As Russia's invasion of Ukraine progresses, the civilian population and the Armed Forces face enormous challenges. It is unsurprising that people's mental health deteriorate in such conditions. This Issue Brief provides publications and informative resources highlighting the impact on Mental Health.
Despite its rich culture, great economic potential, high level of education and last but not least its sheer size – it is the largest state whose borders lie entirely within Europe and is 1.7 times the size of the Federal Republic of Germany – Ukraine seems far away in perception and awareness. ...Publications on recent dramatic events, such as the Ukraine conflict or the Crimea crisis, have done little to change this. In fact, the armed conflict in the eastern Ukrainian oblasts of Donetsk and Luhansk, which has been ongoing since February 2014, is still a burdening feature of many political and economic difficulties destabilizing the country. News coverage of health issues in Ukraine has recently been dominated by highly critical reports on the handling of the Covid 19 pandemic. This pandemic exacerbated existing weaknesses in the Ukrainian health care system, but at least it did not create any new ones.
On this page we provide a list of charts, data and resources that you may find useful to understand the context of the ongoing war in Ukraine.
A global food crisis fuelled by conflict, climate shocks and the COVID-19 pandemic is growing because of the ripple effects of the war in Ukraine driving rising prices of food, fuel and fertilizer. Millions of people across the world are at risk of being driven into starvation unless action is taken... now to respond together and at scale. Due to the unprecedented overlap of crises, WFP’s annual operational requirements are at an all-time high of US$22.2 billion, with confirmed contributions so far at US$4.8 billion (22 percent). WFP is calling for coordinated action to address this crisis.
As the war in Ukraine pushes food, fuel and fertilizer prices toward record levels putting food security in many of the world’s poorest countries at risk, the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) today launched a Crisis Response Initiative to ensure that small-scale farmer...s in high-risk countries can produce food over the next few months to feed their families and communities while reducing the threat to future harvests.
The disruptions in imports, production and the related surge in food prices induced by the current conflict in Ukraine have the potential to worsen the food security situation in the Eastern Africa Region, which is already been impacted by the effect of three consecutive below-normal rainfall season...s.
Untersuchungsbogen TB für Ärzt*innen – Ukraine 5.4.2022
Mit einer Info-Hotline auf Russisch will das Klinikum Ingolstadt die neu Angekommenen bei der Orientierung unterstützen und sie über Hilfsmöglich
Центр психічного здоров’я надає можливість людям, що змушені були покинути Украї...ну і знаходяться у гострій психологічній ситуації отримати інформацію щодо можливостей допомоги.
Ви можете звернутись російською мовою до наших працівників за номером телефону 0841 880 2206 з понедiлка по п’ятницю, з 08:00 до 15:00 години.
Пiсля закiнчення прийомного часу будьласка звертайтесь письмово за електронною поштою: zpg@klinikum-ingolstadt.dekeiten vor Ort unterrichten
Situation Reports; Maps and Infographics, Reports, Humanitarin Appeals
Operation update 01/04/2022
The escalating crisis in Ukraine has severely affected the population’s access to vital health care. Urgent funding is needed to treat patients wounded by the conflict or those in need of vital care.
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Merkblatt für Eltern und Erziehungsberechtigte
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Часті запитання щодо Закону про захист від кору
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Кір — це заразне інфекційне захворювання, на яке страж- дають люди. У результаті захворювання на кір у дітей віком до 5 років і дорослих можуть виникати важкі ускладнення.
Травма – що робити
Щоби Ви більше не відчували себе такими безпорадними
Інформація для постраждалих людей та їхніх близьких
Ukrainische Ausgabe der Broschüre:
Trauma – was tun? Damit Sie ...sich nicht mehr so hilflos fühlen müssen. Informationen für akut betroffeneMenschen und deren Angehörige
Since the beginning of the Ukraine crisis on 24 February 2022, WHO has supported Government-led efforts and initiatives alongside key partners on the ground. Building on efforts to date, and working alongside Bulgaria’s health authorities to bring added value to existing mechanisms, the WHO Countr...y Office Bulgaria, the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the WHO Health and Migration Programme, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health of Bulgaria and key partners, undertook a joint review mission to support Bulgaria, with a focus on addressing the health system needs of refugees, migrants, asylum seekers and vulnerable host populations in Bulgaria.
The assessment team developed this report on the key findings and a package of potential interventions based on the opportunities identified and the need for technical support and assistance. The report summarizes concrete areas of work for which collaborations can be further strengthened. The joint review team identified key recommendations for consideration across 8 priority areas. The report and the outcomes of the review mission serve as a basis for future technical collaboration in the area of refugee health, to address the health needs of refugees and third-country nationals fleeing from Ukraine.
More than three months since the start of the war in Ukraine, people globally are facing a cost-of-living crisis not seen in more than a generation, with escalating price shocks in the global food, energy and fertilizer markets - in a world already grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic and climate ch...ange.
Kiel Policy Brief, Ukraine Special 1, March 2022.Many African countries heavily rely on imports of agricultural commodities and agricultural inputs from Ukraine and Russia, for example wheat, other grains, and fertilizer. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has disrupted global access to grains due to re...duced production, exports, and increased trade costs. This policy brief investigates the possible long-term consequences of the conflict on food security in Africa
Lancet Public Health 2022 Published Online April 6, 2022