Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Pakistan
Spetember 2020
Interagency Guidelines; Medicines and medical devices for 10 000 people for approximately three month.
in collaboration with IMPAACT (International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials) network, PENTA (Paediatric European Network for Treatment of AIDS) foundation and experts from the Paediatric Antiretroviral Working Group
Health Evidence Network synthesis report 72
Background document to the 2018 joint statement by WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF, ICM, ICN, FIGO and IPA: definition of skilled health personnel providing care during childbirth
Policy Brief
Consolidated Guidelines
Updated 2016
Left unabated, climate change will have catastrophic effects on the health of present and future generations. Such effects are already seen in Europe, through more frequent and severe extreme weather events, alterations to water and food systems, and changes in the environmental suitability for infe...ctious diseases. As one of the largest current and historical contributors to greenhouse gases and the largest provider of financing for climate change mitigation and adaptation, Europe’s response is crucial, for both human health and the planet. To ensure that health and
wellbeing are protected in this response it is essential to build the capacity to understand, monitor, and quantify health impacts of climate change and the health co-benefits of accelerated action.
Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2018;42:e45.
One of the most important ways we feel we can help to reduce the burden of cancer in Africa is to work with African cancer advocacy organisations to help educate and advocate about cancer in their countries. To this end in 2010 we designed with our partners, 13 posters for use in Africa
giving and lifestyle tips on how to avoid cancer and highlighting the early warning sign and symptoms of common cancers in Africa
The Lancet Global Health: DOI:
Open Access