Website last accessed on 31.03.2023
Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology, Vol. 95 (2001) pp.741-754
Leishmaniasis is a spectrum of disease caused by the infection of protozoan parasite Leishmania mainly affecting the antigen presenting cell of the host. The disease is although considered as neglected tropical disease still it is not completely eradicated. Majority of the issues related to the ther...apeutic approach is due to increased cytotoxicity of the drugs, less effectiveness, high cost and occurrence of drug resistance. Therefore, recent advancement in the field of parasitology has taken into consideration of the specific arms of immunity which can be triggered with the help of natural products, synthetic molecules or parasite specific ligands which helps in the restoration of host protective immunity and recovery from the infection. Therefore, in this review, we have highlighted the recent advancement in the field of Leishmania research taken into consideration of the therapeutic perspective. We have shown that apart from therapeutic potential of the available drugs and vaccination approach, the immune-therapy are emerging as the modern regime of treatment where the effectiveness of the therapy is significantly increased and making it safer and promising.
Based on categories related to structure, content, language, and illustrations, the present study provides an evaluation of the quality of educational materials on leishmaniasis available to health services in Brazil. The 18 publications evaluated consisted of four handbooks, four guided studies, fo...ur booklets, and six leaflets. Of the total publications assessed, nine were produced by the Brazilian National Health Foundation (FUNASA), five by State and Municipal Health Departments jointly with FUNASA, and one by the Pan-American Health Organization. The evaluations were also performed by three professionals: a physician specialized in leishmaniasis, a parasitologist, and an information/communications expert. The publications failed to specify key items such as target public, objective, and bibliography. The illustrations, especially in the booklets and leaflets, failed to clarify the text, portrayed biased concepts, and omitted credits and scale. According to this study, informative materials on leishmaniasis distributed in Brazil present major limitations which jeopardize the quality of information they contain.
Massoda Tonye et al. Malar J (2018) 17:156
Background: In 2011, the demographic and health survey (DHS) in Cameroon was combined with the multiple indicator
cluster survey. Malaria parasitological data were collected, but the survey period did not overl...ap with the high
malaria transmission season. A malaria indicator survey (MIS) was also conducted during the same year, within the
malaria peak transmission season. This study compares estimates of the geographical distribution of malaria parasite
risk and of the effects of interventions obtained from the DHS and MIS survey data.
Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) is an acute autoimmune polyradiculoneuropathy that often follows an antecedent infection. Leishmaniasis is a zoonosis due to a flagellate protozoan of the Leishmania genus and transmitted by the sandfly. Here we report a 15 years old teenager who presented with an ascen...ding installation of the motor deficit in three weeks associated with dysphonia and swallowing disorders. The physical examination showed a flaccid proximo-distal quadriparesis, akinesthesia, apallesthesia and cutaneous lesions on the forehead, wrist and calf that appeared two months earlier. The HIV serology was negative and cerebrospinal fluid examination was normal. The electroneuromyography showed a reduction in motor and sensitive amplitudes with an increase in distal latencies and F waves in the upper limbs and segmental and focal conduction blocks. Parasitological examination of the dermal juice around the edges of the skin lesions revealed amastigote forms of leishmaniasis. The evolution was favorable with only symptomatic treatment.
Ce rapport présente les résultats clés de la quatrième Enquête Démographique et de Santé du Bénin (EDSB-IV), qui a été réalisée de décembre 2011 à mars 2012 par l’Institut National de la Statistique et de l’Analyse Économique (INSAE) sous la tutelle du Ministère du Développement..., de l’Analyse Économique et de la Prospective, en collaboration avec les services techniques du ministère de la Santé, le Programme National de Lutte contre le Sida (PNLS), le Laboratoire de Parasitologie du Centre National Hospitalier et Universitaire Hubert Maga (CNHU) et le Laboratoire de référence du Programme National de Lutte contre le Sida et les IST (PNLS). L’EDSB-IV a été financée par le Gouvernement du Bénin, l’Agence des États-Unis pour le Développement International (USAID), le Fonds Mondial, le Fonds des Nations Unies pour l’Enfance (UNICEF), le Fonds des Nations Unies pour la Population (UNFPA) et le Programme Multisectoriel de Lutte contre le Sida (PMLS) par le biais d’un financement de la Banque Mondiale.
