The Global Health eLearning Center offers courses aimed at increasing knowledge in a variety of global health technical areas. A complete listing of courses is below. Individual courses are also part of certificate programs, listed to the left, as well as on the Certificate Program page. Courses tha...t have been translated and can be found on the Translation page.
Schistosomiasis is one of the 17 ‘neglected tropical diseases’ as classified by the World Health Organization.
In order to better understand attitudes and practices surrounding schistosomiasis, Malaria Consortium carried out a survey in Nampula province, Mozambique, where the organisation is i...mplementing a community engagement intervention with a
focus on this disease. Findings suggest a need for greater efforts to improve knowledge of schistosomiasis in affected communities
in order to increase uptake of mass drug administration and ensure that communities take appropriate measures to prevent infection.
Connecting Frontline Health Workers to resources and each other to expand their knowledge, organize content into courses, and share their learning with the community.
ORB offers frontline health workers and trainers access to quality assured openly licensed content that can be used on mobile device...s and shared virally amongst communities.ORB has three unique features:
Brings into one space quality-assured, multimedia materials from multiple content developers, with a focus on maternal and child health.
Adaptation of existing content: ORB aims to reduce the practice of new content being developed unnecessarily.
A global collaborative network of organizations to share and review content, integrate content into programs and share user-experience.
By improving access to health content and mobile learning, ORB helps health workers access the vital content they need to do their work effectively and confidently.
Objetivos específicos:
- Analizar los conceptos de la Salud Pública, Salud Comunitaria y
Medicina Preventiva e incorporar terminología especifica.
- Identificar los factores de riesgo que pueden afectar a la salud y
conocer como estos actúan.
- Explicar y valorar las estrategias y técnicas... de promoción de la salud.
- Valorar la importancia de la atención primaria como eje del sistema de
salud y reconocer sus componentes esenciales.
- Introducir los conceptos de la Epidemiologia
Un kit de communication et sensibilisation
A la demande du gouvernement togolais, nous avons produit un Kit de communication sur les maladies infectieuses et Ebola, appuyé sur les résultats d'une enquête anthropologique qui a identifié les représentations de la population sur la maladie et s...a perception des messages de communication.
Les outils du kit sont présentés et téléchargeables ci-dessous, mais nous vous fournirons sur demande des fichiers haute définition pour impression et pour diffusion des vidéos
This film explains what obstructed labour is, how it can be identified and managed.
This film is for use in midwife training
The purpose of the job aids is to provide guidance to AIDSFree health promoters in-country on how to carry out targeted Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) awareness and advocacy meetings with local leaders, religious leaders, and famous influential people in the community.