• تشكّل مقاومة مضادات الميكروبات تهديداً عالمياً للصحة والتنمية، وهي تستدعي اتخاذ إجراءات عاجلة متعددة القطاعات بشأنها من أجل تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة.
أعلن...ت المنظمة أن مقاومة مضادات الميكروبات من التهديدات العالمية العشرة الرئيسية للصحة العامة التي تواجه البشرية.
تعدّ إساءة استعمال مضادات الميكروبات والإفراط في استعمالها المحركان الرئيسيان لظهور المُمرضات المقاومة للأدوية.
يؤدي نقص المياه النظيفة وخدمات الإصحاح وقصور الوقاية من عدوى الأمراض ومكافحتها إلى تعزيز انتشار الميكروبات التي يمكن لبعضها أن يقاوم العلاج بمضادات الميكروبات.
يترتب على مقاومة مضادات الميكروبات تكاليف طائلة. وإضافة إلى ما تخلفه الاعتلالات الممتدة لأجل طويل من وفيات وإعاقات، فإنها تسفر عن إطالة أمد رقود المرضى في المستشفيات وحاجتهم إلى أدوية أغلى ومواجهتهم لتحديات مالية.
من شأن نجاح الطب الحديث في حالات العدوى، بوسائل منها العمليات الجراحية الكبرى والعلاج الكيميائي للسرطان، أن يتعرض لمخاطر متزايدة من دون استعمال مضادات ميكروبات ناجعة.
WHO recommends prompt recognition of progressive acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure when a patient with respiratory distress is failing to respond to standard oxygen therapy and adequate preparation to provide advanced oxygen/ventilatory support.
Hypoxaemic respiratory failure in ARDS commonly ...results from intrapulmonary ventilation-perfusion mismatch or shunt and usually requires mechanical ventilation.
At any time, if there are urgent or emergent indications for intubation, do not delay.
We recommend prompt recognition of progressive acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure when a patient with respiratory distress is failing to respond to standard oxygen therapy and adequate preparation to provide advanced oxygen/ventilatory support.
WHO suggests that patients with severe or critical COVID-19 with acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure that do not require emergent intubation be treated with HFNO, or CPAP or NIV (BiPAP) over standard oxygen therapy.
WHO's Severe acute malnutrition with medical complications kit (SAM/MC) kit is a standard kit designed to provide medical treatment for 50 children under five suffering from severe malnutrition with medical complications. The SAM/MC kit includes antibiotics, antifungal, de-worming, antimalarial and ...anti-scabies medicines, and a rehydration mix specific to treat cases of severe acute malnutrition
These guidelines aim to guide all health care providers in Myanmar, accommodating the situation of different settings in the context of progressive decentralization of HIV services. Notable changes from the previous edition include:
• diagnosis of HIV
• update on the initiation of ART<...br>
• new ARV drugs and regimens
• new recommendation on infant prophylaxis
• PrEP and PEP updates
• updates on co-infections and comorbidities management
It should be noted that these guidelines are meant for the operational level and are adapted and adopted in line with existing Myanmar context.
The Pharmacovigilance team in WHO aims to assure the safety of medicines and vaccines by ensuring reliable and timely exchange of information on safety issues, promoting pharmacovigilance activities throughout the Organization and encouraging participation in the WHO Programme for International Drug... Monitoring. This text was developed in consultation with the WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring and the national pharmacovigilance centres participating in the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring.
Caring for the Sick Child age 2 months up to 5 years. Chart Booklet
Training Module on Malaria
Pathogen genomic surveillance has become a priority for public health systems in recent years. Genomic sequencing is increasingly being used to characterize pathogens and monitor important public health priorities (e.g. poliovirus, influenza virus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Vibrio cholerae, ant...imicrobial resistance (AMR)). The decrease in cost and time of sequencing and the exponential development of bioinformatic pipelines have played a critical role in integrating pathogen genomics into routine public health surveillance. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has highlighted the role that sequencing plays in the surveillance of infectious diseases. Sequencing facilitates earlier detection, more accurate investigation of outbreaks, closer real-time monitoring of pathogen evolution and tailored development and evaluation of interventions to inform local to global public health decision-making and action. However, there remains a need to coordinate efforts, leverage and link existing surveillance and laboratory networks and capabilities, and systematically integrate genetic sequence data (GSD) with clinical and epidemiological data to strengthen its utility.
This 2011 update of Guidelines for the programmatic management of drug-resistant tuberculosis is intended as a tool for use by public health professionals working in response
to the Sixty-second World Health Assembly’s resolution on prevention and control of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and e...xtensively drug-resistant tuberculosis.
The Priority medicines for mothers and children 2011 list was updated following the 18th Expert Committee Meeting
on Selection and Use of Medicines, the release of new treatment guidelines and feedback from partners following
the 2011 version. In alignment with the UN Global strategy f...or women’s and children’s health; and the recently
launched UN Commission on life‐saving commodities for women and children, the title of this updated list is
renamed as Priority Life‐Saving Medicines for Women and Children.
This booklet offers tips for people affected by leprosy who want to prevent disability.
Inerim Guidance for health-care providers. This document describes guidance for a supportive response by healthcare providers (e.g. physicians, nurses), focusing primarily on women affected by Zika virus infection during pregnancy and their families, for their mental health and psychosocial needs.
This document provides interim recommendations for the surveillance of Zika virus infection, microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome, in four different contexts and describes reporting requirements to WHO. Transmission refers to vector-borne transmission, unless specified differently. Autochthonou...s infection is considered to be an infection acquired in-country, i.e. among patients with no history of travel during the incubation period or who have travelled exclusively to non-affected areas during the incubation period. This document does not provide guidance on laboratory investigation or vector surveillance.