This document aims to provide advice on the use of cloth face masks and sterilisation of respirators and surgical masks as an alternative in healthcare settings with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases if there is a shortage of specialised surgical masks and respirators.
This document provides guidance to EU/EEA Member States on environmental cleaning in healthcare and non-healthcare settings during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This document provides guidance on infection prevention and control (IPC) measures for people with suspected or confirmed coronavirus disease (COVID-19) who are experiencing mild symptoms that do not require hospitalisation, therefore self-isolating at home.
Strategie-Ergänzung zu empfohlenen Infektionsschutz-massnahmen und Zielen (2. Update)
Epidemiologies Bulletin 12/2020 13.3.2020
Guidance issued as of 25 March 2020
This guidance is intended for use by health authorities to guide the actions taken by health-care providers for refugees and migrants in relation to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. This document is intended to address the needs and rights of refugees a...nd migrants living in all types of setting.
General recommendations made by WHO in the COVID-19 response (link here) are the superseding guidelines. Unfounded measures regarding testing, health screening and quarantine should not be imposed on refugees and migrants.
BMJ has created a free resource on SARS-CoV-2 and covid-19 to inform diagnosis and treatment, and to promote the wellbeing and safety of staff and patients during this extremely stressful and challenging period.
BMJ’s dedicated covid-19 hub not only draws on the latest peer reviewed research, n...ews and opinion from The BMJ and BMJ’s 70 + specialist journals. It also provides online CPD from BMJ Learning and guidance on the evidence-based management of covid-19 from BMJ Best Practice.
The content is updated daily so that healthcare professionals on the frontline of care can readily keep abreast of the latest developments in thinking and practice
Plataforma de Recursos em português: Orientações, Infografias e Cartazes, Mapas
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) has compiled a selection of web pages and information sheets
on mental health and coping with the effects of COVID-19. These resources are a selection from key organizations
in the field. We will continue to update this list as new resources become ava...ilable.
At this time, information about COVID-19 is rapidly evolving as new details are confirmed and new questions emerge. In the
event of an outbreak in your community, as a parent/caregiver, your first concern is about how to protect and take care of
your children and family. Knowing important informat...ion about the outbreak and learning how to be prepared can reduce your
stress and help calm likely anxieties. This resource will help you think about how an infectious disease outbreak might affect
your family—both physically and emotionally—and what you can do to help your family cope.
Die CovApp ist eine von der Charité in Zusammenarbeit mit Data4Life entwickelte Software, mit der Sie innerhalb weniger Minuten einen Fragenkatalog beantworten und daraus spezifische Handlungsempfehlungen erhalten. Dafür werden Ihnen Fragen nach aktuellen Symptomen und möglichen Kontakten gestell...t. Diese App erbringt keine diagnostischen Leistungen. Sie erhalten aber nach Beantwortung des Fragenkatalogs konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen, Ansprechpartner und Kontakte sowie eine Zusammenfassung Ihrer Daten. Ziel ist es, die Patientenströme in Krankenhäuser und Untersuchungsstellen zu optimieren.
So kann Ihnen die CovApp helfen, die Notwendigkeit eines Arztbesuches oder Coronavirus-Tests besser einzuschätzen. Die medizinisch relevanten Informationen für ein etwaiges Arztgespräch werden am Ende für Sie zusammengefasst.
Eine einfache, kompakte Anleitung für Nicht-Intensivmediziner/innen
Medizinische KlinikIntensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin
Zarazne bolesti kao što je virus COVID-19 mogu poremetiti okruženje u kojem djeca rastu i razvijaju se. Remećenje u odnosu sa porodicom, prijateljima, svakodnevnim aktivnostima i široj zajednici može imati negativne posljedice na dobrobit, razvoj i zaštitu djece. Pored toga, mjere koje se pri...mjenjuju kako bi se spriječilo i suzbilo širenje virusa COVID-19 mogu djecu izložiti rizicima u pogledu njihove zaštite. Karantin i mjere izolacije u kućama, objektima i određenim zonama mogu imati negativan utjecaj na djecu i njihove porodice.
Cilj ovog dokumenta je da pruži podršku stručnjacima koji rade na polju zaštite djece kako bi na bolji način odgovorili na rizike za zaštitu djece za vrijeme pandemije virusa COVID-19. U prvom dijelu govori se o tome kakav rizik virus COVID-19 može predstavljati za djecu u smislu njihove zaštite. U drugom dijelu izložene su programske opcije u skladu s Minimalnim standardima za zaštitu djece u humanitarnim akcijama iz 2019. godine (CPMS) i Smjernicama: Zaštita djece za vrijeme epidemija zaraznih bolesti.
Epidemiologische Lage
Grundsätze für die Hausärztliche Praxis
Organisatorische Hinweise
Mögliche Optionen zur Entlastung der Praxis
Klinische Hinweise zur Behandlung von Covid-19-Fällen
Weitere Informationen