A Formative Evaluation of UNICEF’s Child Protection System Building Approach in Indonesia
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR):
Blended Learning Modulef or the Health Extension Programme
In this study session, you will learn about the general features of faeco-oraldiseases: the main types commonly found in Ethiopia, their general symptomsand signs, how to treat mild cases and when to refer patients with severeconditions for... specialised treatment, or laboratory tests to confirm thediagnosis. You will also learn about the importance of giving effective healtheducation to your community on ways to prevent and control faeco-oraldiseases.
"Patient decontamination principles are set forth here from a strategic perspective, rather than a tactical
one. The principles are meant to guide, but not specify, operational practices. The guidance is evidencebased
to the extent possible and the supporting evidence is documented and briefly dis...cussed."
Please read online the lastest updated versions http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/qa.html
Venturini et al. BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14(Suppl 1):S5 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2334/14/S1/S5
Getting to Zero
Sustainable Financing of National HIV Responses
Conceived as part of the CWS-A/P project on regional security and risk management, this book presents a
collection of testimonies from aid workers in some of the most insecure and volatile environments in the world.
The participants recount a broad array of security incidents, such as kidnappings,... suicide bombings, mob
violence, road ambushes, and point-blank range shootings. Their narrative provides valuable information on
how organizations can manage security risks and streamline safety policies.
Follow up to the Maseru Declaration. ZIMBABWE COUNTRY REPORT
Reporting Period: January 2013 - December 2013
To Initiating a Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Project in Urban Slums with Social Mapping, Census Taking, and Community Engagement
Case Manangement Training Modules