L'article souligne que les épidémies de choléra en Syrie et au Liban menacent gravement la santé et la survie des enfants. L'UNICEF alerte sur l'augmentation rapide des cas, exacerbée par des infrastructures d'eau et d'assainissement défaillantes, ainsi que par des systèmes de santé fragilis...és. L'organisation appelle à une action urgente pour améliorer l'accès à l'eau potable, renforcer les services de santé et mener des campagnes de vaccination afin de protéger les enfants contre cette maladie potentiellement mortelle.
After more than three years without cases, Haiti reported on 2 October 2022 a cluster of cholera cases in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince, just as the country was on the verge of being declared cholera- free.
This cholera resurgence in Haiti is happening in a complex operational context, am...id a volatile socio- political environment marked by blockades, fuel shortages, criminal gang activity and rampant insecurity. Civil unrest and lack of access to the affected communities are deepening the complex humanitarian crisis and hindering emergency response efforts.
Après plus de trois ans sans cas, Haïti a signalé le 2 octobre 2022 un ensemble de cas de choléra dans la zone métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince, alors que le pays était sur le point d'être déclaré exempt de choléra.
Cette résurgence du choléra en Haïti survient dans un contexte opérat...ionnel complexe, au milieu d'un environnement socio-politique instable marqué par des blocus, des pénuries de carburant, des activités de bandes criminelles et une insécurité galopante. Les troubles civils et le manque d'accès aux communautés touchées aggravent la crise humanitaire complexe et entravent les efforts de réponse d'urgence.
Desde la notificación de los dos primeros casos confirmados de Vibrio cholerae O1 en el área del gran Puerto Príncipe el 2 de octubre de 2022, al 23 de octubre de 2022, el Ministerio de Salud de Haití (Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population, MSPP por sus siglas en francés), inform...ó un total de 2.243 casos sospechosos, incluidos 219 casos confirmados, 1.415 casos sospechosos internados y 55 defunciones registradas.
El 20 de octubre de 2022, el Ministerio de Salud Pública de República Dominicana confirmó el primer caso importado de cólera en el país
The report provides an update on the cholera outbreak in Haiti as of January and February 2024. A total of 79,411 suspected cases have been reported, with 4,608 confirmed cases and 1,172 deaths across all 10 departments. The most affected regions include Ouest, Centre, Artibonite, and Nord, with chi...ldren aged 1-9 being the most impacted. Despite a recent decline in reported cases, underreporting due to security issues remains a concern. Response efforts include coordination meetings, epidemiological surveillance, case management, WASH interventions, vaccination campaigns, and community engagement. However, logistical challenges, insecurity, and funding shortages are hindering effective response efforts.
The report provides an epidemiological update on cholera outbreaks in Haiti as of January 17, 2023. Since the first confirmed cases in October 2022, Haiti has reported 24,232 suspected cases, including 1,742 confirmed cases and 483 deaths. The most affected areas are in the Ouest Department, particu...larly Port-au-Prince. Children aged 1 to 4 years are the most affected group. The ongoing humanitarian crisis, security issues, and limited access to healthcare have worsened the outbreak, hindering epidemiological surveillance and case reporting. The PAHO/WHO is working with Haitian authorities to respond to the outbreak and mitigate its spread.
Le rapport décrit la situation épidémiologique au Congo entre le 22 et le 23 juillet 2023, mettant en évidence les épidémies de choléra, de shigellose et de salmonellose. Il mentionne 19 cas confirmés de choléra, 3 de shigellose et 3 de salmonellose, ainsi que 63 cas d'intoxication alimenta...ire. Au total, 36 décès ont été signalés, avec une majorité des cas concentrés à Dolisie. Les autorités sanitaires ont mis en place des mesures de riposte, notamment la distribution de matériel médical, la sensibilisation communautaire et la surveillance épidémiologique. Des défis persistent, notamment l’identification de la source de contamination et le renforcement des capacités médicales.
L'article "Témoignages de mères face au choléra" sur ReliefWeb présente les récits de mères haïtiennes dont les enfants ont été touchés par le choléra. Il met en lumière les défis auxquels ces familles sont confrontées, en particulier dans les régions où l'accès aux soins de santé ...et aux infrastructures sanitaires est insuffisant. L'article souligne la vulnérabilité accrue des enfants malnutris face au choléra et insiste sur l'importance des mesures de prévention ainsi que sur la nécessité d'un accès à l'eau potable et à des soins médicaux adéquats.
