In the event of an accident or medical emergency, First Aid saves lives. Keeping the patient alive and safe until the arrival of expert professional help is a vital part of the chain of care which leads to recovery. The principle of First Aid must be simple skills, clearly taught and capable of bein...g performed in a stressful situation by those with no medical training. This manual is intended to offer a basic level of First Aid for members of the general public.
The contents of this manual are offered as a first edition of European First Aid Guidelines for general use. As such they are compatible with current practise, with other specialist guidelines (for example regarding the management of burns) and with the evidence base where one exists. These guidelines will be updated on a regular basis by the JOIN Clinical Working Group.
Climate change is altering seasonal patterns, making our summers hotter, and fueling increased flooding from coastal storms. As a result, we face more heat-related illnesses, air quality issues, food and water contamination, traumatic injuries, threats to our mental health, and infectious diseases. ...These threats will only get worse as big polluters continue to pump carbon from coal, oil, and natural gas into the air. The good news is that we can protect ourselves from these impacts by moving to cleaner energy strategies and preparing more effectively for future disasters.
age- and sex-disaggregated data May 2021; Global COVID-19 data on the number of cases and deaths among children and adolescents are limited, which makes it challenging to understand the many ways in which children and young people are being affected by the pandemic. To shed light on the situation, t...his dashboard presents age- and sex-disaggregated confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths based on the COVerAGE database.
The practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) has proved remarkably tenacious, despite attempts spanning nearly a century to eliminate it. Nevertheless, a number of countries have seen some declines in the practice – at least up until the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of which is yet to be fully... understood. Other changes in FGM are also evident. These include shifts in attitudes and in the ways the procedure is being carried out.
As the world rallies to accelerate progress against FGM, understanding what drives change in how people think about the practice and act is key to its elimination. Education is one such driver. It is an important mechanism to increase awareness of the dangers of FGM and of groups that do not practise it. Education also fosters questioning and discussion and provides opportunities for individuals to take on social roles that are not dependent on the practice of FGM for acceptance.
Im Rahmen des Modellprojekts „Gemeinsam für mehr Teilhabe geflüchteter Kinder und Familien am Kinder- und Jugendhilfesystem. Zugänge schaffen und Kooperation fördern!“ von Save the Children und Plan International wurde das Bilder- und Vorlesebuch „Schön, dass du da bist! Ein Kennenlernbuc...h über die Kinder- und Jugendhilfe für geflüchtete Kinder und Eltern“ veröffentlicht.
Aktuell fliehen hunderttausende Menschen, vor allem Frauen und Kinder aus der Ukraine in Nachbarländer. Besonders alleinreisende Frauen und Kinder sind in dieser gefährdeten Situation angreifbar und ein Ziel für Menschenhändler*innen.
Viele Menschen sind an der ukrainischen Grenze, um solidar...isch Hilfe anzubieten. Es gibt jedoch auch Menschen, die persönlich Profit aus dem Schicksal anderer schlagen wollen. Wenn Helfer*innen einen Transport oder eine Unterkunft anbieten und versuchen, Flüchtende zu überzeugen, das Angebot anzunehmen und nicht davon abrücken, ist das ein eindeutiges Warnsignal. Ebenfalls ist es ein Warnsignal, wenn für die angebotene Hilfe eine Gegenleistung erwartet und dies kommuniziert wird.
Der Bundesfachverband unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge setzt sich für geflüchtete Kinder, Jugendliche und Heranwachsende ein. Wir bieten Hilfestellungen für junge Geflüchtete ebenso wie für Fachkräfte und ehrenamtlich Aktive. Als gemeinnütziger Verein können wir unabhängig agieren u...nd parteiisch an der Seite der jungen Menschen stehen. Unser Ziel ist, dass junge Geflüchtete ohne Angst,
Ausgrenzung und Diskriminierung aufwachsen können und die gleichen Rechte wie alle anderen jungen Menschen erhalten.
Der Flyer ist in sieben Sprachen erhältlich (Deutsch, Russisch, Dari/Farsi, Tigrinya, Englisch, Französisch und Arabisch) und klärt Geflüchtete und ihre Unterstützer*innen über Grundrechte in Gemeinschaftsunterkünften auf. Was ist für die Heimleitung und die Beschäftigten der Unterkünfte v...erboten, was unter bestimmten Vorraussetzungen erlaubt? Denn: Für Menschen, die in Gemeinschaftsunterkünften leben, gelten die Grundrechte des Grundgesetzes
The Planetary Health Report Card is a student-driven, metric-based initiative to inspire planetary health and sustainable healthcare education engagement in medical schools. In addition to inspiring expansion of medical school curricula, we hope to inspire medical schools to expand research efforts,... engage with communities most affected by climate change and environmental injustice, support passionate medical students who are trying to organize around planetary health at the institutional level, and implement sustainable practices. A set of metrics in these five category areas allows students and faculty to conduct a needs assessment at their medical school.
