In order to assist those who are undergoing stress because of Corona Virus crisis, an online Help Desk was launched at Catholic Health Association of India, Directorate, Hyderabad on 26th February.
Billion Lives, a social impact tech company based in Bangalore, India, headed by Mr. John Santhosh,... developed the necessary platform and tech solutions for People can come to the site for live chats, audio and video calls, apart from communicating through mails. The site is active and accessible. There are about 30 professionals from social work and psychology background ready to take calls and deal with fears and anxieties about corona virus crisis. Doctors are ready to answer medical queries.
Multilingual Support: When it comes to language you don't have to worry about being on the wrong page we have multilingual support.
A panel of social workers, psychologists & counselors who are waiting to speak to you.
24X7 Availability
More than 100 countries across the world now have reported cases of COVID-19. People traveling to these countries or people who have travelled abroad might possibly have come in contact with people affected with COVID-19 during their stay or even while in transit at the airports. Within these countr...ies, few countries have reported very large number of cases and deaths putting passengers from these countries particularly at higher risk of infection.
Die neue Stopp Corona-App will dazu beitragen, die Infektionskette der Corona-Infektionen schnellstmöglich zu unterbrechen. Dazu dient als Kernstück ein Kontakt-Tagebuch, indem persönliche Begegnungen mittels "digitalem Handshake" anonymisiert gespeichert werden. Treten bei einer Person dann Symp...tome einer Corona-Erkrankung auf, wird man als Kontakt automatisch benachrichtigt und gebeten, sich selbst zu isolieren.
Children in every country are struggling with the impact of COVID-19. An entire generation has had its education disrupted, from nurseries and pre-primaries to universities and apprenticeships
Das Ziel unseres Podcasts ist es Euch wichtige Neuigkeiten und Know-How von Praktikern/innen für Praktikern/innen zu liefern. Damit wollen wir die Arbeit der Mitarbeiter/innen in den Einrichtungen des Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes unterstützen!
This statement is for healthcare professionals who are performing CPR in a healthcare setting.
Information from the NHS and WHO.
Made by Cambridge Medics and Researchers.
It is in these uncertain times that we realise the fragility of the interwoven systems we all depend on to survive.
Much like the climate crisis, this COVID-19 outbreak challenges us to think about resilience and the communities and social solidarity we'll all need for an uncertain future. Here 5 ways to keep organising to stop the climate crisis whilst supporting your community as authorities work to contain this pandemic.
The content on the UpToDate website is not intended nor recommended as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your own physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any medical qüstions or conditions
Free Access
Временное руководство в.2 26 января 2020 г. WHO/2019-nCoV/RCCE/v2020.2
В настоящем документе представлены контрольные перечни, разработанные ВОЗ для обеспечения готовности и пр...нятия первоначальных мер реагирования в области информирования о рисках и взаимодействия с местными сообществами (ИРВС) в связи со вспышкой инфекции, вызванной новым коронавирусом 2019 г. (2019-nCoV), недавно выявленным в г. Ухань провинции Хубэй в Китае (2019-nCoV). Задача данного документа – предоставить странам практически выполнимое руководство по реализации эффективных стратегий ИРВС, которые помогут обеспечить защиту здоровья населения на раннем этапе реагирования на вспышку инфекции, вызванной nCoV.
Accessed on 11.03.2020
Burkina Faso will not achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on reducing maternal mortality of children under five, which is still too high.
22nd edition
The purpose of the SAHR has always been to analyse and assess progress and challenges in key areas of the health system, and to propose recommendations for improvement. We are pleased to continue this tradition in the 2019 edition, which presents a unique collection of perspectives on ...the key challenges in implementing universal health coverage (UHC) in South Africa, as analysed by experts in various fields.
Each of the 20 chapters deals with aspects of the UHC journey, dedicated towards an equitable and inclusive national health system that leaves no-one behind. While some authors describe the fundamental changes and practical considerations required to reconfigure the country's health system, others have reflected on specific programmatic areas and have made recommendations from a National Health Insurance (NHI)/UHC lens.
The immunization program has been going well until a rumor begins that one child in a community far from the capital has become sick after receiving a vaccine. The rumor is becoming stronger every day and is picking up coverage on local radio.
Concerned that the rumor might make caregivers concer...ned about bringing their children for vaccination, a few frontline workers (FLWs) go to the house of the children who fell sick. They find out from the child's mother that she never thought her son was sick due to the vaccination he received. The mother agrees to speak to other caregivers during a community gathering to explain that her son's illness was not caused by his vaccination. She also responds to a few questions to reassure other caregivers about the safety and advantages of immunization.
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) represent a range of physical, mental, and behavioral disabilities caused by alcohol use during pregnancy, or prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE). FASDs are considered to be one of the leading preventable causes of developmental disability. Despite its high preval...ence, FASD is often misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed, making interventions more challenging or delayed.
his publication was initially developed for use in Spanish-speaking countries of the Americas and is intended to serve as a training workbook for providers of various disciplines to learn about the fundamentals of diagnosing FASD and to apply them to several case scenarios. It also discusses ethical implications of diagnosing FASD to the mother and child. Target audiences include physicians, psychologists, allied health professionals, social workers, and other providers that may encounter individuals affected by FASD. It is ideally used as a supplement for in-person training by experts in the fields of dysmorphology, epidemiology, and neuropsychology.
Preprints are preliminary reports of work that have not been certified by peer review. They should not be relied on to guide clinical practice or health-related behavior and should not be reported in news media as established information.
COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 preprints from medRxiv and bioRxiv
The 2020 edition of the World malaria report takes a historical look at key milestones that helped shape the global response to the disease over the last 2 decades – a period of unprecedented success in malaria control. The report features a detailed analysis on progress towards the 2020 milestone...s of WHO’s global malaria strategy and a special section on malaria and the COVID-19 pandemic.
As in past years, the report provides an up-to-date assessment of the burden of malaria at global, regional and country levels. It tracks investments in malaria programmes and research as well as progress across all intervention areas. This latest report draws on data from 87 countries and territories with ongoing malaria transmission.
The 2020 edition of the World malaria report takes a historical look at key milestones that helped shape the global response to the disease over the last 2 decades – a period of unprecedented success in malaria control. The report features a detailed analysis on progress towards the 2020 milestone...s of WHO’s global malaria strategy and a special section on malaria and the COVID-19 pandemic.
As in past years, the report provides an up-to-date assessment of the burden of malaria at global, regional and country levels. It tracks investments in malaria programmes and research as well as progress across all intervention areas. This latest report draws on data from 87 countries and territories with ongoing malaria transmission.
Nursing Care Protocol for adult patients with COVID-19 without respiratory complications
Guidelines for care of older adults with SARS CoV-2/COVID-19
Short Guide on the management of patients with COVID-19