Das Asylgesetz (AsylG) (frühere Bezeichnung: Asylverfahrensgesetz [AsylVfG]) regelt das Asylverfahren in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Stand:
Neugefasst durch Bek. v. 2.9.2008 I 1798;
Zuletzt geändert durch Art. 1 G v. 20.10.2015 I 1722
Siehe insbesondere §62 Gesundheitsuntersuchung!
Medical Aid Films uses innovative media to enable everyone to enjoy healthy lives .We bring together health experts with film makers to create engaging, accessible films – empowering health workers and communities with vital knowledge and skills about women’s and child health.
Available in diff...erent languages
This film explains what obstructed labour is, how it can be identified and managed.
This film is for use in midwife training
This course has two main goals. The first is to provide an introduction to key sexual and reproductive health issues of youth, including the relationship between gender norms and health. The second is to present an overview of the best programmatic approaches for improving young people’s sexual an...d reproductive health - See more at: http://www.globalhealthlearning.org/course/youth-sexual-and-reproductive-health-update#sthash.hWLzTUQt.dpuf
Section 2, Counseling and Communicating with Men, focuses on strengthening service providers' ability to interact with, communicate with, and counsel men—with or without their partners—on reproductive health issues. Topics include counseling and communication approaches, provider biases toward a...nd against men that may need to be addressed, and effective communication and counseling techniques.