Ce rapport présente les principaux résultats de la quatrième édition de Enquête Démographique et de Santé du Bénin
(EDSB-IV), réalisée de décembre 2011 à mars 2012 par l’Institut National de la Statistique et de l’Analyse
Économique (INSAE) sous la tutelle du Ministère du Dévelo...ppement, de l’Analyse Économique et de la
Prospective, en collaboration avec les services techniques du ministère de la Santé, le Programme National de Lutte
contre le Sida (PNLS), le Laboratoire de Parasitologie du Centre National Hospitalier et Universitaire Hubert Maga
(CNHU) et le Laboratoire de référence du Programme National de Lutte contre le Sida et les IST (PNLS).
Leishmaniasis is a major vector-borne disease caused by obligate intramacrophage protozoa of the genus Leishmania, and transmitted by the bite of phlebotomine female sand flies of the genera Phlebotomus and Lutzomyia, in the old and new worlds, respectively. Among 20 well-recognized Leishmania known to infect humans, 18 have zoonotic nature, which include agents of visceral, cutaneous, and mucocutaneous forms of the disease, in both the old and new worlds. Currently, leishmaniasis show a wider geographic distribution and increased global incidence. Environmental, demographic and human behaviors contribute to the changing landscape for zoonotic cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis. The primary reservoir hosts of Leishmania are sylvatic mammals such as forest rodents, hyraxes and wild canids, and dogs are the most important species among domesticated animals in the epidemiology of this disease. These parasites have two basic life cycle stages: one extracellular stage within the invertebrate host (phlebotomine sand fly), and one intracellular stage within a vertebrate host. Co-infection with HIV intensifies the burden of visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis by causing severe forms and more difficult to manage. The disease is endemic to Ethiopia, and the clinical signs are not pathognomic. The visceral form (Kala-azar) may be confused with other similar conditions such as malaria, tropical splenomegaly, schistosomiasis, milliary tuberculosis, and brucellosis. Similarly, cutaneous leishmaniasis should be differentiated from disease like tropical ulcers, impetigo and leprosy. There are several methods of laboratory diagnosis of leishmaniasis, including parasitological, immunological and molecular. Different forms of treatments are available including oral, parenteral, and topical medications such as pentavalent antimonials, liposomal amphotericin B, miltefosine and paromomycin. Methods of control are largely limited to destruction of animal reservoirs, treatment of infected humans, and management of sand fly populations. Development of an effective vaccine against leishmaniasis has been largely unsuccessful and hinders its prevention.
Esta segunda edición de Medios auxiliares para el diagnóstico de las parasitosis intestinales tienen por objeto servir tanto de manual dirigido a los trabajadores de laboratorio y sobre el terreno en países con endemicidad, como de material didáctico para los estudiantes y las personas en formac...ión. En este documento se ofrece orientación para elegir la preparación en los diferentes métodos copromicroscópicos y la técnica de tinción principal para el diagnóstico de los parásitos intestinales (nematodos, trematodos, cestodos y protozoos). Las microfotografías presentan la apariencia y las características diagnósticas de los diferentes parásitos en las diversas preparaciones. Los medios auxiliares se elaboraron en un formato plastificado impermeable que es sólido y fácil de usar en la mesa de laboratorio. Se recomienda su uso a todos los profesionales de salud que se ocupan del diagnóstico corriente de las parasitosis intestinales.
