Alimatou Camara Speaks of her battle with Ebola and of the Care she received at the ASEOWA run Ebola Treatment Unit in Guinea
Guinean Alimatou Camara, a seventeen year old housewife in a polygamous union, lost her mother in-law, her only daughter and her stepdau...ghter to Ebola. She got infected too, but survived, thanks to the African Union Support to Ebola Outbreak in West Africa (ASEOWA).
By Lilas Belepe,
Communication Officer, ASEOWA Guinee
A resident of Forécariah, a town situated one hundred kilometres away from Conakry, the capital of Guinea, she narrates the ordeal that befell her and her family, her battle with Ebola and the time she spent recovering at the African Union run Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU), in Coyah.
Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets and/or indoor residual spraying, associated with case
management, are key interventions in the control of malaria in Africa. The objective of this
study is to comment on the role of social and behavior change communication as a potential
key intervention in t...he control of malaria in Mozambique.
Session Outline
•General Principles
•Essentials of mental health care and clinical practice: Assessments
•Essentials of mental health care and clinical practice: Management
•Essentials of mental health care and clinical practice: Follow-up
DEP supporting material
• Person stories
• Role plays – role plays 3 and 4 are extra material for
supplementary activities
• Multiple choice questions
• Video links
This module aims to provide basic guidance on management of range of mental health complaints not coveredelsewhere in this guide. Some of these complaints may be similar to depression, but upon closer examamination are distinct from the conditions covered in this guide. Other mental health complaint...s are considered significant when they impair daily functioning or when the person seeks help for them. Other mental health complaints can be due to stress.
Le projet de recherche intitulé « SMS4Care » est un projet mis en oeuvre par l’ONG camerounaise dénommée « M.A.SANTE » dans la région de l’Extrême-Nord Cameroun, en collaboration avec la Délégation régionale de la Santé Publique, l’Université de Johns
Hopkins et le Ministère de... la Santé Publique. Ce projet est mis en oeuvre dans sa phase pilote, dans 4 Districts de santé de la région à savoir Mada, Makary, Goulfey et Kousseri, avec pour objectif de tester la faisabilité de la mise en place d’une surveillance à base communautaire des maladies et des indicateurs démographiques en utilisant le Smart phone. Tel que planifié
dans l’agenda, 2 sessions de formation ont été organisées avec pour but de renforcer les capacités des relais communautaires dans la détection des cas et la transmission des données par SMS. Ces formations se sont déroulé les 4 et 6 février 2015 dans les districts de santé de Makary et Kousseri.
SUI supporting material
• Person stories
• Role plays
• Multiple choice questions
• Video link
The intention of this document is to clarify and outline the steps to effective cholera surveillance. It discusses when,
where and why surveillance for cholera is needed and how to establish a useful and cost-effective surveillance
system for cholera. To make comments, corrections and additions,... please contact the authors at stopchol@jhsph.
edu or jhsph.stopchol@jhu.edu.
Check also: DOVE Project www.stopcholera.org
[Updated 2015]
SCOPING QUESTION: What is the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions (including caregiver skills training) for behavioural disorders in children and adolescents?
The scope includes the assessment of activities to improve the response to affected populations, stakeholders, partners and donors, building on lessons learnt so far in this outbreak.
This publication is intended for professionals training or practicing in mental health and not for the general public. The opinions
expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Editor or IACAPAP. This publication seeks to
describe the best treatments and pra...ctices based on the scientific evidence available at the time of writing as evaluated by the authors and may change as a result of new research. Readers need to apply this knowledge to patients in accordance with the guidelines and laws of their country of practice. Some medications may not be available in some countries and readers should consult the specific drug information since not all dosages and unwanted effects are mentioned. Organizations, publications and websites are cited or linked to illustrate issues or as a source of further information. This does not mean that authors, the Editor or IACAPAP endorse their content or recommendations, which should be critically assessed by the reader. Websites may also change or cease to exist.
International Development vol. 11. DOI 10.4073/csr.2015.15