Annual Household Survey 2015/16 is the forth survey of its kind. These annual surveys are conducted to provide estimations of some major socio-economic indicators on annual basis which would not be possible with other periodic surveys like Nepal Labour Force Surveys (NLSS) and Nepal Living Standard ...Surveys (NLSS) which are undertaken at longer intervals. The survey basically aims to provide estimates of consumption by sex, urban-rural area and by consumption quintiles/deciles. Although the major thrust of Annual Household Survey is on consumption and employment situations, other sectors like education, housing and housing facilities and demographic characteristics are also included. As this year NLSS survey is conducted so, this survey does not contain information on employment situation as in previous annual household surveys.
Der Wegweiser informiert Betroffene, Angehörige und allgemein am Thema interessierte Menschen zum Thema Depression und gibt ihnen damit die Möglichkeit, diese Störung besser zu verstehen und rechtzeitig nach Hilfsmöglichkeiten zu suchen. 2 Aufl.
Erhältlich in Deutsch, Arabisch, Russisch und T...ürkisch. Für andere Sprachversionen siehe:
1.4 million people in need of humanitarian assistance
100 percent of crops damaged
75 percent of the population affected in the hardest-hit areas
USD 5.6 million still needed to support 300 000 people
O Subsídio de Primeira Infância (SPI) é uma transferência monetária incondicional, dirigida a crianças até aos 2 anos de idade que vivam em agregados familiares pobres ou vulneráveis, com o objectivo de promover a redução da desnutrição crónica e de melhorar o acesso das crianças aos s...erviços de saúde, acção social e de registo civil.
O relatório A Criança na imprensa, edição 2015, traz os resultados de uma análise feita à forma como os Media impressos, televisivos e radiofónicos cobriram assuntos relacionados com a criança de Janeiro a Dezembro de 2015.
Booklet.The Road to Health booklet is an initiative of the South African Department of Health. The booklet should be taken to each clinic visit and filled in by a healthcare provider as a record of your child’s clinic visits and immunisations.
Public health Panoram, Vol.2 Issue 1 March 2016
In this edition, medicines used in ICU, haemodialysis and chemotherapy unit has also been added under NEML. The medicines under disinfectants and antiseptics, intrauterine devices and barrier methods under contraceptives has been deleted and moved to medical supplies and equipment list. A section... on traditional essential medicines list is also included at the end of the NEML