Health Financing Toolbox
Projects of Health specific ODA
id Year Donor Name Agency Name OECD Id Donor Project Id Nature of Submission Recipient Name Region Name Income Group Name Flow Name Bi- multi-lateral Type of Flow Type of Finance Type of Aid Code Health-specific Commitment in million US$ Health-specific Disbursement in million US$ Health-specific Amount received in million US$ Health-specific Interest received in million US$ Commitment in million US$ Disbursement in million US$ Amount received in million US$ Amount untied in million US$ Amount partially untied in million US$ Amount tied in million US$ Categories Sub-Categories Health-specific percentage of total disbursement Short Description Project Title Long Description Additional Information Purpose Code Purpose Name SDGfocus Sector Name Channel Code Channel Name Channel reported Name Interest Received in year (1,000) COVID-19
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca4f6 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014002948 1 Myanmar South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0108311 0.0108311 0 0 0.0108311 0.0108311 Projects of reproductive healt... more Family planning 100 FAMILY PLANNING Output 02: Family Planning Myanmar - Yangon - Outcome 1: ... more Increased availability and use... more 13030 Family planning I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 20000 Non-Governmental Organisations... more
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca4f7 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014002959 1 Myanmar South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00526477 0.00526477 0 0 0.00526477 0.00526477 Projects of reproductive healt... more Family planning 100 FAMILY PLANNING Output 02: Family Planning Myanmar - Yangon - Outcome 1: ... more Increased availability and use... more 13030 Family planning I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 0
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca4f8 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014002996 1 Namibia South of Sahara UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0734365 0.0734365 0 0 0.0734365 0.0734365 Projects of reproductive healt... more Reproductive health Other 100 ADOLESCENTS AND YOUTH Output 06: Adolescents and you... more Namibia - Windhoek - Outcome 2... more Adolescents and youth 13010 Population policy and administ... more I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca4f9 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014003078 1 Nepal South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00641015 0.00641015 0 0 0.00641015 0.00641015 Projects of reproductive healt... more Reproductive health Other 100 ENGAGEMENT OF CSOS Output 11: Engagement of CSOs Nepal - Kathmandu - Outcome 3:... more Engagement of CSOs 13010 Population policy and administ... more I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 12000 Recipient government
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca4fa 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014006686 1770/A0/04/707/003 8 Guinea South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.841474 0.841474 0 0 0.841474 0.841474 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 3-5/4-5/ PREPARATION ET REPONS... more 3-5/4-5/ PREPARATION ET REPONS... more 3-5/4-5/ PREPARATION ET REPONS... more 74010 Disaster prevention and prepar... more VIII.3. Disaster Prevention & ... more
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca4fb 2014 United States AID 2014006767 76_36245 3 Ghana South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 B03 0 0.00071 0 0 0 0.00071 0 0 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HIV/AIDS - ASSISTANCE FOR HIV/... more HIV/AIDS - Assistance for HIV/... more PEPFAR: Reduce the transmissio... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 41122 United Nations Children's Fund United Nations Children's Fund
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca4fc 2014 United States AID 2014006796 76_36261 3 Ghana South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0.25 0 0 0 0.25 0 0 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HIV/AIDS - ASSISTANCE FOR HIV/... more HIV/AIDS - Assistance for HIV/... more PEPFAR: Reduce the transmissio... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 22000 National NGOs John Snow International
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca4fd 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014007170 0750/A0/04/807/003 8 Central African Republic South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.314388 0.314388 0 0 0.314388 0.314388 0 0 1 2 Projects of reproductive healt... more Sexual violence 100 4.2.3 : EMERGENCY GBV 4.2.3 : EMERGENCY GBV 4.2.3 : EMERGENCY GBV 15160 Human rights I.5.a. Government & Civil Soci... more
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca4fe 2014 United States AID 2014008268 76_38828 1 Ghana South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0 0.13335 0 0 0 0.13335 0 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 FOCUS REGION HEALTH PROJECT - ... more FOCUS Region Health Project - ... more FOCUS Region Health Project 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 22000 National NGOs John Snow International
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca4ff 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014008321 2760/DM/01/001/001 8 Mali South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.038556 0.038556 0 0 0.038556 0.038556 0 0 1 2 Child health Nutrition 100 MALI COUNTRY PROGRAMME 2003-20... more MALI COUNTRY PROGRAMME 2003-20... more MALI COUNTRY PROGRAMME 2003-20... more 12240 Basic nutrition I.2.b. Basic Health
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca500 2014 United States AID 2014009578 76_40982 1 Ghana South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HIV/AIDS - ASSISTANCE FOR HIV/... more HIV/AIDS - Assistance for HIV/... more PEPFAR: Reduce the transmissio... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 22000 National NGOs World Education, Inc.
