Health Financing Toolbox
Projects of Health specific ODA
id Year Donor Name Agency Name OECD Id Donor Project Id Nature of Submission Recipient Name Region Name Income Group Name Flow Name Bi- multi-lateral Type of Flow Type of Finance Type of Aid Code Health-specific Commitment in million US$ Health-specific Disbursement in million US$ Health-specific Amount received in million US$ Health-specific Interest received in million US$ Commitment in million US$ Disbursement in million US$ Amount received in million US$ Amount untied in million US$ Amount partially untied in million US$ Amount tied in million US$ Categories Sub-Categories Health-specific percentage of total disbursement Short Description Project Title Long Description Additional Information Purpose Code Purpose Name SDGfocus Sector Name Channel Code Channel Name Channel reported Name Interest Received in year (1,000) COVID-19
6567bec6212eaade2e0f7e10 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004346 2820/A0/05/807/001 8 Mauritania South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0305814 0.0305814 0 0 0.0305814 0.0305814 0 10 0 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 PROTECTION SOCIALE EN FAVEUR D... more PROTECTION SOCIALE EN FAVEUR D... more PROTECTION SOCIALE EN FAVEUR D... more 16010 Social/welfare services I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
6567bec6212eaade2e0f7e11 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004648 2820/A0/05/882/004 8 Mauritania South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 6.579E-5 6.579E-5 0 0 6.579E-5 6.579E-5 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 PREPARATION ET REPONSE AUX URG... more PREPARATION ET REPONSE AUX URG... more PREPARATION ET REPONSE AUX URG... more 74010 Disaster prevention and prepar... more VIII.3. Disaster Prevention & ... more
6567bec7212eaade2e0f7e12 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015006154 2820/A0/05/886/002 8 Mauritania South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0236792 0.0236792 0 0 0.0236792 0.0236792 0 0 0 1 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 ENCADREMENT ET NORMALISATION ENCADREMENT ET NORMALISATION ENCADREMENT ET NORMALISATION 11110 Education policy and administr... more I.1.a. Education, Level Unspec... more
6567bec7212eaade2e0f7e13 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015005982 2820/A0/05/886/004 8 Mauritania South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.111218 0.111218 0 0 0.111218 0.111218 0 0 0 1 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 MOBILISATION ET EDUCATION PARE... more MOBILISATION ET EDUCATION PARE... more MOBILISATION ET EDUCATION PARE... more 11240 Early childhood education I.1.b. Basic Education
6567bec8212eaade2e0f7e14 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015006143 2820/A0/05/888/006 8 Mauritania South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0237078 0.0237078 0 0 0.0237078 0.0237078 0 0 1 2 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 COÛT DE SOUTIEN OOSC/ADO COÛT DE SOUTIEN OOSC/ADO COÛT DE SOUTIEN OOSC/ADO 11110 Education policy and administr... more I.1.a. Education, Level Unspec... more
6567bec8212eaade2e0f7e15 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015005236 2820/A0/05/889/004 8 Mauritania South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0705144 0.0705144 0 0 0.0705144 0.0705144 0 0 0 1 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 COORDINATION COMPOSANTES/ACTEU... more COORDINATION COMPOSANTES/ACTEU... more COORDINATION COMPOSANTES/ACTEU... more 16010 Social/welfare services I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
6567becb212eaade2e0f7e16 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004038 2880/A0/04/100/101 8 Mongolia Far East Asia LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00398202 0.00398202 0 0 0.00398202 0.00398202 0 10 1 12 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 SOCIAL POLICY SOCIAL POLICY SOCIAL POLICY 15110 Public sector policy and admin... more I.5.a. Government & Civil Soci... more
6567becc212eaade2e0f7e17 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004501 8950/A0/03/001/002 8 Montenegro Europe UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0731892 0.0731892 0 0 0.0731892 0.0731892 0 10 0 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND RESPON... more VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND RESPON... more VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND RESPON... more 15160 Human rights I.5.a. Government & Civil Soci... more
