Contains many illustrations of all country materials – of risk factors, treatment procedures, side effects, coping, healthy lifestyle, and more; Promotes cancer screening, especially for breast and cervical cancer, and gives local resources; Educates about local cancer risk factors, e.g., HIV infe...ction, ‘burning buvera or breathing in diesel fumes'; Emphasizes the need to avoid tobacco and heavy alcohol use
A guide for patients and caregivers
Unachohitaji kujua kuhusu saratani kwa matumizi ya wagonjwa na wauguzi.
Unachofaa kujua kuhusu saratani. Mwongozo kwa wagonjwa na wahudumu wa afya.
A job aid for use by health workers when educating clients and their family members about cancer; Each page has a large illustration to share with patients, with talking points on the reverse side; Presents similar content to patient/caregiver booklet; Includes a page on patient rights (e.g., right to confidentiality, right to be treated with dignity and respect).
This booklet avises on how to deal with unexpected emotions; changes in family routines and the relationship with the patient; Offers helpful tips on how to advocate for the patient within the health system and the community; Helps caregivers know what to expect when the end of life is near; Gi...ves tips on how to ask others for help; self-care.
Engeri Y'okugumira Embeera nga olina Kkookolo. Akatabo K'Abalwadde.