Save the Children in collaboration with the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) and the state National Health Mission (NHM) undertook this study in the urban slums of Pune City to generate learnings for designing a city-specific public health approach to improve MNH services for the urban poor.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization,
Bulletin of the World Health Organization;
Herramientas de adaptación del Plan Estratégico Colombia Libre de Tuberculosis post 2015
Convenio 519 de 2015 Colombia, septiembre de 2016
The Health Equity Assessment Toolkit (HEAT) is a software application for use on desktop or laptop computers and mobile devices (minimum screen size of 7.9 inches recommended). It was developed to facilitate the assessment of within-country health inequalities. The Built-in Database Edition, Version... 1.0 is available as an online application and as a standalone version for download
This Training module on malaria elimination has been developed by WHO to support health professionals in planning, managing, monitoring and evaluating malaria elimination programmes