Rechtlicher Rahmen, Handlungsleitfaden und Hintergrundinformationen zum Umgang mit unbegleiteten minderjährigen Flüchtlingen in NRW
"Heat Wave Guidelines aim to facilitate the stakeholders in preparing a Heat Wave Action Plan by providing insights into heat-related illness and the necessary mitigative and response actions to be undertaken. It will also help in mobilization of and coordination among various ministries/departments..., individuals and communities to help and protect their neighbours, friends, relatives, and themselves against avoidable health problems during spell of very hot weather."
Access : 29.4.2017
Curriculum of Capacity Building for Technical Officers in Field Operational Hospital Skills in Indonesia
Solomon Islands pharmacy staff have developed an essential medicines supplies list. It was a collaborative effort involving a lot of staff taking the pictures and putting it all together. The list was launched as an initiative to improve the availability of medical stock within the country
Protect yourself from the bad effects of haze of smoke: Information flyer about how to protect yourself from the haze of smoke in Indonesia
Access : 26.4.2017
Good Practices in Mental Health & Well-being
Some 32% of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of the conflict in the east.
Among the 2,203 respondents surveyed across Ukraine, the study also found a high prevalence of mental disorders such as depression (22%) and anxiety ...(17%), particularly among women. This has a significant effect on family and community relations, the ability to work or even do basic tasks such as walking.
Moreover, the study noted that 74% of respondents in need of psychiatric care do not receive it, mainly due to a high cost of mental healthcare and medicine.
Assessment and Guidance for Strengthening Integration of Mental Health into Primary Health Care and Community-Based Service Platforms in Ukraine
Засвоєні уроки з Проекту “Навчання життєвим навичкам та психосоціальна підтримка дітей, які постраждали внаслідок конфлікту на сході України”, що фінансується С...лужбою Європейської Комісії з гуманітарної допомоги та громадянського захисту (ЕСНО) в рамках Ініціативи “Діти миру
III Фестиваль реабилитационных программ для людей с психическими особенностями
Disease Control Division,
Standard Management Guideline
Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
First Published: 15th May 2017
Booklet of Informations about Counseling Package: Infant and Child Feeding in Indonesia
Access : 18.5.2017