International Workshop on Ideologies, Values and Political Behaviors
in Central and Eastern Europe
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 183 ( 2015 ) 135 – 140
(Updated 2015)
Scoping question: What is the effectiveness of caregiver skills training in the management of children and adolescents with developmental disorders?
Common Threads, Common Practice provides a concise, easy to use reference guide for best practice when working with immigrant and refugee women in sexual and reproductive health.
UNAIDS and DPKO non paper | 2011
mhGAP Training of Health-care Providers Training manual and Supporting material.
Fistula Services Facilitative Supervision and Medical Monitoring for Training Sites and Training Follow- up
This checklist facilitates the supervision and monitoring of training activities. Forms include: Facility Information; Training Follow Up for Fistula Surgery and Peri-operative Care; Training... Follow Up for Fistula Counselors; Additional Supervision/Monitoring for a Fistula Training Site; and Summary Notes and Recommendations from the Supervision and Monitoring Visit
1. What do we mean by ‘psychosocial support (PSS)? | 2. What are the basic principles of psychosocial support for UNICEF? | 3. In what types of situations does UNICEF address psychosocial support? | 4. Are there certain psychosocial interventions in which UNICEF should not normally seek to inves...t? | 5. Are there any types of interventions we should discourage? | 6. Should UNICEF support one-to-one counselling? In what situations might this be appropriate? | 7. When should children be referred for professional mental health support? | 8. Should we avoid using the term “traumatised” when referring to children? | 9. How do we assess the type or response needed a) for quick, short term action? b) for medium-long term interventions? | 10. How can caregivers and professionals who have themselves experienced the same crises or exposures provide psychosocial support to children? | 11. What materials and tools are recommended to support and monitor PSS interventions? Where can these be obtained?
Understanding Cultural Diversity in Mental Health
Accessed on 04.04.2023
La Iniciativa Medicamentos para Enfermedades Olvidadas (DNDi) es una organización
internacional sin fines de lucro que proporciona tratamientos seguros, eficaces y
asequibles para los pacientes más desatendidos, desde el laboratorio hasta su llegada
a las manos de ...las poblaciones más vulnerables del mundo.
En consonancia con el tema general de "la salud universal y la pandemia: sistemas de salud resilientes", se pone de relieve la respuesta de la OPS a la pandemia de COVID-19, así como sus esfuerzos continuos en esferas prioritarias como las enfermedades transmisibles, las enfermedades no, la salud mental, la salud a lo largo del curso de vida y las emergencias de salud. También se presenta un resumen financiero del ejercicio examinado.
Available in English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese