October 2009 | Volume 6 | Issue 10 | e1000162
November 3, 2009https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1000176
PLoS Med 6(11): e1000176. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1000176
BMJ 2009; 338 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.b158 (Published 05 February 2009)
Cite this as: BMJ 2009;338:b158
Correspondence to: A Burns alistair.burns@manchester.ac.uk
Die Situation von Kindersoldaten erhält in der Öffentlichkeit zunehmend einen groesseren Stellenwert, Kampagnen wie die Aktion Rote Hand bringen vielen Menschen das traurige Schicksal dieser Kinder und Jugendlichen näher. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei das Leben
in den Heimatländern der Betroffenen..., die Verwicklung in Kampfhandlungen oder die Wiedereingliederung in die Gesellschaft.
Front. Hum. Neurosci., 25 September 2009 | https://doi.org/10.3389/neuro.09.026.2009
Data on the essential building blocks of mental health systems, including mental health
governance, financing, service delivery, human resources and information, are reported. For
mental health planning, it is important to know not only the level of resources in these six areas,
but also how thos...e resources are being organized and utilized. Thus, data on efficiency, access,
equity, linkages with other sectors and respect for human rights are reported as well.
The manual contains basic principles of prescribing followed by chapters on medicines used in psychotic disorders; depressive disorders; bipolar disorders; generalised anxiety and sleep disorders; obsessive-compulsive disorders and panic attacks; and alcohol and opioid dependence
В статье представлены данные катамнестического исследованияпсихической травмы, связанной с участием в боевых действиях, ипсихических нарушениях, обусловленных ...ю. В статье рассматрива-ются такие аспекты формирования ПТСР, как динамика среды (обще-ства), психическая травма и вызванные ею психические расстрой-ства, динамика травмированной личности.
В методических рекомендациях изложен материал для информирования населения на темы психического здоровья с учетом факторов и особенностей распространенных стиг...матизирующих установок в отношении людей с психическими расстройствами. Рекомендации могут служить основой для разработки информационного воздействия с целью повышения эффективности лекарственного лечения и медико-социальной реабилитации больных.
В методических рекомендациях представлены особенности стигматизации больных эпилепсией различными группами, играющими важную роль в их адаптации в социуме. Испо...льзованы клинико-психопатологический, социологический (метод интервью) и статистический методы. За основу социологического метода был взят опросник «Психическое здоровье в общественном сознании», разработанный В.С. Ястребовым и соавт. (2001). У больных эпилепсией выделены четыре типа внутренней картины болезни, формирующие индивидуальные копинг-механизмы.
Discussion Paper "Mental health, poverty and development", July 2009
В методических рекомендациях изложен материал для информирования населения на темы психического здоровья с учетом факторов и особенностей распространенных стиг...матизирующих установок в отношении людей с психическими расстройствами. Рекомендации могут служить основой для разработки информационного воздействия с целью повышения эффективности лекарственного лечения и медико-социальной реабилитации больных.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a major trauma. Children and teens with PTSD can have a number of symptoms after a trauma that fall into three categories: (1) Reliving the trauma in some way; (2) Attempts to avoid anythin...g that reminds the child or teen of the trauma; (3) Very high anxiety (also called "hyperarousal") and being easily startled. Children and teens with PTSD usually have some symptoms from each of these categories.
Представлены особенности стигматизирования больных шизофренией различными группами населения, играющими важную роль в их адаптации в социуме. Использованы клин...ко-психопатологический, социологический (метод интервью) и статистические методы. За основу социологического метода взят опросник «Психическое здоровье в общественном сознании», разработанный В.С.Ястребовым и соавт. (2001). Приведены основные направления дестигматизационной работы. Указаны мероприятия, которые следует проводить на федеральном, территориальном, местном и учрежденческом уровнях.
The impact of maternal mental health problems on infants in high income countries has been identified mostly in terms of psychosocial and emotional development, thanks to the groundbreaking early work of Spitz (2) and of Bowlby (3), who studied the emotional needs of infants and mother-child attachm...ent. Subsequently, a large body of literature, also from HICs, documented the effects of maternal mental health on the child's psychological development (4), intellectual competence(5), psychosocial functioning (6) and rate of psychiatric morbidity (7, 8).
The Terre des hommes Child Protection Psychosocial Training Manual has been developed for use in the field
in order to train animators who work with children and other child protection programme staff. It has
been written in response to the needs which exist in Terre des hommes child protection pr...ogrammes,
and should be used as a practical tool alongside the Child Protection: Manual for Intervention in Humanitarian
Crisis, previously produced by Terre des hommes.
The modules in this manual have been grouped according to the following categories:
• Level 1: Facilitating a training
• Level 2: Basic concepts for intervention
• Level 3: Animator’s competencies
Each module is laid out under the following headings:
• What is it?
• Why is it useful?
• How can I use it?
The guideline on Drug misuse: opioid detoxification, commissioned by NICE and developed by the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, sets out clear, evidence-based recommendations for healthcare staff on how to work with people who misuse opioids to significantly improve their treatment a...nd care, and to deliver detoxification safely and effectively. Of the estimated 4 million people in the UK who use illicit drugs each year, approximately 50,000 misuse opioids (such as heroin, opium, morphine, codeine and methadone). Opioid misuse presents a considerable health risk and can lead to significant social problems. This NICE guideline is an important tool in helping people to overcome their drug problem.
The mental health of women not only adversely affects them, but its impact on their
developing infant is also severe. If the ability of women to take care of their baby is
compromised, the survival and development of the infant is jeopardized. Maternal
depression in resource-constrained settings ...is linked directly to lower infant birth
weight, higher rates of malnutrition and stunting, higher rates of diarrhoeal disease,
infectious illness and hospital admission and reduced completion of recommended
schedules of immunization in children. It also adversely affects physical, cognitive,
social, behavioural and emotional development of children (1).