6567becd212eaade2e0f7e18 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015005976 2910/A0/04/201/006 8 Morocco North of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0692213 0.0692213 0 0 0.0692213 0.0692213 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 EARLY LEARNING EARLY LEARNING EARLY LEARNING 11240 Early childhood education I.1.b. Basic Education
6567bed0212eaade2e0f7e19 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004760 6890/A0/05/881/002 8 Mozambique South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0851282 0.0851282 0 0 0.0851282 0.0851282 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 COORDINATION & CROSS SECTORAL COORDINATION & CROSS SECTORAL COORDINATION & CROSS SECTORAL 72010 Material relief assistance and... more VIII.1. Emergency Response
6567bed0212eaade2e0f7e1a 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004622 0600/A0/04/103/004 1 Myanmar South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0 0 0.141433 0 0 0 0.141433 0 1 2 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 004. WASH IN EMERGENCY 004. WASH IN EMERGENCY 004. WASH IN EMERGENCY 74010 Disaster prevention and prepar... more VIII.3. Disaster Prevention & ... more
6567bed6212eaade2e0f7e1b 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015003302 3180/A0/06/886/003 8 Niger South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0404977 0.0404977 0 0 0.0404977 0.0404977 0 10 0 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 6.3 JUSTICE AND SECURITY SERVI... more 6.3 JUSTICE AND SECURITY SERVI... more 6.3 JUSTICE AND SECURITY SERVI... more 15130 Legal and judicial development I.5.a. Government & Civil Soci... more
6567bed9212eaade2e0f7e1c 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004599 3210/A0/05/011/004 8 Nigeria South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.185654 0.185654 0 0 0.185654 0.185654 0 10 0 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 47 DISCONT. STREGTH. SOUTH-SOU... more 47 DISCONT. STREGTH. SOUTH-SOU... more 47 DISCONT. STREGTH. SOUTH-SOU... more 16010 Social/welfare services I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
6567beda212eaade2e0f7e1d 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015006092 3210/A0/05/015/056 8 Nigeria South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.282007 0.282007 0 0 0.282007 0.282007 0 0 1 2 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 56 GOVERNANCE 56 GOVERNANCE 56 GOVERNANCE 11110 Education policy and administr... more I.1.a. Education, Level Unspec... more
6567bedb212eaade2e0f7e1e 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004285 1430/A0/05/802/005 8 Oceania, regional Oceania Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0264112 0.0264112 0 0 0.0264112 0.0264112 0 10 1 12 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 OUTPUT 2.8: MULTI COUNTRY - CC... more OUTPUT 2.8: MULTI COUNTRY - CC... more OUTPUT 2.8: MULTI COUNTRY - CC... more 14010 Water sector policy and admini... more I.4. Water Supply & Sanitation
6567bede212eaade2e0f7e1f 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004324 3330/A0/04/201/005 8 Panama North & Central America UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.353091 0.353091 0 0 0.353091 0.353091 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 PRODUCTO 2.1 SISTEMA PROTECCI... more PRODUCTO 2.1 SISTEMA PROTECCI... more PRODUCTO 2.1 SISTEMA PROTECCI... more 16010 Social/welfare services I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
6567bee3212eaade2e0f7e20 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015005968 3750/A0/05/200/003 8 Rwanda South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0512939 0.0512939 0 0 0.0512939 0.0512939 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 2.3 PRE PRIMARY AND EARLY LEA... more 2.3 PRE PRIMARY AND EARLY LEA... more 2.3 PRE PRIMARY AND EARLY LEA... more 11240 Early childhood education I.1.b. Basic Education
6567bee4212eaade2e0f7e21 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015005253 3750/A0/05/300/004 8 Rwanda South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.107928 0.107928 0 0 0.107928 0.107928 0 0 0 1 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 3.4 EVIDENCE IN CHILD PROTECTI... more 3.4 EVIDENCE IN CHILD PROTECTI... more 3.4 EVIDENCE IN CHILD PROTECTI... more 16010 Social/welfare services I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
