How has the DRC Ebola outbreak impacted Sexual and Reproductive Health in North-Kivu?
Recommendations (more specifics found in the assessment):
1. Sexual and reproductive health needs and services are to be embedded in the EVD response from the outset.
2. Reduce delays at every stage of the patie...nt journey, particularly for women experiencing obstetric complications, including complications from abortion.
3. Support individuals and communities to mitigate SRH risks posed during and after EVD epidemic:
4. Formulate SRH guidelines for the EVD context involving experts in all relevant fields.
Accessed on 16.03.2020
According to the Recensement general de la population et de l'habitation de 2006, the disability prevalence rate in Burkina Faso is 1.2%
Orientaciones provisionales 2 de noviembre de 2020
Estas orientaciones provisionales son una actualización de la versión anterior, publicada el 31 de mayo de 2020 bajo el título “Harmonized modules for health facility assessment modules in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic...”. Esta labor de actualizaciónha permitido perfeccionar y seguir desarrollando el contenido de los módulos.
This assessment tool is to support municipalities and local authorities in identifying the risks and vulnerabilities that refugees and migrants face and to identify gaps where possible methods to minimize the impact of the pandemic exist so that they can be prioritized within local policy processes.
Results of an innovative model launched in TB clinics in six regions
Accessed: 12.03.2020
Accessed on 11.03.2020
Burkina Faso will not achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on reducing maternal mortality of children under five, which is still too high.
Для кого этот документ: государственные органы, СМИ и местные организации, участвующие в мероприятиях по борьбе с новой коронавирусной инфекцией COVID-19.
Социальная ...стигматизация в вопросах здоровья – возникновение негативной ассоциации определенного заболевания с определенным лицом или группой лиц с общими характеристиками. Во время вспышки заболевания может выражаться в распространении предвзятости, стереотипов, дискриминации и сегрегации в отношении таких людей и/или в потере ими своего статуса вследствие усматриваемой у них связи с болезнью.
Accessed: 10.03.2020
Treatment Action Campaign (TAC):
Working for Access to quality Public Healthcare in South Africa since 1998
This Participant Guide has been designed to assist health facilities and community based non-clinicians to develop skills to provide linkage to care, adherence and retention in care services for chronic conditions
The Lancet Volume June 2020, vol.4 : e217-218
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