Blueprint for EECA countries, first edition
Epidemiologisches Bulletin ; 12. Dezember 2016 / Nr. 49 aktuelle daten und informationen zu infektionskrankheiten und public health
Standard Operating Procedures for Implementation of TB Activities at HIV/AIDS Service Delivery Sites
Distr.: General, Original: French
From policy to practice: how the TB-HIV response is working
“The HIV community must place much more focus on TB co-infection than
it has done to date. TB takes the lives of over 1000 people living with HIV
every day, a number which is absolutely unacceptable. This report highlights that
TB d...oesn’t have to be a death sentence for people living with HIV, but we need
more action. By joining forces, the HIV and TB community can finally give this
deadly issue the attention it deserves.”
– Mike Podmore, Director STOPAIDS
Progress in diagnosis: Akey in overcoming the MDR-TB crisis.
The expanse-TV project progress and impact brief.
Comment donner du poids à vos messages sur la tuberculose