Рекомендации с позиций общественного здравоохранения
Пересмотренное издание
Программа по ВИЧ/СПИДу
The Minimum Standards for Protection Mainstreaming are a set of international standards designed to provide practical assistance to humanitarian actors to mainstream protection in the assessment, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian programmes, projects and activities. ...All humanitarian actors are expected to mainstream protection in their humanitarian assistance activities as a component of a broader commitment to quality and accountability in humanitarian response.
In-and Out-Patient Treatment
A thesis submitted for the Degree of Master of Theology at the South African Theological Seminary
A Program To Improve The Care For Patients With Common Mental Disorders In Primary Health Care.
The essence of the MANAS model is to shift mental health care from mental health specialists to primarycare doctors and lay HCs (someone similar to other more widely available... health workers) working as aprimary care team to improve the coverage and efficiency in treating CMD. This manual has been prepared based on the experience gained through the MANAS program and incorporates feedback from doctors who were involved in the program implementation. It outlines the details of the MANAS model and provides information on treatments that are relevant to doctors working in Primary Health Clinics
3rd edition!Large File 17 MB!
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Clinical Practice Guidelines
January 1010
Further analysis of the 1996, 2001, and 2006 Demographic and Health Surveys Data
Contact No 175 - October December 2001