High levels of storage iron may increase malaria susceptibility. This risk has not been investigated in semi-immune adolescents. We investigated whether baseline iron status of nonpregnant adolescent girls living in a high malaria transmission area in Burkina Faso affected malaria risk during the fo...llowing rainy season. For this prospective study, we analysed data from an interim safety survey, conducted six months into a randomised iron supplementation trial. We used logistic regression to model the risk of P. falciparum infection prevalence by microscopy, the pre-specified interim safety outcome, in relation to iron status, nutritional indicators and menarche assessed at recruitment.
This guidance note on Syria is the first in a series of comprehensive Q&As, which aims to give practical guidance on how to comply with EU sanctions when providing humanitarian aid, in particular medical assistance, to fight the coronavirus pandemic. By clarifying the responsibilities and processes ...for the provision of this aid, this note should facilitate the task of humanitarian operators in Syria. It should speed up the channelling of equipment and assistance to fight the coronavirus pandemic in Syria. It is addressed to all actors involved in the supply of humanitarian aid, such as the competent authorities of EU Member States, which manage the implementation of EU sanctions, and public and private operators (donors, NGOs, banks and other actors involved in humanitarian activities), which must comply with EU sanctions when providing assistance.
Immunization in the context of COVID-19 pandemic: frequently asked questions (FAQ), 16 April 2020 ترافق ھذه الأسئلة المتكررةالمبادئالتوجیھیة الخاصة بأنشطة التمنیع أثناء جائحةكوفید-19الصادرة عن... منظمة الصحة العالمیة.1و ، حّن قُس تحسب الاقتضاء، وفقا لتطور جائحة كوفید-19.التمنیع ھو خدمة من الخدمات ال صحیة الأساسیة التي تحمي الأفراد ضین لّالمعرلأمراض التي یمكن الوقایة منھاباللقاحات.2وبفضلتوفیر التمنیعللأفراد والمجتمعات المحلیة في الوقت المناسب ،سّی ظ لونمحمیین،م م ا سیؤدي إلى انخفاض احتمالوقوع فاشیات الأمراض التي یمكن الوقایة منھا باللقاحات. وعلاوة على أن تلافيحدوثفاشیات الأمراض التي یمكن الوقایة منھا باللقاحاتیؤدي إلى إنقاذالأرواح، فإنھ یتطلب موارد أقل من تلك التي تتطلبھا الاستجابة للفاشیة، كما أنھیساعد على تخفیفالعبء الملقى على نظام صحي مرھق أصلا نتیجة جائحة كوفید-19.وبینما تلتزم البلدان بالحفاظ على نظم التمنیع ،ینبغي لھا أن تتبعالھ ج ُنا ل ت ي تحترم مبدأ عدم إلحاق الأذى وا ل ت ي تحد من انتقالمرض كوفید-19عند اضطلاعھا بأنشطة التمنیع. وا ًیمكن أیضاغتنام الفرص التي تتیحھا زیارات التمنیعّلنشر رسائل تشجع ي الّعلى تبنسلوكیات التي تحد من مخاطر انتقال عدوى الفیروس المسبب لمرض كوفید-19 ،والتعرف علىعلامات مرض كوفید-19وأعراضھ، وتقدیم إرشادات بشأنالتدابیر الواجب اتخاذھا في حال ظھور الأعراض
Иммунизация является важной медицинской услугой, которая защищает человечество от болезней, предупреждаемых вакцинацией (БПВ)2. Благодаря своевременной имму...низации люди и сообщества обретают защиту, и вероятность вспышки БПВ уменьшается.Предотвращение вспышки БПВ не только спасает жизни, но и требует меньше ресурсовпо сравнению среагированиемна вспышку и помогает снизить нагрузку на систему здравоохранения, и без того перегруженную в результате пандемии COVID-19.
This paper is an initial compilation of the promising practices on risk communication and community engagement that have developed in Europe during the COVID pandemic, in complementarity to the UNHCR’s Practical Recommendations and Good Practice to Address Protection Concerns in the Context of the... COVID-19 Pandemic.It seeks to document and share such practices, but also to inspire new initiatives, foster exchange, and further develop a community of practice within the region.
