Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1507 / MENKES / SK / X / 2005 on guidelines for HIV / AIDS counseling and testing services voluntarily
Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1190 / MENKES / SK / X / 2004 on the Free Drug of Anti Tuberculosis (OAT) and Anti Retro Viral (ARV) Drugs for HIV / AIDS
Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 781 / MENKES / SK / VII / 2004 on the establishment of referral hospital for people with HIV / AIDS
Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 122 / MENKES / SK / IX / 2002 on the establishment of coordination committee of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in Indonesia
Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia on Guidelines for the Arrangement of Service Facilities for the Rehabilitation of Abuse and Addiction of Narcotics, Psychotropic and other Addictive Substances
Indonesia Health Profile 2015
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 Year 2009 on Health
Government Regulation on Reproductive Health in Indonesia
Presidential Regulation No. 12 of 2013 on Health Insurance
Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia regarding Security of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Equipments
National Strategic Plan of Ministry of Health 2015-2019
Curriculum and Technical Training Module about Health Advocacy Management for Health Promotion Officer
Code of Law for Health Insurance in Indonesia
Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 97 of 2014 on Pre-Pregnancy Health Services, Pregnancy, Labor and Postpartum, Contraception Service, and Sexual Health Service
Management of Health Crisis as a result of Earthquake in Province D.I. Yogyakarta and Central Java in Indonesia on May 27th, 2006
Guidelines for health human resource management (HRM) in disaster management in Indonesia
National Action Plan: Programmatic Management of Drug Resistance Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis Control Indonesia
Guidance book for health workers who working in the handling of health crisis caused by natural disasters in Indonesia.
This manual refers to international standards.
Review book of health crisis center of Indonesia 2015 :
The book "Overview of Crisis Response 2015" is prepared based on data /
information sourced from reports of events and developments received from cross
Programs and related sectors that have been collected by the Health Crisis Center for th...e period time 2015.