The Ethiopia Multi-Sectorial Cholera Elimination Plan (2022-2028) outlines a national strategy to eliminate cholera in Ethiopia by 2028. The plan follows the Global Roadmap to End Cholera by 2030 and is based on six key pillars: Leadership & Coordination, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH), Surveill...ance & Reporting, Use of Oral Cholera Vaccines (OCV), Healthcare System Strengthening, and Community Engagement.
Ethiopia has historically faced recurrent cholera outbreaks due to poor sanitation, unsafe water, and weak health infrastructure. The plan prioritizes high-risk areas (hotspot woredas) and aims to reduce cholera-related mortality by 90% by 2028. It includes efforts to improve WASH conditions, strengthen disease surveillance, enhance rapid response capabilities, expand vaccination campaigns, and integrate cholera control into broader health policies.
The government, in collaboration with international partners such as WHO, UNICEF, and the Global Task Force for Cholera Control (GTFCC), will implement and monitor the plan. The estimated budget for the initiative is $390 million over eight years. Ethiopia aims to achieve zero cholera transmission in hotspot regions, ensuring sustainable public health improvements.
The ECDC's Cholera Monthly Surveillance page provides up-to-date data on cholera cases reported in Europe and globally. It monitors outbreaks, tracks trends, and analyzes the spread of the disease to support public health responses. The page includes interactive maps, statistics, and reports to help... policymakers, researchers, and healthcare professionals understand cholera’s epidemiology and implement preventive measures.
The South African Department of Health reports a decline in cholera cases, with only one confirmed case out of 28 suspected cases in the last 10 days as of July 5, 2023. However, authorities urge continued vigilance, emphasizing hygiene, especially during mass gatherings.
Since February 2023, South... Africa has recorded 1,073 suspected cholera cases, with 198 confirmed cases across five provinces. Gauteng Province is the most affected, with 176 cases, primarily in Hammanskraal, Tshwane. Other affected provinces include Free State, North West, Limpopo, and Mpumalanga.
The outbreak has resulted in 47 deaths, with four new suspected deaths reported in the Free State. The majority of confirmed cases are in individuals aged 41-50 years, and 52% of cases are female.
The health department continues preventive efforts through health education and targeted case-finding. Authorities also stress the importance of clean water and hygiene compliance in initiation schools to prevent further outbreaks.
Malawi's Ministry of Health officially declared on August 16, 2023, that the cholera outbreak is no longer a national health emergency. Since the outbreak began in February 2022, the country recorded 58,982 cholera cases and 1,768 deaths. Through coordinated efforts by the government, development pa...rtners, and local communities, the outbreak has been contained in 26 out of 29 districts.
Only a few isolated cases remain in areas affected by Cyclone Freddy. The Minister of Health emphasized the importance of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) initiatives to prevent future outbreaks. The World Health Organization (WHO) praised Malawi’s progress and pledged continued support to mitigate remaining risks.
The Ethiopia Cholera Outbreak - Flash Update #8 reports a worsening cholera crisis, with 11,407 cases and 156 deaths as of June 20, 2023. The outbreak, ongoing since August 2022, has spread across 79 districts in Oromia, Somali, SNNP, and Sidama regions, increasing by 85% since May.
Key challenges ...include contaminated water, insecurity, floods, and a global vaccine shortage, leaving 7.7 million people at risk. Only 15% of affected areas have contained the disease. A vaccination campaign has reached 1.9 million people, and 81 Cholera Treatment Centers (CTCs) have been set up, but funding remains critically low.
The United Nations (OCHA) warns that the upcoming rainy season may worsen the outbreak, requiring urgent intervention.
The technical note from the Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) examines the risks and benefits of vaccinating pregnant women with WHO-prequalified oral cholera vaccines (OCVs) during mass vaccination campaigns. It highlights that three WHO-approved vaccines (Dukoral®, Shanchol™, and Euv...ichol®) offer sustained protection and a strong safety profile.