7 April 2020. This document and risk assessment tool provides practical guidance and recommendations to support the special role of religious leaders, faith-based organizations, and faith communities in COVID-19 education, preparedness, and response.
You can download the risk assessment tool here:...
and the decision tree here:
Dans ce rapport, le Partnership for Evidence-Based Response to COVID-19 (PERC), un consortium d’organisations mondiales de santé publique et d’entreprises privées, fait la synthèse des résultats d’une enquête conduite du 29 mars au 17 avril 2020 dans 28 villes des États Membres de l’UA.... Ce rapport présente également les mesures épidémiologiques en matière de transmission de la maladie ainsi que les indicateurs relatives aux déplacements des populations et aux troubles civils. Dans l’ensemble, ces données donnent un aperçu unique des conditions initiales en Afrique pendant cette pandémie en évolution rapide.
PERC produces regional and member state situation analyses, updated regularly.
PERC produces regional and member state situation analyses, updated regularly.
La documentation et la diffusion de cette directive, des éléments de preuves et leçons émergentes seront essentielles pour mettre en œuvre les réponses les plus appropriées et efficaces face à cette pandémie.
The purpose of this brief is to provide practical tips for UNICEF country offices, partners and young people themselves on engaging adolescents and youth as part of the COVID-19 preparedness and response. As a first step, we recommend engaging with adolescents and youth to understand what their need...s are, and how they can take action. Consultations with adolescents and youth is your best ‘go-to’ resource to determine how UNICEF can engage, protect, and support adolescents and youth in the COVID-19 response.
Remember that the ‘do not harm’ principle must always be applied. All actions should be evaluated for potential risks for harm and, as necessary, plans developed to mitigate those risks.
The “United Nations Framework for the immediate socio-economic response to COVID-19: Shared responsibility, global solidarity and urgent action for people in need” calls for protecting jobs, businesses and livelihoods to set in motion a safe recovery of societies and economies as soon as possibl...e for a more sustainable, gender-equal, and carbon-neutral path—better than the “old normal”.
The following checklist can help hospitals assess and improve their preparedness for responding to a community-wide outbreak of COVID-19. Each hospital will need to adapt this checklist to meet its unique needs and circumstances. This checklist should be used as one of several tools for evaluating c...urrent plans or in developing a comprehensive COVID-19 preparedness plan.
Training Material - Power Point
Countries who have no testing capacity and national COVID-19 laboratories with limited experience on COVID-19 virus testing are encouraged to send the first five positives and the first ten negative COVID-19 samples to WHO reference laboratories providing confirmatory testing for COVID-19.
Updates ...29 April 2020
Os sistemas de saúde estão enfrentando um rápido aumento na demanda gerada pelo surto da COVID-19. Quando os sistemas de saúde ficam sobrecarregados, há um aumento drástico na mortalidade direta causada por um surto e também na mortalidade indireta por doenças imunopreveníveis e por aquelas... doenças que possuem tratamento. Análises do surto de ebola em 2014-2015 sugerem que o aumento no número de óbitos causados por sarampo, malária, HIV/AIDS e tuberculose atribuíveis a falhas no sistema de saúde ultrapassou o número de óbitos causados pelo ebola. A capacidade de um sistema de manter a prestação de serviços essenciais de saúde dependerá de sua capacidade inicial e da carga da doença e do contexto de transmissão do vírus COVID-19 (classificado como nenhum caso, transmissão esporádica, em clusters ou comunitária). Manter a confiança da população na capacidade do sistema de saúde de atender, com segurança, as necessidades essenciais e de controlar o risco de infecção nas unidades de saúde é fundamental para garantir que as pessoas continuem a buscar atendimento quando necessário e que sigam as orientações de saúde pública.
orientations provisoires, 23 avril 2020
Across the Western Pacific Region COVID-19 is placing enormous strain on health and economic systems apart from direct threats to personal health safety and livelihood the pandemic also has significant implications on mental health and psychosocial well being adversity is an established risk factor ...for mental health problems thus the impact of COVID-19 on mental health is expected to be large diverse and far reaching mental health and psychosocial support mhpss are essential components of a public health response to COVID-19 this guidance note provides 10 activities that may be integrated in national COVID-19 response and mitigation plans
Policy considerations for the WHO European Region
24 April 2020