The Lancet Global Health Published:May 12, 2020DOI:
The Lancet DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31053-9
Primary care health centers and providers who care for individuals with hypertension and cardiovascular disease have an important role to play in ensuring continued access to care, reducing the risk of coronavirus infection, and appropriately managing people with these co-morbidities who acquire COV...ID-19. This guidance includes these considerations
This checklist is to accompany the full Interim Technical Note on Protection form Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) during COVIID-19 Response.
Patienteninformation Grippe oder Coronavirus - Griechisch
Patienteninformation - Englisch
Patienteninformation Grippe oder Coronavirus - Polnisch
Patienteninformation Grippe oder Coronavirus - Russisch
Wie kann man sich zur Zeit in der Flüchtlingshilfe einbringen?
An infographic providing tips on how to safely engage with communities while conducting face-to-face meetings during COVID-19.
The purpose of this document is to provide information to Red Cross Red Crescent staff and volunteers on how to engage with, inform and support older people to support older people in facing new challenges linked to COVID-19.
ObjetivoEl objetivodel documento es servir de guía de actuación para el manejo casos de COVID-19 en atención primaria.3.Recomendaciones generalesSe recomienda la colocación de información visual (carteles, folletos, etc.) en lugares estratégicosde los centros de atenció...n primaria (de ahora en adelante CAP)para proporcionar a la poblaciónlas instrucciones sobre higiene de manosehigiene respiratoria.Se ofrecerá una mascarilla quirúrgica a aquellos pacientes que acudan al centro sanitario con síntomas de infección respiratoria aguda.Se debedisponer de dispensadores con solución hidroalcohólica al alcance de la poblacióny el personal. Se deberá disponer de contenedores de residuos, con tapa de apertura con pedal, para la eliminación de los residuos generados.
This document summarizes preparedness and response activities to address the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in South Sudan through the end of 2020. The addendum includes the activities and financial requirements of the updated National COVID-19 Response Plan. Originally issued in March prio...r to identification of the first person confirmed with COVID-19 in South Sudan and with a focus on preparedness, the updated plan encompasses a significantly scaled-up national response.