While these vaccines are not explicitly contraindicated for pregnant women, there is limited clinical data on their use during pregnancy. However, studies indicate that pregnant women with cholera face higher risks of fetal loss, stillbirth, and complications, especially if they experience severe dehydration. Some evidence suggests that vaccination can reduce cholera incidence in pregnant women and indirectly protect infants.
Although no controlled trials have focused on pregnant women, retrospective studies in Guinea and Zanzibar showed no significant increase in adverse pregnancy outcomes after OCV administration. The GTFCC concludes that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks, particularly in high-risk areas, and recommends including pregnant women in cholera vaccination campaigns while continuing to monitor safety data.
The technical note by the Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) discusses the use of Oral Cholera Vaccines (OCVs) for international workers and travelers in cholera-affected areas. It reviews the effectiveness of WHO-prequalified vaccines (Dukoral®, Shanchol™, and Euvichol®), emphasizing ...their role in preventing infection and reducing transmission risks.
The document highlights concerns about travelers contracting cholera in endemic regions and potentially spreading the disease upon returning home. While the overall risk is considered low, certain groups, such as humanitarian workers and travelers to high-risk areas like South Asia, face a higher exposure.
Recommendations include vaccination for emergency and relief workers who may come into direct contact with cholera patients or contaminated environments. However, routine vaccination for general travelers is not widely recommended. The note also calls for better surveillance and studies to assess the potential of vaccines in preventing international transmission.
La vidéo "Choléra - Questions & Réponses" de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) explique les aspects essentiels du choléra, une maladie diarrhéique aiguë causée par l'ingestion d'eau ou d'aliments contaminés par la bactérie Vibrio cholerae. Elle met en avant les principaux symptôme...s, notamment une diarrhée aqueuse sévère, des vomissements et une déshydratation rapide, pouvant être mortelle sans traitement adéquat. La transmission se fait principalement par l’eau insalubre et les mauvaises conditions sanitaires. Pour prévenir la maladie, il est essentiel d'avoir accès à de l'eau potable, d'améliorer l'hygiène et l'assainissement, et d'utiliser la vaccination dans les zones à haut risque. En cas d'infection, la réhydratation orale ou intraveineuse est le traitement principal, tandis que les antibiotiques sont parfois administrés dans les cas graves. La vidéo insiste sur l'importance d'une intervention rapide et de mesures préventives pour limiter la propagation du choléra et protéger les populations à risque.
The video "Cholera - Questions & Answers" by the World Health Organization (WHO) explains the essential aspects of cholera, an acute diarrheal disease caused by ingesting water or food contaminated with the Vibrio cholerae bacterium. It highlights the main symptoms, including severe watery diarrhea,... vomiting, and rapid dehydration, which can be fatal without proper treatment. Transmission occurs primarily through unsafe water and poor sanitation conditions. To prevent the disease, it is crucial to have access to clean drinking water, improve hygiene and sanitation, and use vaccination in high-risk areas. In case of infection, oral or intravenous rehydration is the primary treatment, while antibiotics are sometimes administered in severe cases. The video emphasizes the importance of rapid intervention and preventive measures to limit the spread of cholera and protect at-risk populations.
The CDC's "About Cholera" webpage provides essential information on cholera, an intestinal infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. It highlights that cholera is primarily spread through contaminated water and food, leading to severe diarrhea, dehydration, and potentially death if untreate...d. Individuals in areas with unsafe drinking water, poor sanitation, and inadequate hygiene are at the highest risk. The page emphasizes the importance of early and proper treatment, such as rehydration therapy, to improve survival rates. Preventative measures include using treated water, practicing good hygiene, and vaccination, especially for travelers to regions where cholera is prevalent.
Lancet Glob Health 2016; 4: e856–63. Open Access
The article "Effectiveness of one dose of oral cholera vaccine in response to an outbreak: a case-cohort study" investigates whether a single dose of the Shanchol oral cholera vaccine can provide effective protection during an outbreak. Conducted i...n Juba, South Sudan, in 2015, the study involved a case-cohort approach, analyzing vaccination status and disease outcomes.
Findings showed that a single dose was 80.2% effective in preventing medically attended cholera cases, increasing to 87.3% after adjustments for confounding factors. These results suggest that a single-dose strategy can be an effective emergency response, particularly in settings with limited vaccine supply and high mobility of affected populations. The study supports using a single-dose approach during outbreaks when a two-dose regimen is logistically challenging.