Learn about the first Malaria vaccine. Who should receive this vaccine? What are the challenges of rolling out a Malaria vaccine in the midst of a pandemic? Dr Pedro Alonso explains in Science in 5 this week.
Now the world is getting closer to a vaccine for COVID-19, how will these vaccines reach you?
WHO’s Dr Katherine O’Brien explains COVID-19 vaccine distribution in Science in 5.
As vaccines get approved by national authorities, learn about National and WHO approval processes for vaccines and how safety is ensured during emergency approval of vaccines. Dr Mariângela Simão explains in Science in 5.
When can we expect a vaccine for COVID-19? How will we ensure that it is safe? Who should be vaccinated first and why? Find out the answers to these and other questions.
How do vaccines work to protect us? What are the vaccine technologies in the pipeline and how do we ensure safe vaccines? Dr Katherine O’ Brien explains in Science in 5 !
Sepsis contributes significantly to preventable mortality and is the final common pathway to death for severe infectious diseases; it can also arise as a complication of injuries and non-communicable diseases.
As vaccines get approved by national authorities, learn about National and WHO approval processes for vaccines and how safety is ensured during emergency approval of vaccines. Dr Mariângela Simão explains in Science in 5.
Bei vielen schwer erkrankten Menschen muss mit einer im Verhältnis zu anderen schweren ARE längeren Behandlung mit Beatmung/zusätzlichem Saürstoffbedarf gerechnet werden. Da weder eine Impfung noch eine spezifische Therapie derzeit zur Verfügung stehen, müssen alle Massnahmen darauf ausgericht...et sein, die Verbreitung der Erkrankung so gut wie möglich zu verlangsamen. Es gibt 3 Komponenten: A) Verhinderung der Ausbreitung durch Fallfindung und Absonderung von engen Kontaktpersonen, B) soziale Distanz schaffen und C) gezielter Schutz von vulnerablen Gruppen, die aktiviert und intensiviert werden müssen ent-sprechend der jeweils aktuellen Lage
Obejtivo General:
Establecer las directrices de vigilancia epidemiológica y laboratorio de COVID-19
dentro del Sistema Nacional de Vigilancia, que permita detectar los casos en el país y
evaluar los riesgos para generar información epidemiológica de calidad, que oriente a la toma de decisi...ones.
Data ultima verifica: 23 marzo 2020