6567bee4212eaade2e0f7e22 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015005431 3750/A0/05/400/002 8 Rwanda South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.001658 0.001658 0 0 0.001658 0.001658 0 0 1 2 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 4.2 MECHANISMS FOR CLAIMING SP... more 4.2 MECHANISMS FOR CLAIMING SP... more 4.2 MECHANISMS FOR CLAIMING SP... more 15150 Democratic participation and c... more I.5.a. Government & Civil Soci... more
6567bee5212eaade2e0f7e23 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004525 3810/A0/04/801/004 8 Senegal South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.11692 0.11692 0 0 0.11692 0.11692 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 1.4 HYGIENE ASSAINISSEMENT 1.4 HYGIENE ASSAINISSEMENT 1.4 HYGIENE ASSAINISSEMENT 14032 Basic sanitation I.4. Water Supply & Sanitation
6567bee6212eaade2e0f7e24 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015005356 3900/A0/06/002/007 8 Sierra Leone South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0205965 0.0205965 0 0 0.0205965 0.0205965 0 0 1 2 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 2.7 EDUCATION IN EMERGENCIES 2.7 EDUCATION IN EMERGENCIES 2.7 EDUCATION IN EMERGENCIES 15220 Civilian peace-building, confl... more I.5.b. Conflict, Peace & Secur... more
6567bee7212eaade2e0f7e25 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004239 3900/A0/06/004/006 8 Sierra Leone South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00084449 0.00084449 0 0 0.00084449 0.00084449 0 10 0 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 4.5 INCREASED CAPACITY OF MDAS... more 4.5 INCREASED CAPACITY OF MDAS... more 4.5 INCREASED CAPACITY OF MDAS... more 16010 Social/welfare services I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
6567bee9212eaade2e0f7e26 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004023 3920/A0/06/104/005 8 Somalia South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0250292 0.0250292 0 0 0.0250292 0.0250292 0 10 1 12 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 4.5. EDUCATION IN EMERGENCIES 4.5. EDUCATION IN EMERGENCIES 4.5. EDUCATION IN EMERGENCIES 11110 Education policy and administr... more I.1.a. Education, Level Unspec... more
6567beec212eaade2e0f7e27 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015003659 381R/A0/08/700/007 8 South of Sahara, regional South of Sahara Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00472897 0.00472897 0 0 0.00472897 0.00472897 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 IR CHILD PROTECTION IR CHILD PROTECTION IR CHILD PROTECTION 43010 Multisector aid IV.2. Other Multisector
6567beed212eaade2e0f7e28 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015003765 4040/A0/01/002/005 1 South Sudan South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0 0 0.00337228 0 0 0 0.00337228 10 0 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 SANITATION AND HYGIENE SANITATION AND HYGIENE SANITATION AND HYGIENE 14032 Basic sanitation I.4. Water Supply & Sanitation
6567beef212eaade2e0f7e29 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015005199 0780/A0/05/884/001 8 Sri Lanka South & Central Asia LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0913256 0.0913256 0 0 0.0913256 0.0913256 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 OUTPUT 8: IMPROVED LEARNING OU... more OUTPUT 8: IMPROVED LEARNING OU... more OUTPUT 8: IMPROVED LEARNING OU... more 16050 Multisector aid for basic soci... more I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
6567beef212eaade2e0f7e2a 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015005266 0780/A0/05/885/001 8 Sri Lanka South & Central Asia LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0798069 0.0798069 0 0 0.0798069 0.0798069 0 0 1 2 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 OUTPUT 11:CP POLICIES, LEGISLA... more OUTPUT 11:CP POLICIES, LEGISLA... more OUTPUT 11:CP POLICIES, LEGISLA... more 16010 Social/welfare services I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
6567bef0212eaade2e0f7e2b 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004245 4020/A0/06/007/006 8 Sudan South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.229926 0.229926 0 0 0.229926 0.229926 0 10 0 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 DON'T USE 607.02WASH HUMANITAR... more DON'T USE 607.02WASH HUMANITAR... more DON'T USE 607.02WASH HUMANITAR... more 14010 Water sector policy and admini... more I.4. Water Supply & Sanitation
6567bef2212eaade2e0f7e2c 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004660 4020/A0/06/100/005 8 Sudan South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0926543 0.0926543 0 0 0.0926543 0.0926543 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES 72050 Relief co-ordination; protecti... more VIII.1. Emergency Response
