New England Journal of Medicine 374:1,pp23-32
A Consumer Guide
Printed 2006
Revised 2007, 2008, 2011, 2014, and 2015
Handout presentations in PDF for illustrating lectures
Accessed May 2014
Licensed pharmaceutical products (marketing authorization) should be manufactured only by licensed manufacturers (holders of a manufacturing authorization) whose activities are regularly inspected by competent national authorities. This guide to GMP shall be used as a standard to justify GMP status,... which constitutes one of the elements of the WHO Certification Scheme on the quality of pharmaceutical products moving in international commerce, through the assessment of applications for manufacturing authorizations and as a basis for the inspection of manufacturing facilities. It may also be used as training material for government medicines inspectors, as well as for production, QC and QA personnel in the industry
Информационный листок о туберкулезе и табаке
The Lancet Volume 5, Issue 10100972October 2024 Chagas Disease Serie 3
Buruli ulcer – community information sheet (October 2018)
The Global Schistosomiasis Alliance Diagnostic Workstream has developed a communications piece listing all commercially available diagnostics for schistosomiasis
The Cholera Outbreak Guidelines: Preparedness, Prevention, and Control provide a practical field guide for responding to cholera outbreaks. Developed by Oxfam GB, the guidelines combine lessons from past cholera interventions and best practices for effective outbreak management. The document outline...s key strategies, including preparedness planning, rapid response to outbreaks, water and sanitation improvements, hygiene education, and coordination among stakeholders. It covers both non-endemic and endemic cholera outbreaks, offering step-by-step guidance on surveillance, intervention, and monitoring. The aim is to ensure community-based, gender-sensitive, and rapid public health responses to control cholera and minimize mortality.