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca501 2014 United States AID 2014010086 76_41694 1 Ghana South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 3.7 3.66102 0 0 3.7 3.66102 0 3.7 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 STRENGTHENING HIV/AIDS RESPONS... more Strengthening HIV/AIDS Respons... more The Strengthening HIV/AIDS Res... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 22000 National NGOs FHI 360
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca502 2014 United States AID 2014010997 76_42524 3 Ghana South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0.16096 0 0 0 0.16096 0 0 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HIV/AIDS - ASSISTANCE FOR HIV/... more HIV/AIDS - Assistance for HIV/... more PEPFAR: Reduce the transmissio... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 12000 Recipient government Recipient Government
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca503 2014 United States AID 2014012534 76_44221 1 Ghana South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HEALTH STATUS IMPROVED Health Status Improved Health Status Improved 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 52000 Other Other
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca504 2014 United States AID 2014031885 76_47962 1 Ghana South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 IMPROVED FAMILY HEALTH IMPROVED FAMILY HEALTH Improved Family Health 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 22000 National NGOs NGO - Non United States Other
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca505 2014 United States AID 2014031887 76_47963 1 Ghana South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 IMPROVED FAMILY HEALTH IMPROVED FAMILY HEALTH Improved Family Health 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 52000 Other Other
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca506 2014 United States AID 2014017536 76_5093 1 Ghana South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 IMPROVED FAMILY HEALTH IMPROVED FAMILY HEALTH Improved Family Health 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 52000 Other Other
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca507 2014 Asian Development Fund AsDF 2014002826 LN2002-NEP 3 Nepal South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Loans 4 10 410 C01 0 0 1.32492 0 0 0 1.32492 0 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT PROGR... more Public Sector Management Progr... more The program loan aims to impro... more 99810 Sectors not specified IX. Unallocated / Unspecified 12000 Recipient government
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca508 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014002864 1 Mozambique South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0 0 0.00555889 0 0.00555889 Projects of reproductive healt... more Family planning 100 FAMILY PLANNING Output 02: Family Planning Mozambique - Maputo - Outcome ... more Increased availability and use... more 13030 Family planning I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 12000 Recipient government
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca509 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014002890 1 Mozambique South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0451514 0.0451514 0 0 0.0451514 0.0451514 Projects of reproductive healt... more Reproductive health Other 100 ADOLESCENTS AND YOUTH Output 06: Adolescents and you... more Mozambique - Maputo - Outcome ... more Adolescents and youth 13010 Population policy and administ... more I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca50a 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014003108 4320/A0/03/707/001 8 Tunisia North of Sahara UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.011136 0.011136 0 0 0.011136 0.011136 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 PLAIDOYER EN FAVEUR DE L'ENFAN... more PLAIDOYER EN FAVEUR DE L'ENFAN... more PLAIDOYER EN FAVEUR DE L'ENFAN... more 16010 Social/welfare services I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca50b 2014 United States DOD 2014018623 35_66 1 Guinea South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.00215 0.00215 0 0 0.00215 0.00215 0 0.00215 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 PRESIDENT S EMERGENCY PLAN FOR... more President s Emergency Plan for... more President s Emergency Plan for... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca50c 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014000301 3900/A0/05/002/028 8 Sierra Leone South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.006196 0.006196 0 0 0.006196 0.006196 0 0 1 1 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 1.3 READING PROGRAMME AND MEAS... more 1.3 READING PROGRAMME AND MEAS... more 1.3 READING PROGRAMME AND MEAS... more 11220 Primary education I.1.b. Basic Education
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca50d 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014002851 1 Mozambique South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0723922 0.0723922 0 0 0.0723922 0.0723922 Projects of reproductive healt... more Antenatal and delivery care 100 MATERNAL HEALTH Output 03: Maternal Health Mozambique - Maputo - Outcome ... more Maternal Health 13020 Reproductive health care I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 12000 Recipient government 0
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca50e 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014002865 1 Mozambique South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0 0 0.00318068 0 0.00318068 Projects of reproductive healt... more Reproductive health Other 100 ADOLESCENTS AND YOUTH Output 06: Adolescents and you... more Mozambique - Maputo - Outcome ... more Adolescents and youth 13010 Population policy and administ... more I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 20000 Non-Governmental Organisations... more