6567bef2212eaade2e0f7e2d 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015006109 4020/A0/06/200/004 8 Sudan South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00097258 0.00097258 0 0 0.00097258 0.00097258 0 0 1 2 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 ENHANCE QUALITY AND INCLUSIVE ... more ENHANCE QUALITY AND INCLUSIVE ... more ENHANCE QUALITY AND INCLUSIVE ... more 11110 Education policy and administr... more I.1.a. Education, Level Unspec... more
6567bef2212eaade2e0f7e2e 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004689 4020/A0/06/200/005 8 Sudan South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0116004 0.0116004 0 0 0.0116004 0.0116004 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 COMMUNITIES, FAMILIES & CHILDR... more COMMUNITIES, FAMILIES & CHILDR... more COMMUNITIES, FAMILIES & CHILDR... more 72050 Relief co-ordination; protecti... more VIII.1. Emergency Response
6567bef3212eaade2e0f7e2f 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015005303 4020/A0/06/300/005 8 Sudan South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.115952 0.115952 0 0 0.115952 0.115952 0 0 1 2 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 CHILD PROTECTION ENABLING ENVI... more CHILD PROTECTION ENABLING ENVI... more CHILD PROTECTION ENABLING ENVI... more 16010 Social/welfare services I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
6567bef4212eaade2e0f7e30 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004827 4140/A0/04/113/007 8 Syrian Arab Republic Middle East LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.102995 0.102995 0 0 0.102995 0.102995 0 0 0 1 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 OUTPUT 1: PROG & OPS SUPPORT OUTPUT 1: PROG & OPS SUPPORT OUTPUT 1: PROG & OPS SUPPORT 43010 Multisector aid IV.2. Other Multisector
6567bef4212eaade2e0f7e31 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015003764 4140/A0/04/115/010 8 Syrian Arab Republic Middle East LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00532458 0.00532458 0 0 0.00532458 0.00532458 0 10 1 12 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 IR 2.7 ACCESS IR 2.7 ACCESS IR 2.7 ACCESS 11220 Primary education I.1.b. Basic Education
6567bef8212eaade2e0f7e32 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015005973 4200/A0/05/002/010 8 Thailand Far East Asia UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0237872 0.0237872 0 0 0.0237872 0.0237872 0 0 1 1 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 EARLY LEARNING EARLY LEARNING EARLY LEARNING 11240 Early childhood education I.1.b. Basic Education
6567befc212eaade2e0f7e33 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015006036 4320/A0/04/002/003 8 Tunisia North of Sahara UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0238177 0.0238177 0 0 0.0238177 0.0238177 0 0 1 2 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 2.3. LUTTE CONTRE ABANDON SCOL... more 2.3. LUTTE CONTRE ABANDON SCOL... more 2.3. LUTTE CONTRE ABANDON SCOL... more 11220 Primary education I.1.b. Basic Education
6567befc212eaade2e0f7e34 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015005373 4320/A0/04/003/004 8 Tunisia North of Sahara UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0441805 0.0441805 0 0 0.0441805 0.0441805 0 0 1 2 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 3.4. LUTTE CONTRE LA VIOLENCE 3.4. LUTTE CONTRE LA VIOLENCE 3.4. LUTTE CONTRE LA VIOLENCE 15160 Human rights I.5.a. Government & Civil Soci... more
6567beff212eaade2e0f7e35 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015003665 4380/A0/04/106/003 8 Uganda South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.760579 0.760579 0 0 0.760579 0.760579 0 10 1 12 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 IR 2.3 IMPROVED QUALITY OF EDU... more IR 2.3 IMPROVED QUALITY OF EDU... more IR 2.3 IMPROVED QUALITY OF EDU... more 11110 Education policy and administr... more I.1.a. Education, Level Unspec... more
6567bf00212eaade2e0f7e36 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015003662 4380/A0/04/106/003 8 Uganda South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0260096 0.0260096 0 0 0.0260096 0.0260096 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 IR 2.3 IMPROVED QUALITY OF EDU... more IR 2.3 IMPROVED QUALITY OF EDU... more IR 2.3 IMPROVED QUALITY OF EDU... more 11182 Educational research I.1.a. Education, Level Unspec... more
