в данном трехмодульном учебном пакете обосновывается необходимость скоординированного глобального плана реагирования на вспышку COVID-19. Даются также необходимые ...указания по использованию Руководства по оперативному планированию для поддержки готовности и мер реагирования на страновом уровне. В этом руководстве описаны первоочередные шаги и действия по основным направлениям обеспечения готовности и мер реагирования в области общественного здравоохранения, которые должны быть включены в планы стран по обеспечению готовности и реагирования. Эти рекомендации соответствуют ранее опубликованному Стратегическому плану по обеспечению готовности и реагирования на COVID-19 (СПГР). К концу этого курса назначенные ведущие специалисты СГООН по планированию и соответствующие партнеры должны уметь оценивать и устранять пробелы в потенциале реагирования на вспышку COVID-19.
COVID-19: Operational Planning Guidelines and COVID-19 Partners Platform to support country preparedness and response
also available in: English - Português - français - 中文 - Bahasa Indonesia - العربية - Español
A guide on how to prevent and address social stigma surrounding coronavirus disease (COVID-19) for Government, media and local organisations working on the disease.
Available in different languages: Arabic, English, French, Indonesia, Hindi, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Vientmese, Bengali, Malay, Portu...guese, Spanish, Tamil, Chinese
Updated 10 August 2020
This document presents an essential medicines list (EML) to manage patients in intensive care units (ICUs) with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, which includes active ingredients with dosage form and concentration, and are preferably in the WHO Model Lists of Essent...ial Medicines 2019; based on clinical presentations and symptoms identified and prioritized in World Health Organization (WHO) and Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) guidelines and the evidence presented in these guidelines.
The Clinical Management of Patients with COVID-19 course series is developed for healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The course provides crucial knowledge necessary to provide safe, effective quality patient care. Presentations address all aspects of clinical management, including facil...ity preparation and surge planning; health worker infection prevention and control; interfacility transfer; clinical management of mild, moderate, and severely ill patients with COVID-19; special considerations for geriatric, pregnant, and pediatric patients with COVID-19; rehabilitation; and ethics and palliative care.
The course series consists of 6 courses, which include video lectures and downloadable presentations that have been updated with the latest guidance and evidence. Each module contains 5-8 lectures, and each lecture includes a quiz to evaluate knowledge acquisition.
The outbreak of the coronavirus is leading to increased challenges in clinical management and uncertainty among the general population. To support the advice and treatment of patients, we have updated our Knowledge Library to include an informative Learning Card about COVID-19.
This update contai...ns essential details, as well as references to reputable sources and the newest treatment recommendations from the institutes and authorities who are evaluating these developments on a daily basis. The Learning Card has been written, curated and extensively checked by our qualified team of international physicians.
Коронавирусная инфекция COVID-19 – это инфекционное заболевание, вызванное недавно открытым коронавирусом. Данный курс состоит из кратких лекций и технических руков...одств, в которых описываются принципы, минимальные требования и технические условия, выполнение которых необходимо для создания и обустройства медицинских учреждений, специализирующихся на лечении ТОРИ. В рамках курса также приводятся рекомендации по работе персонала, задействованного в обеспечении готовности и реагирования, включая руководителей и специалистов по планированию в сфере здравоохранения, архитекторов, инженеров, персонал в области материально-технического обеспечения, персонал, обслуживающий системы водоснабжения и водоотведения, врачей и средний медицинский персонал, лиц, осуществляющих уход за больными, и других поставщиков медицинских услуг, а также работников санитарного просвещения.
Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) Treatment Facility Design
also available in: Português - русский - العربية - Italiano - Bahasa Indonesia - Español - Français - Tiếng Việt - Tetun
этот курс представляет собой общее введение в проблему острых респираторных инфекций (ОРИ), а также освещает меры элементарной гигиены, позволяющие защититься от ...нфекции. По завершении курса вы сумеете изложить основную информацию об ОРИ, в том числе о способах их передачи и методике оценки риска инфицирования, а также перечислить меры элементарной гигиены для защиты от ОРИ. В конце курса вам будет предложено пройти тест.
English - français - Bahasa Indonesia - Português - 中文 - Español - العربية - Tiếng Việt - বাংলা - Shqip - македонски - Tetun - Polski - සිංහල
With about 24 million of Yemen’s 30 million people in need of some form of assistance, the United Nations calls Yemen the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Cholera and other disease outbreaks are common, malnutrition is widespread, water is scarce, and the healthcare system is crumbling, with o...nly half of the country’s 5,000 or so health facilities fully operational and with massive medical supply and staff shortages. In August 2020, the UN warned the country was again on the brink of full-scale famine.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on the use of pooled sample testing strategy in coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
testing laboratories of the African Union Member States for scaling up SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid testing capacity with the available resources. The current document descr...ibes the effect of factors such as the prevalence of COVID-19 in the population to be tested, the homogeneity of pools, and the sensitivity of the molecular test in optimal pool size determination. It also highlights the importance of monitoring the prevalence of COVID-19 in a population to be tested and proper validation of the test, to limit the potential for false-negative results. Validation studies to determine the optimal pool size by testing laboratories are recommended as the optimum approach. A safe, simple ‘two-stage pooling’ option has been indicated in this guidance to be used by laboratories until such validation can be achieved.
Available in English, French, Portuguese and Arabic
Successful immunization of a critical mass of the African population with one or several safe and efficacious COVID-19 vaccines.Key objectives1. Accelerate African involvement in the clinical development of a vaccine. 2. Ensur...e African countries can access a sufficient share of the global vaccine supply.3. Remove barriers to widespread delivery and uptake of effective vaccines across Africa.
