ПРактИЧеское РукоВодстВо для соВместных меРоПРИятИй.
Impact Factor 5.7
June 2015
Featuring a series of articles on HIV and STI epidemiology, prevention and control among MSM in Europe
Children expressed the need for organisations to
support in the delivery of services such as health and
sanitation. The children also emphasized that schools
and the child-friendly spaces (CFSs) were effective
and important spaces to provide them with what they
Informationen zur Erstversorgung unbegleiteter, minderjähriger Flüchtlinge. Die Inobhutnahme und Erstversorgung unbegleiteter, minderjähriger Flüchtlinge in Hamburg.
This quality standard covers prevention of falls and assessment after a fall in older people (aged 65 and over) who are living in the community or staying in hospital. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
Full Length Research Paper
Received 23 March, 2015; Accepted 5 August, 2015
Vol.7(9), pp. 204-213, September, 2015 DOI: 10.5897/IJSA2015.0604
Article Number: F0D0DDC54848
ISSN 2006- 988x
Global Situation Assessment of El Niño-related Health Risks
with recommended essential medicines for common diseases in patients in Stockholm County Council (Healthcare Region), Sweden
Eine Handreichung und Arbeitshilfe
This guide is available in following languages:
Arabic, German, English, French, Italien, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Croatian, Spanish, Turkish.
Go to http://www.ethno-medizinisches-zentrum.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=37&Itemid=40
The new WHO guidelines recommend that people living with HIV be started on antiretrovirals (ARVs) as soon as possible after being diagnosed. Currently, many people living with the virus globally must wait until their CD4 counts fall to 500 to start treatment. According to the WHO, the move to early ...treatment –or what some have dubbed the “test and treat” model –is backed by the latest research.