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca50f 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014003283 2820/A0/05/802/003 8 Mauritania South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.010073 0.010073 0 0 0.010073 0.010073 0 0 1 1 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 EDUCATION PARENTALE EDUCATION PARENTALE EDUCATION PARENTALE 13010 Population policy and administ... more I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca510 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014003284 1 Nigeria South of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.0546879 0.0546879 0 0 0.0546879 0.0546879 Projects of reproductive healt... more Reproductive health Other 100 SRH IN EMERGENCIES Output 05: SRH in Emergencies Nigeria - Abuja - Outcome 1: I... more SRH in Emergencies 13020 Reproductive health care I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 12000 Recipient government
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca511 2016 Sweden The Swedish Research Council 2014003285 2013-6744 3 Thailand Far East Asia UMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 D02 0 0.0286332 0 0 0 0.0286332 0 0 0 0 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 COLLABORATION BETWEEN SWEDEN -... more Collaboration between Sweden -... more Prof Andersson focus on the sy... more 43082 Research/scientific institutio... more IV.2. Other Multisector 51000 University, college or other t... more Stockholms universitet
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca512 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014007175 3750/A0/05/005/004 8 Rwanda South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.08498 0.08498 0 0 0.08498 0.08498 0 0 0 0 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 5.4 RESEARCH ON CHILD VULNERAB... more 5.4 RESEARCH ON CHILD VULNERAB... more 5.4 RESEARCH ON CHILD VULNERAB... more 16010 Social/welfare services I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca513 2014 United States AID 2014030609 76_47091 3 Guinea South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0.00122 0 0 0 0.00122 0 0 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 SMALL PROJECT ASSISTANCE (SPA)... more Small Project Assistance (SPA)... more New Small Project Assistance p... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca514 2014 United States AID 2014030608 76_47091 3 Guinea South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0.005 0 0 0 0.005 0 0 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 SMALL PROJECT ASSISTANCE (SPA)... more Small Project Assistance (SPA)... more New Small Project Assistance p... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca515 2014 United States AID 2014031802 76_47876 1 Guinea South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.02267 0.02144 0 0 0.02267 0.02144 0 0.02267 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS Reduce the transmission and im... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 22000 National NGOs Search for Common Ground
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca516 2014 United States AID 2014017551 76_5383 3 Guinea South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0.02475 0 0 0 0.02475 0 0 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 INCR. USE OF ESSENTIAL FP/MCH ... more INCR. USE OF ESSENTIAL FP/MCH ... more Increased use of essential Fam... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 21000 International NGOs Management Sciences for Health
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca517 2014 Sweden MFA 2014026280 UF2014-43330-UD-MU 1 Developing countries, unspecif... more Regional and Unspecified Part I unallocated by income ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.0874648 0.0874648 0 0 0.0874648 0.0874648 0 0.0874648 0 0 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 SUPPORT TO INDEPENDENT EXPERT ... more Support to Independent Expert ... more Support to Independent Expert ... more 12220 Basic health care I.2.b. Basic Health 41000 United Nations Agencies, Funds... more Independent Expert Review Grou... more
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca518 2014 United States STATE 2014020100 35_79 1 Guyana South America LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.188 0.188 0 0 0.188 0.188 0 0.188 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 PRESIDENT S EMERGENCY PLAN FOR... more President s Emergency Plan for... more President s Emergency Plan for... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca519 2014 United States HHS 2014026325 35_80 1 Guyana South America LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 2.39702 3.35633 0 0 2.39702 3.35633 0 2.39702 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 PRESIDENT S EMERGENCY PLAN FOR... more President s Emergency Plan for... more President s Emergency Plan for... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca51a 2014 United States DOD 2014018641 35_81 1 Guyana South America LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0.12173 0.12007 0 0 0.12173 0.12007 0 0.12173 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 PRESIDENT S EMERGENCY PLAN FOR... more President s Emergency Plan for... more President s Emergency Plan for... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca51b 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014000544 2700/A0/05/006/004 8 Malaysia Far East Asia UMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.006156 0.006156 0 0 0.006156 0.006156 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 OUTPUT 2.1 : EDUCATION OUTPUT 2.1 : EDUCATION OUTPUT 2.1 : EDUCATION 11230 Basic life skills for youth an... more I.1.b. Basic Education