6567bf02212eaade2e0f7e37 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004206 4630/A0/04/001/002 8 Uzbekistan South & Central Asia LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.185861 0.185861 0 0 0.185861 0.185861 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 IR 1.2 - PRE-SCHOOL AND BASIC ... more IR 1.2 - PRE-SCHOOL AND BASIC ... more IR 1.2 - PRE-SCHOOL AND BASIC ... more 11240 Early childhood education I.1.b. Basic Education
6567bf03212eaade2e0f7e38 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015006112 4710/A0/05/902/001 8 Venezuela South America UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.249642 0.249642 0 0 0.249642 0.249642 0 0 1 2 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 CALIDAD EDUCATIVA CALIDAD EDUCATIVA CALIDAD EDUCATIVA 11110 Education policy and administr... more I.1.a. Education, Level Unspec... more
6567bf04212eaade2e0f7e39 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004436 5200/A0/04/802/003 8 Viet Nam Far East Asia LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0830549 0.0830549 0 0 0.0830549 0.0830549 0 10 0 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 2.3 CHILD-FRIENDLY JUSTICE SYS... more 2.3 CHILD-FRIENDLY JUSTICE SYS... more 2.3 CHILD-FRIENDLY JUSTICE SYS... more 15130 Legal and judicial development I.5.a. Government & Civil Soci... more
6567bf06212eaade2e0f7e3a 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015005358 7050/PC/07/001/002 8 West Bank and Gaza Strip Middle East LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0453041 0.0453041 0 0 0.0453041 0.0453041 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 1.2. QUALITY & INCLUSIVE EDUCA... more 1.2. QUALITY & INCLUSIVE EDUCA... more 1.2. QUALITY & INCLUSIVE EDUCA... more 15220 Civilian peace-building, confl... more I.5.b. Conflict, Peace & Secur... more
6567bf07212eaade2e0f7e3b 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004714 7050/PC/07/005/002 8 West Bank and Gaza Strip Middle East LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.169668 0.169668 0 0 0.169668 0.169668 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 5.2. WASH IN COMMUNITIES / DES... more 5.2. WASH IN COMMUNITIES / DES... more 5.2. WASH IN COMMUNITIES / DES... more 72010 Material relief assistance and... more VIII.1. Emergency Response
6567bf0b212eaade2e0f7e3c 2015 UNICEF UNICEF 2015004610 6260/A0/05/401/005 8 Zimbabwe South of Sahara Other LICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.000418 0.000418 0 0 0.000418 0.000418 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 OUTP 3.1: ACCESS TO IMPROVED W... more OUTP 3.1: ACCESS TO IMPROVED W... more OUTP 3.1: ACCESS TO IMPROVED W... more 74010 Disaster prevention and prepar... more VIII.3. Disaster Prevention & ... more
6567bf0b212eaade2e0f7e3d 2016 UNICEF UNICEF 2016008493 0060/A0/06/008/001 1 Afghanistan South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0 0 0.0498676 0 0 0 0.0498676 10 0 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 IR-8.1:INCREASE OF PNER & PRIM... more IR-8.1:INCREASE OF PNER & PRIM... more IR-8.1:INCREASE OF PNER & PRIM... more 11220 Primary education I.1.b. Basic Education
6567bf0c212eaade2e0f7e3e 2016 UNICEF UNICEF 2016007279 0060/A0/06/014/007 8 Afghanistan South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00079211 0.00079211 0 0 0.00079211 0.00079211 0 10 0 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 IR-2.7:WASH POLICES & STRATEGI... more IR-2.7:WASH POLICES & STRATEGI... more IR-2.7:WASH POLICES & STRATEGI... more 12261 Health education I.2.b. Basic Health
6567bf0c212eaade2e0f7e3f 2016 UNICEF UNICEF 2016009233 0060/A0/06/018/001 8 Afghanistan South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.851166 0.851166 0 0 0.851166 0.851166 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 IR-6.1: EMERGENCY RESPONSE IR-6.1: EMERGENCY RESPONSE IR-6.1: EMERGENCY RESPONSE 74010 Disaster prevention and prepar... more VIII.3. Disaster Prevention & ... more
6567bf0c212eaade2e0f7e40 2016 UNICEF UNICEF 2016004855 0060/A0/07/882/001 8 Afghanistan South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 1.11864 1.11864 0 0 1.11864 1.11864 0 10 0 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 ENHANCED CAPACITY TO DELIVER W... more ENHANCED CAPACITY TO DELIVER W... more ENHANCED CAPACITY TO DELIVER W... more 14010 Water sector policy and admini... more I.4. Water Supply & Sanitation
6567bf0d212eaade2e0f7e41 2016 UNICEF UNICEF 2016009385 0060/A0/07/882/006 8 Afghanistan South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.724255 0.724255 0 0 0.724255 0.724255 0 0 1 2 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 HUMANITARIAN WASH HUMANITARIAN WASH HUMANITARIAN WASH 74010 Disaster prevention and prepar... more VIII.3. Disaster Prevention & ... more