This TV spot follows the early years of a child’s life and shows how both parents play an important role in parenting. By playing, talking with, and listening to their parents, children learn and develop their self-confidence, which can contribute to children’s wellbeing throughout their lives.
A poster to raise awareness about Rwanda's Friends of the Family child protection system, outlining its role in empowering children and families.
This Radio spot explains the joy and responsibility of raising children with an emphasis on early childhood.
The brochure explains about the public works programme, which provides employment to the poor families. UNICEF supported Government to develop expanded and flexible arrangements so that parents can take care of children during public works.
Guidance book about implementation of health crisis response for school children in Indonesia in facing earthquake as natural disaster
Are we ready to face the flood?
This book contains general knowledge about the flood, the efforts made before, during, and after the flood and what things can be done by children and adolescents while in evacuation. This book is done specifically for school children in Indonesia
Are we ready to face landslide? A manual book of health crisis response for school children in facing landslide as a potential natural disaster in Indonesia
Be-Friended to the Volcano : a guidance or manual book for school children in Indonesia of health crisis prevention during the natural disaster