Please complete the section below. Bring all your medicines and inhalers along with a complete list to doctor’s office visits. Think about your ability to perform these activities on a typical “green” day. Place one check mark in each column. In the last (blank) column write in an activity you... would like to be able to do again. Check the box below it to show how difficult it is to do that activity now. Share this goal with you healthcare team and your family.
COPD Health Professionals & Educators
Whether you are a healthcare professional, COPD educator or patient advocate, it is important to stay informed about COPD care, resources and support options.
These podcasts are produced for educational discussions only. Reference to any specific product, treatment, or entity does not constitute an endorsement. The views expressed by speakers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the view of GOLD in entirety.
Caring for someone with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can be complicated. This toolkit is designed to support caregivers like you. It answers five questions most COPD caregivers face at some point in their experience. Some sections may apply to you more than others, so you can start w...herever you’d like, based on your needs. At the bottom of the page, you’ll find some useful forms and checklists to help you prepare for doctor visits, track medications and vaccinations, develop a helpful contact list, and more.
The Indian Chest Society is a professional organization dedicated to promoting knowledge, research, and education in the field of pulmonology and respiratory diseases to enhance the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of such conditions.
Find featured COPD videos, toolkits, worksheets, guides and interactive tools for COPD patients and caregivers.
The Pan African Thoracic Society is a major professional organization representing Lung Health in Africa. Africa carries a disproportionally high burden of respiratory morbidity and mortality relative to the population size.
The article provides a comprehensive overview of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), covering its causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods, classification of severity, treatment options, and management strategies, with a focus on risk factors, clinical features, and therapeutic approaches such... as smoking cessation, bronchodilators, rehabilitation, and potential surgical interventions.
Paediatric Webinar Series
Paediatric Respiratory Reserch: meet the experts
Kerala state is moving towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDG), adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 25th September 2015.
Goal 3 of the SDG addresses “Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for
all at all ages”. The sub-goal 3.4 of the SDG has the targe...t “By 2030, reduce by one
third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and wellbeing”.
Paediatric Webinar Series
Air pollution and the lung in children:
the evidence for exposure and prevention measures
Paediatric Webinar Series
Non- CF Bronchiectasis: Diagnostic Approach and Management