La stratégie continentale commune africaine pour COVID-19 est sous-tendue par la nécessité de limiter la transmission, de prévenir les décès et de réduire les dommages associés. La participation des nations africaines aux essais cliniques est une étape essentielle pour garantir la productio...n de données suffisantes sur la sécurité et l'efficacité des candidats vaccins les plus prometteurs parmi les populations de la région.
Bien que l'activité actuelle des essais cliniques COVID-19 sur le continent soit limitée, l'Afrique possède une expérience et des capacités considérables pour mener des essais cliniques de vaccins préventifs contre toute une série de maladies, et de nombreuses organisations du continent travaillent sans relâche pour aider à préparer des essais supplémentaires sur des vaccins COVID-19 potentiels.
Disponible en anglais, français et portugais
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, this guidance provides information on infection and prevention control (IPC) for older people, their friends and families, carers, and healthcare providers. Anyone who manages, works, volunteers or provides care at any type of facilities where older people recei...ve care at (long-term care facilities, non-acute care facilities, and home care services), should practice strict IPC to prevent and control COVID-19 outbreaks. It has been observed in different countries that older people have higher case-fatality rate compared to other age groups. Therefore, it is especially important to implement and follow IPC measures at facilities, homes, and other venues that older people frequent.
Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) provides a vast amount of information and the highest possible resolution for pathogen subtyping. The application of WGS for global surveillance can provide information on the early emergence and spread of AMR and further inform timely policy development on AMR control.... Sequencing data emanating from AMR surveillance may provide key information to guide the development of rapid diagnostic tools for better and more rapid characterization of AMR, and thus complement phenotypic methods. This document addresses the applications of WGS for AMR surveillance, including the benefits and limitations of current WGS technologies
Le coronavirus. Ce nom est aujourd’hui sur toutes les lèvres. Certains le redoutent, et constituent des réserves de masques et de gel désinfectant. D’autres s’agacent de tout le ramdam fait autour d’un virus qui fait bien moins de morts que la grippe saisonnière. Alors où se trouve la v...érité ? Doit-on vraiment redouter cette épidémie de pneumonie virale venue de Chine ? Doit-on se calfeutrer chez soi pour éviter le danger ? Et le coronavirus pourrait-il échapper à tout contrôle ? Canal Détox coupe court aux fausses infos.
Available in 90 languages!
Parenting for Lifelong Health provides open-access online parenting resources during COVID-19. We are working with the World Health Organization, UNICEF, UNODC, the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, USAID, the Centers for Disease Control and Preventio...n, World Without Orphans, the World Childhood Foundation, the Internet of Good Things and Clowns Without Borders South Africa.
The key objective is to celebrate, source, and supply innovations across 12 COVID-19 categories (i.e. response areas). The growing list of 800+ featured innovations includes those that are ready to deploy, plus innovations that could be adapted for COVID-19 responses, or inspire new, much-needed sol...utions. A smaller list is identified as COVID-19 Recognized Innovations for their response efforts so others can more easily find and use them. We are also actively sourcing new innovations designed in response to COVID-19. We hope you find it valuable as we come together to address this global challenge, and would welcome your support so we can continue to help use innovation in tackling future crises yet to come.
A learning environment representing providers from variably-resourced practice settings, the mission of the Global Anesthesia and Critical Care Learning Resource Center is to improve equity in peri-operative healthcare access locally and across the globe through medical education, engaging discussio...ns, remote mentorship, and building professional networks.
The World Health Organization’s comprehensive antenatal care (ANC) guideline WHO recommendations on antenatal care for a positive pregnancy experience was published in 2016 with the objective of improving the quality of routine health care that all women and adolescent girls receive during pregnan...cy. The overarching principle – to provide pregnant service users with a positive pregnancy experience – aims to encourage countries to expand their health-care agendas beyond survival, with a view to maximizing health, human rights and the potential of their populations. Recognizing that ANC provides a strategic platform for important health-care functions, including health promotion and disease prevention, 14 out of the 49 recommendations in the WHO 2016 ANC guideline relate to nutrition in pregnancy.
El presente protocolo es una actualización del emitido el 24 de abril 2020 y contiene las
siguientes modificaciones:
• Definición de caso: Las definiciones de caso sospechoso y confirmado son dinámicas y secundarias a la situación epidemiológica vigente. En este contexto el Ministerio de
Salud de Nación ha modificado el criterio de caso sospechoso y de caso confirmado en pediatría. El Ministerio de Salud de Provincia de Buenos Aires acepta y adhiere a estos cambios.
• Manifestaciones clínicas: Se agregan manifestaciones clínicas en pediatría en base a la evidencia disponible y según la actualización realizada por el Ministerio de Salud de
• Criterio de Alta: Los criterios de alta para el manejo de casos son dinámicos y se
adecúan conforme con las actualizaciones de la evidencia disponible y las recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. En este marco, el Ministerio de Salud de Nación ha modificado el criterio de alta del aislamiento para un caso
confirmado de COVID-19 el 24 de junio. El Ministerio de Salud de Provincia de Buenos
Aires acepta y se adhiere a este cambio.
24 marzo 2020
El objetivo de este documento es elaborar una lista de medicamentos esenciales para manejar los pacientes en unidades de cuidados intensivos con sospecha o diagnóstico confirmado de COVID -19. Incluye principios activos con su forma farmacéutica y concentración —preferentemente e...ntre los recogidos en la Lista Modelo de Medicamentos Esenciales de la OMS (2019)—, con base en los cuadros clínicos y los síntomas identificados y priorizados en las guías de la OMS y de Surviving Sepsis Campaign y en las evidencias presentadas en dichas guías.