The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) is an independent scientific analysis produced by two research organisations tracking climate action since 2009. We track progress towards the globally agreed aim of holding warming well below 2°C, and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C.
Die Deutsche Allianz Klimawandel und Gesundheit (KLUG) gründete sich im Oktober 2017 als Netzwerk von Einzelpersonen, Organisationen und Verbänden aus dem gesamten Gesundheitsbereich.
Dazu vernetzen sich die Akteure quer zu Sektoren und Hierarchien in der gesamten Gesellschaft und werden insbeson...dere auf kommunaler und lokaler Ebene in ihrem Umfeld aktiv. Klimaschutz und Abmilderung (Mitigation) der Folgen der Erderwärmung müssen in Forschung, Aus- und Weiterbildung integriert bzw. verstärkt werden.
Acting Together for Environmental health.
Imagine hospitals, health care facilities, health systems, and health organizations from around the world working together for a healthier, more sustainable planet…this is Global Green and Healthy Hospitals.
GGHH is an international network of hospital...s, health care facilities, health systems, and health organizations dedicated to reducing their environmental footprint and promoting public and environmental health.
7 April 2022. Aimed at national policymakers, public health and healthcare planners, staff working in reception centres, and healthcare staff caring for displaced persons, the information note concludes that universal testing of incoming refugees from Ukraine for tuberculosis (TB) infection is not r...ecommended. Specific groups, such as household contacts of bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary cases, or those who are immunocompromised should however be considered for TB infection testing.
Available in Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovakian, Ukranian
7 April 2022. Aimed at national policymakers, public health and healthcare planners, staff working in reception centres, and healthcare staff caring for displaced persons, the information note concludes that universal testing of incoming refugees from Ukraine for tuberculosis (TB) infection is not r...ecommended. Specific groups, such as household contacts of bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary cases, or those who are immunocompromised should however be considered for TB infection testing.
The One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership, also known as UN CC:Learn, is a collaborative initiative of 36 multilateral organizations working together to help countries build the knowledge and skills they need to take action on climate change. These include better climate literacy and other cruc...ial skills to tackle this challenge.
UN CC:Learn provides guidance and quality learning resources to support people, governments and businesses to understand, adapt, and build resilience to climate change.
Climate Box is a comprehensive learning toolkit that educates school children about climate change and inspires them to take action.
Designed to make learning fun and interesting, the Climate Box provides up-to-date information on climate change with a range of creative tasks, games, quizzes and ...experiments, as well as resources for teachers/educators.
This section includes relevant practices, innovative processes and 'learning from experience' examples. All information is provided by the stakeholders themselves who remain responsible for accuracy and veracity of the content.
CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. Over the past 20 years we have created a system that has resulted in unparalleled engagement on environmental issues worldwide.
AHRO Reviews of Nursing is an international open-access journal that promotes the dissemination of quality knowledge in all aspects of nursing practice
The AHRO Review of Nursing (ARN) is an international, open-access, peer reviewed, scientific journal that seeks to promote the dissemination of q...uality knowledge related to all spheres of nursing practice. The primary aim is to promote a high standard of clinically related scholarship which advances and supports the practice and discipline of nursing. The Journal also aims to promote the international exchange of ideas and experience that draws from the different cultures in which practice takes place. Further, ARN seeks to enrich insight into clinical need and the implications for nursing intervention and models of service delivery. Emphasis is placed on promoting critical debate on the art and science of nursing practice.
ARN is essential reading for anyone involved in nursing practice, whether clinicians, researchers, educators, managers, policy makers, or students. The development of clinical practice and the changing patterns of inter-professional working are also central to ARN's scope of interest. Contributions are welcomed from other health professionals on issues that have a direct impact on nursing practice.
n view of the situation in Ukraine, IRSN has produced an information note presenting the nuclear facilities in Ukraine and an overview on the radiological monitoring of the country.
An increase of the radiological atmosphere around the Chernobyl site was reportedly observed on the stations nea...r the installations. The Ukrainian safety authority mentions a resuspension of contamination by the passage of military tanks.
IRSN does not have any information to confirm or refute this information. It is advisable to remain very cautious about these measurements at this stage. No increase in radioactivity has been detected in the European countries with which IRSN is in contact.