Neurology Asia 2008; 13 : 41 – 48
Le Manuel de formation psychosociale pour la Protection des enfants de Terre des hommes répond
aux besoins des programmes de protection de l’enfance menés par Terre des hommes et peut être utilisé
en parallèle à la publication précédente de Terre des hommes: Protection des enfants: manue...l d’intervention
en cas de crise humanitaire. Ce manuel de formation a été conçu pour le terrain afin de former le
personnel qui travaille directement ou indirectement avec les enfants.
Les modules de ce manuel ont été regroupés selon les catégories suivantes:
• Niveau 1: Animer une formation / un atelier
• Niveau 2: Concepts de base pour une intervention
• Niveau 3: Compétences des animateurs
Chaque module contient les rubriques suivantes:
• Qu’est-ce que c’est?
• A quoi ça sert?
• Comment l’utiliser?
Examples from four Philippine Hospitals
A Training Course for Vasectomy Providers and Assitants 2nd Edition
Disaster planning - organization and administration. 2.Emergency medical services - methods. 3.Emergency medical services - organization and administration. 4.Emergencies. 5.Health policy. 6.Health facilities.7.Guidelines.
“TB is too often a death sentence for people with AIDS.
It does not have to be this way.”
-Nelson Mandela, International conference on HIV /AIDS, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2004
Integrated Management of Adolescent and Adult Illness
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
Interim Guidelines for health workers at health centre or district hospital outpatient clinic
This publication provides guidance on reducing disability and premature deaths from coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and peripheral vascular disease in people at high risk, who have not yet experienced a cardiovascular event.
National AIDS and STI Control Program
The concept of mental disorder is determined by many factors, including the historical context, cultural influence, level of scientific knowledge and capacity to carry out scientific enquiry, level of education in certain circumstances, as well as many others. In putting together a method of classif...ication of mental disorders, the expert’s duty is primarily that of capturing and remaining faithful to the current level of knowledge in the subject, acknowledging that, in a matter of time, some or all the above factors could change to variable degrees, making what was clear as a mental disorder a few decades previously less clear in the next edition of the classification system.