OpenWHO is WHO’s new interactive, web-based, knowledge-transfer platform offering online courses to improve the response to health emergencies. OpenWHO enables the Organization and its key partners to transfer life-saving knowledge to large numbers of frontline responders.
On this platform you fi...nd online courses on: Pandemic and epidemic-prone diseases; Incident Management System; MERS; Ebola; Public Health Interventions; Risk communication; Predeployment training GO; ZIKA; Influenza
The course consist of one module, which provides information on the history of the Ebola virus, diagnosis and treatment. In addition the module covers topics such as transmission pathways and vaccines.
All healthcare workers have free online access to this course.
The module is written to unders...tand more about the Ebola virus: How it spreads, how it can be controlled, the clinical symptoms and current and potential treatment.
Ebola[e]Education is a free available course. Register to gain access to the free courses.
Aperçu: Cette formation complète de niveau intermédiaire est destinée aux agents de santé de première ligne qui s’occupent de cas suspects ou confirmés de maladie à virus Ebola (MVE). Elle porte sur les domaines suivants : transmission de la MVE (en s’intéressant en particulier aux mesu...res de lutte contre l’infection) ; diagnostic de la maladie ; et prise en charge des cas, avec une présentation générale des centres de traitement d’Ebola (CTE) et des informations sur les traitements expérimentaux. Ces modules présentent des stratégies complètes sur la sécurité des patients et des agents de soins et la préparation à la riposte. La formation pourra être utile aux cliniciens de tout secteur du système de santé, notamment ceux qui travaillent dans des postes de santé, prodiguent des soins de santé primaires ou sont employés par des hôpitaux nationaux ou de district. Une attention particulière est accordée aux soins dispensés dans les CTE.
Objectifs d’apprentissage : À la fin de ce cours, vous serez capable de :
identifier les patients présentant des signes et des symptômes de MVE ;
comprendre la transmission de la MVE ;
comprendre les grands volets de la prise en charge clinique de la MVE ;
connaître les stratégies de lutte contre l’infection;
préparer les établissements, la population et les agents de santé à la riposte à la maladie à virus Ebola ; et
gérer les déchets de façon sécurisée et de procéder à des inhumations sans risque et dans la dignité.
Durée du cours : Environ 8 heures.
ePROTECT is an occupational health and safety briefing that covers the basic information you need to protect yourself when deploying to countries with Ebola virus disease. Those of you who will carry out specialized tasks, such as working in direct contact with sick people, will need more advanced-l...evel training and coaching.
This comprehensive intermediate level course is for clinicians caring for patients with suspected or confirmed Ebola virus disease (EVD). Modules provide information on screening and triage, infection prevention and control, laboratory diagnostics, organization of the Ebola Treatment Centre (ETC), c...linical care of patients in the ETC, and investigational therapeutic agents.
This training course provides clinicians with access to downloadable presentations and posters to facilitate their management of Ebola virus disease (EVD). Under this section, please find a Congolese Swahili translation of all modules with their presentation.
ePROTECT est une séance d'information sur la santé et la sécurité au travail qui couvre les renseignements de base dont vous avez besoin pour vous protéger lorsque vous vous déployez dans des pays où le virus Ebola est présent. Ceux d'entre vous qui effectueront des tâches spécialisées, c...omme travailler en contact direct avec des personnes malades, auront besoin d'une formation et d'un encadrement de niveau plus avancé.
For health professionals located outside affected regions, online learning courses from BMJ Learning [] offer guidance on how to recognise who is most at risk and how to manage suspected cases of Ebola in primary care.
All personnel responding to Ebola outbreaks need to have basic knowledge and skills in order to mount an effective response. The GO training package was developed for WHO deployees so they can work safely and effectively as part of the teams bringing outbreaks under control. The learning package con...sists of 7 modules, which include video lectures and downloadable presentations that have been updated with the latest information and developments. It begins with an introduction to Ebola virus disease before moving to the response strategy and essential information related to working for WHO. The GO materials are designed to complement the ePROTECT training, which is available here:
Mafunzo haya ya kina ya kiwango wastani ni ya wauguzi wanaowatunza wagonjwa wanaoshukiwa au waliothibitishwa kuwa na ugonjwa wa virusi vya Ebola (EVD). Moduli hii inatoa taarifa ya uchunguzi na ukaguzi, na kuzuia maambukizi and kuthibiti, uchunguzi wa maabara, taratibu za Kituo cha Matibabu ya Ebola... (ETC), uuguzi wa wagonjwa kwenye ETC, uchunguzi wa kimatibabu.sw
Les décideurs et les intervenants en première ligne trouveront ici les ressources sur la maladie à virus Ebola. Ces ressources peuvent être utilisées en tant que rappels ou compléments de connaissances pour les travailleurs expérimentés ou en tant qu’introduction au sujet pour les autres. ...La plupart des ressources sont disponibles en anglais et en français et peuvent être téléchargées pour un usage sans connexion. Une version en Lingala est également disponible.
Decision-makers and frontline responders will find a set of resources on Ebola virus disease here. These resources can be used as refreshers for experienced personnel or as an introduction to the topic for everyone else. Most of the materials are available in English and French, and can be downloade...d for offline use. A version in Lingala is also available.
An informative free course to help spread valuable information about this disease. This free course will help to inform people about Ebola virus and the controls required to contain the disease.
Learn more about the Ebola virus and how to avoid it. Free online course.
Having completed this course the learner will be able to: - Describe what the Ebola virus is; - List the countries where the outbreak has occurred; - Explain what the signs and symptoms of an infection are; - Explain how an i...nfection is treated; - Explain how to avoid becoming infected
Ebola is a serious disease. Pre-deployment training and follow-up support is required to help personnel working in affected countries work safely and effectively. The ePROTECT course is a basic self-learning online introduction for personnel being deployed to work on the Ebola response. You can the course from a computer or a tablet. Go to the website:
This two-week free course looks at the science behind the Ebola outbreak, to understand why it has occurred on this scale and how it can be controlled
- See more at:
Start: 19 January 2015
Duration: 2 weeks,6 per week
Email inquiries:
A new mobile learning courses developed by CapacityPlus lead partner IntraHealth International offer specialized guidance on care and prevention for health workers in Ebola-affected areas, delivered through SMS text messages or through interactive voice response on simple mobile phones. The reources... will be available on the IntraHealth International website
Online Training Course
Ebola hemorrhagic fever is one of many viral hemorrhagic fevers. It is a severe, often fatal disease in humans and nonhuman primates, and is one of the world's most contagious diseases. However, the infection can be controlled through recommended protective measures. For Gra...ssroot Audience. You can download the Education Module:
WiRED Rapid Response Training Module. Free Online Education Course. Please go to the website:
Sign up for free, and start learning!
BMJ Learning features hundreds of accredited learning modules for doctors, nurses, medical students and other healthcare professionals.
Short, imaged-based courses that do not require high levels of literacy. These are designed to teach those people with limited reading skills about Ebola. You can download the materials in Russian, Chinese, Japanese, German, Malay-Bahasa, Indonesian-Bahasa, Danish, Korean, Hindi, Filipino; Mongolian