The Health Situation of Toddlers in Indonesia
Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 75 of 2014 on Community Health Centers
National Action Plan: Programmatic Management of Drug Resistance Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis Control Indonesia
Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia regarding Security of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Equipments
A Formative Evaluation of UNICEF’s Child Protection System Building Approach in Indonesia
The issue of Antimicrobial resistance has become one of the most substantial health issues, prompting the World Health Assembly (WHA) to urge Member States to finalise tailor made national action plans by May 2017, aligning them with objectives of the Global Action Plan (GAP). These cover awareness,... surveillance and research, hygiene infection prevention & control, optimal use of antimicrobial medicines and economic case for sustainable investment. Indonesia, by virtue of its geographical terrain and complex interactions with diverse stakeholders, indicates a higher burden of AMR. Most of the country’s data currently relies on local studies conducted by labs and universities. To get a more accurate estimate of the situation, one has to rely on results from the Regional Resistance Surveillance Programme. By undertaking such measure, Indonesia would acquire data to detect AMR trends at a national level.
The Call to Action calls on the G20 member countries to ensure continuity of high-quality treatment, care and support services and programming that address the needs of the most affected and vulnerable populations, for a more efficient and effective TB response.
Nutrition Profile of Indonesia
Nutritional Situation in Indonesia
Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1507 / MENKES / SK / X / 2005 on guidelines for HIV / AIDS counseling and testing services voluntarily
Code of Law for Health Insurance in Indonesia
Laws of the Republic of Indonesia number 24 of 2011 concerning the legal health insurance
Indonesia's Health Profile 2012