This report presents the main characteristics of Ebola emergency preparedness in three EU Member States. Findings are organised in five sections: preparedness planning, organisational structures, recourses and capacities, intersectoral and cross-border collaboration, and country-specific findings
EpiSouth Network, established among countries of South-East Europe, North Africa and Middle-East to create a framework of collaboration on epidemiological issues for enhancing communicable diseases surveillance and control of public health risks through communication, training, information exchange ...and technical support to countries in the Mediterranean region.
This is one of seven Medical Peace Work cases.
Если вы хотите лучше понять, что такое Беспокойство и депрессия, ознакомьтесь с нашим Кратким обобщением по теме, а также научными статьями Экспертов в этой област... в Энциклопедии раннего детского развития, размещенной в свободном доступе насайте
Konzepte und Modelle zur Umsetzung der EU-Richtlinien für besonders schutzbedürftige Asylsuchende.Die unterschiedlichen Modelle werden vorgestellt, wie auch die teilweise zum Einsatz gekommenen Screeningfragebögen. Abgeleitet aus den Vor- und Nachteilen dieser Modelle wird das Konzept der BAfF f...r qualifizierte Verfahren zur Feststellung, fachspezifischen Bedarfsermittlung, Erstversorgung und Behandlung von besonders schutzbedürftigen Gruppen vorgestellt, welches Anforderungen an den Prozess sowie Qualifikationsmerkmale der involvierten AkteurInnen integriert. - See more at:öffentlichungen-der-baff/hintergrundmaterial/#sthash.9ANwllZF.dpuf
Данный раздел «Информационный листок для родителей» предоставлен Центромпередовых знаний о раннем детском развитии (ЦРДР) и Кластером стратегическихзнаний о ран...нем детском развитии (КСЗ-РДР). Эти организации выявляют лучшиенаучные работы по раннему детскому развитию и кратко излагают их содержание.Они предоставляют имеющиеся сведения для самой широкой аудитории, адаптируя в каждом случае формат и язык предъявления
Mental disorders are one of the top public health challenges in the WHO European Region, affecting about 25% of the population every year. In all countries, mental health problems are much more prevalent among the people who are most deprived. The WHO European Region therefore faces diverse affecting both the mental well-being of the population and the provision and quality of care for people with mental health problems.
The European Mental Health Action Plan focuses on seven interlinked objectives and proposes effective action to strengthen mental health and well-being. Investing in mental health is essential for the sustainability of health and socioeconomic policies in the European Region. The Action Plan corresponds to the four priority areas of the European policy framework for health and wellbeing, Health 2020, and will contribute directly to its implementation.
On this homepage of the ATSDR you'll find learning material for webinars on chemical exposure assessment focused on the US, including:
- Webinar on ATSDR Assessment of Chemical Exposures (ACE) Program
-ATSDR National Toxic Substance Incidents Program (NTSIP) and the CDC Public Health Emergency Pre...paredness (PHEP) Program Capabilities Webinar
- State Partners Webinar - State Surveillance of Chemical Incidents
- ACE Webinar - NTSIP Assessment of Chemical Exposures (ACE) - Your Partner In Chemical Incident Response
- National Toxic Substance Incidents Database
accessed on 03.16.2018
Infection prevention and control measures for Ebola virus disease
The extensive use of antimicrobials in human and veterinary medicine in recent years has accelerated the emergence and spread of resistant microorganisms. This situation has been worsened by the lack of investment in developing new effective antibiotics. The severity of the consequences is clear to ...see: it is estimated that each year, drug-resistant infections result in at least 25 000 patient deaths and cost the EU EUR 1,5 billion in healthcare costs and through loss of productivity
информационный листок о курении табака через кальян и последствиях для здоровья
Epidemiologisches Bulletin; 1. Dezember 2014 / Nr. 48
Rezumat. Definiţie. Epidemiologie. Etiologie. Ciclul de transmitere al tuberculozei. Patogenie si imunitate. Leziuni morfologice în tuberculoză.Modul PNEUMOLOGIE
1 mai 2013 – 30 aprilie 2014]Creditat prin decizia CMR nr. 6653/21.12.2012
Eur Respir J. 2014 April ; 43(4): 1132–1141. doi:10.1183/09031936.00203613.
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