all parties to cooperate, including through temporary pauses in hostilities where needed, to allow vaccination campaigns to take place and for all chil...dren to be protected.
In Malawi, the national Social Cash Transfer Programme provides unconditional monthly cash payments to the most vulnerable and ultra-poor households.
UNICEF's global work on statistics and monitoring the situation of children & women
For many years, Community Health Care Workers (CHWs) in Tanzania and Africa in general have played significant role in community health promotion. Their specific roles have been changing from time to time. However, their key roles have over time included giving health education and dissemination of ...health information to communities, invariably moving on to include other services such as offering curative services and conducting community surveys. Deployment of CHWs has mainly been a response to the severe shortage of the human resource for health in most African countries due to brain drain for various reasons that include unattractive terms and conditions of employment. On the other hand the human resources for health (HRH) is a result of positive growing demand for health services, a situation confronted by inadequate supply of trained health personnel from training institutions to meet the demand.
A Trauma-Picture-Book about Help for Parents und their Children who Fled from War and Home. This picture book is available in 10 languages
Millions of children in Yemen could be pushed to ‘the brink of starvation’ due to huge shortfalls in humanitarian aid funding amid the COVID-19 pandemic – according to a new UNICEF report marking more than five years since conflict escalated in the country.