Das neue Internetangebot ‘Migration und Gesundheit‘ richtet sich an Migrantinnen und Migranten, aber auch an haupt- und ehrenamtliche Helferinnen und Helfer, die Zugewanderte nach ihrer Ankunft in Deutschland unterstützen. Es hilft, sich mit dem Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland vertraut zu mach...en und beantwortet Fragen rund um die eigene Gesundheit und die Kindergesundheit.
Ein Bilderbuch über Hilfe nach traumatischen Erlebnissen für Eltern und Kinder mit Kriegs- und Fluchterfahrung .
Das Trauma-Bilderbuch versucht, ein schweres Thema verständlich darzustellen: Ein Kind erlebt kriegsbedingt eine überwältigende Angstsituation, der „Schatten dieser Angst“ verfo...lgt das Kind noch, wenn die schreckliche Situation bereits eine ferne Vergangenheit geworden sein könnte.
Es kann Kindern, Eltern und deren Unterstützern helfen, die ebenso unsichtbare wie lebenseinschränkende Belastung zu verstehen. Es zeigt auf, was das Kind jetzt braucht: praktische Hilfen im Alltag, tröstende Botschaften der Eltern und evt. den Weg in eine Therapie.
What health professionals need to know. The Online learning course is for nurses, doctors and lay HIV counsellors. It covers the diagnosis of HIV infection, management with and without ARV, opportunistic infections and end-of-life care.
The 2015-16 MDHS is a national sample survey that provides up-to-date information on fertility levels; marriage; fertility preferences; awareness and use of family planning methods; child feeding practices; nutrition; adult and childhood mortality; awareness and attitudes regarding HIV/AIDS; women...s empowerment; and domestic violence. The target groups were women and men age 15-49 residing in randomly selected households across the country. In addition to national estimates, the report provides estimates of key indicators for both urban and rural areas in Myanmar and also for the 15 states and regions.
The Essential WASH Actions toolkit expands the connection between WASH and nutrition. This resource offers a comprehensive set of essential WASH actions, references training materials for health workers, nutrition managers and community workers to build capacity, and outlines accompanying behaviors ...needed to support the Essential Nutrition Actions.
Das Buch wurde ins Kurdische übersetzt und mit freundlicher Genehmigung von PRO FAMILIA Darmstadt und dem Loewe Verlag in der Kindertherapie in Kurdistan eingesetzt.
This first in a series of Washington Group Implementation Documents covers the tools developed by the Washington Group to collect
internationally comparable disability data on censuses and surveys. WG Implementation guideline Tool 1
Trastornos de ansiedad
Capítulo F.4
Editor: Daniel Martínez, Matías Irarrázaval
Traducido por Beatriz Garcia Parreño, Nieves Hermosín Carpio, Sandra Alonso Bada
The Education 2030 Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action specifies that the mandate of the Global Education Monitoring Report is to be ‘the mechanism for monitoring and reporting on SDG 4 and on education in the other SDGs’ with the responsibility to ‘report on the implementation of nat...ional and international strategies to help hold all relevant partners to account for their commitments as part of the overall SDG follow-up and review.’ It is prepared by an independent team hosted by UNESCO.
Provides policymakers and other stakeholders with an overview of intimate partner violence (IPV) and its relationship to child trauma, as well as policy-relevant and child trauma-focused recommendations to assist them in their response to intimate partner violence.
This is the fifteenth edition of the lecture notes. They were first published in 1987 as a summary of the material used in the biannual epilepsy teaching weekend organised under the auspices of the UK Chapter of the International League against Epilepsy. You can download 59 different chapters in 11 ...sections: basic science; spectrum of epilepsy; differential diagnosis epilepsy; investigations; medical treatment of epilepsy; outcome; special groups; surgical treatment of epilepsy; social aspects; provision of care
Chapter A.14