You can download all diagnostic reference resources from the website:
Vue d’ensemble:
Le cycle de transmission
Téniase. Les ténias vivent dans l’intestin des êtres humains. Les œufs du ténia sont libérés avec les matières fécales. En cas de défécation à l’air libre, l'environnement (en particulier les légumes et l'eau) peut être contaminé. Cysti...cercose humaine. L'ingestion d'œufs de ténia (due à une mauvaise hygiène après l'utilisation des toilettes ou à la consommation d'eau ou d'aliments contaminés), entraîne le développement de kystes parasitaires principalement dans le cerveau (provoquant notamment des crises d’épilepsie). Cysticercose porcine. Les porcs mangeant des œufs de ténia (présents dans les matières fécales ou l'environnement) développent des kystes parasitaires principalement dans les muscles (viande). La viande infectée contient des kystes parasitaires qui ne sont pas toujours faciles à voir. La consommation de viande de porc infectée, crue ou mal cuite, entraîne le développement du ténia.
Les mesures de prévention et de contrôle
Les médicaments prescrits dans les centres de santé peuvent traiter l'infection par le ténia. Lavez vos mains avec de l'eau et du savon après avoir utilisé les toilettes. Rincez soigneusement les légumes ou faites-les cuire avant de les manger. Utilisez les toilettes ou les latrines pour éviter la contamination de l'environnement, des porcs et des autres personnes. Garder les porcs dans des enclos pour les empêcher d’être infectés. Vaccinez et traitez les porcs pour prévenir l'infection. L'inspection des viandes permet d'identifier les porcs fortement infectés. Faites bien cuire la viande de porc (elle ne doit plus être rose) pour tuer le parasite.
The proposed roadmap includes components and recommended actions to eliminate these neglected infectious diseases from the Americas.
Biology, Diagnosis and Treatment, Epidemiology and Prevention
Website last accessed on 18.03.2023
Education and information about hookworm including fact sheets and information on prevention and control, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment.
Visión de conjunto:
El ciclo de transmisión
Teniasis. Las tenias viven en los intestinos de las personas infectadas. Los huevos de la tenia se liberan con las heces. Si se defeca al aire libre, se puede contaminar el ambiente (incluyendo los vegetales y el agua). Cisticercosis humana. La inges...tión de huevos de la tenia (debido a una mala higiene después de ir al baño o al consumir alimentos o agua contaminados), resulta en quistes del parásito principalmente en el cerebro (causando convulsiones y epilepsia). Cisticercosis porcina. Los cerdos que ingieren huevos de tenia (presentes en las heces o en el medio ambiente) desarrollan quistes del parásito, principalmente en los músculos (carne). La carne infectada contiene quistes del parásito, que no siempre son fáciles de ver. Comer carne de cerdo infectada cruda o poco cocinada hará que las personas desarrollen tenias.
Las medidas de prevención y control
Tratar la infección por teniasis con medicamentos indicados por el personal de salud. Lavarse las manos con agua y jabón después de ir al baño. Lavar bien las verduras o cocinarlas antes de comerlas. Utilizar los baños o letrinas para evitar infectar el ambiente, los cerdos y otras personas. Mantener a los cerdos en corrales para evitar que se infecten. Vacunar y tratar a los cerdos para prevenir la infección. La inspección de la carne puede identificar a los cerdos altamente infectados. Cocinar bien la carne de cerdo (no debe verse el color rosa) para matar el parásito.
Kinetoplastid parasites have caused human disease for millennia. Significant achievements have been made toward developing new treatments for leishmaniasis (particularly on the Indian subcontinent) and for human African trypanosomiasis (HAT). Moreover, the sustained decrease in the incidence of HAT... has made the prospect of elimination a tantalizing reality. Despite the gains, no new chemical or biological entities to treat kinetoplastid diseases have been registered in more than three decades, and more work is needed to discover safe and effective therapies for patients with Chagas disease and leishmaniasis. Advances in tools for drug discovery and novel insights into the biology of the host−parasite interaction may provide opportunities for accelerated progress. Here, we summarize the output from a gathering of scientists and physicians who met to discuss the current status and future directions in drug discovery for kinetoplastid diseases.