A Snapshot of European Collection Schemes
10–11 May 2016, Catania, Italy
Profile of Crisis Response of District Health / Disaster Risk: Regency of East Flores, Indonesia
Profile of Crisis Response of District Health / Disaster Risk: District of South Central Timor, Indonesia
This version of the glossary is substantially changed from the original. Some terms have been omitted, many have been modified in light of practical experiences and the evolution in concepts, and new terms have been added. The list of terms is not intended to be either exhaustive or exclusive, and d...raws upon the wide range of disciplines in which health promotion has its roots. Wherever possible, definitions are sourced or derived from existing, publicly accessible WHO documents. Specific sources are referenced, and where possible a web link is also provided to facilitate access to source documents. Hyperlinks were correct at the time of publication but are subject 2 Health Promotion Glossary of Terms 2021 to inevitable change. In some examples the definitions have been adapted to reflect the application of a term to the current health promotion context. Where relevant, this focus is acknowledged in individual definitions.
Profile of health crisis response in potential areas of natural disaster in Indonesia : District of East Barito
• provide scientific information on the safety, efficacy, and quality control/ quality assurance of widely used medicinal plants, in order to facilitate their appropriate use in Member States;
• provide models to assist Member States in developing their own mono- graphs or formularies for these... or other herbal medicines; and
• facilitate information exchange among Member States.
As of 6:00 PM, 21 November 2013, 4,011 individuals were reported dead, 18,567 injured and 1,602 are still missing
Health Evidence Network synthesis report 53
Profile of Health Crisis Response within District with High Disaster Risk: District of Kapuas, Indonesia
Há três objetivos preliminares desse estudo de transmissão doméstica: 1. Para compreender melhor a extensão da transmissão doméstica estimando a taxa de infecção secundária1 para contatos domésticos em uma maneira individual, e fatores associados com qualquer variação no risco secundár...io da infecção. 2. Para caraterizar casos secundários incluindo a escala da apresentação clínica, fatores de risco para a infecção, a extensão e a fração de infecções assintomáticas. 3. Para caraterizar a resposta sorológica que segue a infecção confirmada pelo 2019-nCoV (altamente incentivado, mas opcional dependendo da capacidade e dos recursos do laboratório).
Profile of health crisis response of district, area or cities in Indonesia with high risk of natural disaster : Kutai City, Indonesia
Profile of Health Crisis Response within District with High Risk of Natural Disaster : District of Morotai Island, Indonesia
Profile of Crisis Response of District Health or Disaster Risk at East Halmahera District, Indonesia
Profile of Crisis Response of District Health / Disaster Risk: Regency of Pulang Pisau, Indonesia
Timely detection of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection cases is crucial to interrupt the spread of this virus. We assessed the required expertise and capacity for molecular detection of 2019-nCoV in specialised laboratories in 30 European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA) countries. Thirty-...eight laboratories in 24 EU/EEA countries had diagnostic tests available by 29 January 2020. A coverage of all EU/EEA countries was expected by mid-February. Availability of primers/probes, positive controls and personnel were main implementation barriers.
Profile of health crisis response of area, city or district in indonesia with high risk of natural disaster : Bengkulu City, Indonesia