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca51c 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014003079 1 Nepal South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00159357 0.00159357 0 0 0.00159357 0.00159357 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 DATA ON POPULATION AND DEVELOP... more Output 12: Data on Population ... more Nepal - Kathmandu - Outcome 4:... more Data on Population and Develop... more 13010 Population policy and administ... more I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 12000 Recipient government
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca51d 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014003109 2760/A0/03/020/003 8 Mali South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.294125 0.294125 0 0 0.294125 0.294125 0 10 1 11 Projects of reproductive healt... more Sexual violence 100 OUTPUT 5.3 PREVENTION DES VBG OUTPUT 5.3 PREVENTION DES VBG OUTPUT 5.3 PREVENTION DES VBG violences basées sur le genre... more 15160 Human rights I.5.a. Government & Civil Soci... more
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca51e 2014 UNFPA UNFPA 2014003153 1 Nepal South & Central Asia LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00551161 0.00551161 0 0 0.00551161 0.00551161 Projects of reproductive healt... more Reproductive health Other 100 ENGAGEMENT OF CSOS Output 11: Engagement of CSOs Nepal - Kathmandu - Outcome 3:... more Engagement of CSOs 13010 Population policy and administ... more I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 12000 Recipient government
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca51f 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014003178 8971/A0/04/003/003 8 Kosovo Europe LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.016033 0.016033 0 0 0.016033 0.016033 0 10 1 11 Sector-wide health programmes Sector-wide health programmes ... more 100 IMPROVE QUALITY OF HEALTH SERV... more IMPROVE QUALITY OF HEALTH SERV... more IMPROVE QUALITY OF HEALTH SERV... more 13010 Population policy and administ... more I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca520 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014006715 4500/A0/04/803/002 8 Egypt North of Sahara LMICs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.004067 0.004067 0 0 0.004067 0.004067 0 0 1 2 Projects of reproductive healt... more Reproductive Health General 100 IR 3.2: PREVENTION OF VIOLENCE... more IR 3.2: PREVENTION OF VIOLENCE... more IR 3.2: PREVENTION OF VIOLENCE... more 13020 Reproductive health care I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca521 2014 United States AID 2014006765 76_36242 1 Guyana South America LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 B03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HIV/AIDS - ASSISTANCE FOR HIV/... more HIV/AIDS - Assistance for HIV/... more PEPFAR: Reduce the transmissio... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 47083 Pan-American Health Organisati... more Pan-American Health Organisati... more
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca522 2014 United States AID 2014031313 76_47407 1 Guyana South America LMICs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 ACESSS - HIV/AIDS ACESSS - HIV/AIDS The ACCESS Program, aLeader Wi... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 22000 National NGOs Jhpiego Corporation
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca523 2014 United States HHS 2014026281 35_22 1 Haiti North & Central America LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 1.10137 1.7486 0 0 1.10137 1.7486 0 1.10137 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 HHS, CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTRO... more HHS, Center for Disease Contro... more HHS, Center for Disease Contro... more The Centers for Disease Contro... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca524 2014 United States HHS 2014026326 35_80 1 Haiti North & Central America LDCs ODA Grants 1 10 110 C01 84.4819 73.9957 0 0 84.4819 73.9957 0 84.4819 0 0 Specific HIV interventions HIV General 100 PRESIDENT S EMERGENCY PLAN FOR... more President s Emergency Plan for... more President s Emergency Plan for... more 13040 Std control including hiv/aids I.3. Population Policies/Progr... more 11000 Donor government Donor Government
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca525 2014 Asian Development Fund AsDF 2014002827 LN2007-KGZ 3 Kyrgyzstan South & Central Asia LMICs ODA Loans 4 10 410 C01 0 0 0.380472 0 0 0 0.380472 0 0 0 Child health Child health General 100 COMMUNITY BASED EARLY CHILDHOO... more Community Based Early Childhoo... more The objective of the Project i... more 99810 Sectors not specified IX. Unallocated / Unspecified 12000 Recipient government
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca526 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014002866 1770/A0/04/706/001 8 Guinea South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.00433 0.00433 0 0 0.00433 0.00433 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 06-01 - PLAIDOYER DIALOGUE POL... more 06-01 - PLAIDOYER DIALOGUE POL... more 06-01 - PLAIDOYER DIALOGUE POL... more 16010 Social/welfare services I.6. Other Social Infrastructu... more
65675bb2212eaade2e0ca527 2014 UNICEF UNICEF 2014002931 1170/A0/04/017/003 8 Benin South of Sahara LDCs ODA Grants 4 10 110 C01 0.002831 0.002831 0 0 0.002831 0.002831 0 10 1 11 Classified as not health-speci... more 100 ACCÈS AU PRIMAIRE, ACHÈVEMEN... more ACCÈS AU PRIMAIRE, ACHÈVEMEN... more ACCÈS AU PRIMAIRE, ACHÈVEMEN... more 11120 Education facilities and train... more I.1.a. Education, Level Unspec... more